A few questions/suggestions
I recall at one point earlier, when male and masculinity high enough, you could fuck random encounters in Mall, is there a plan to bring that back?
Aside from lesbian arc on the beach, is there a plan to integrat lesbian interaction furtherinto the game (at work, gym, club, etc)
I couldn't find it in the "wiki" (quotation as it seems there is no way to add to it, or to global search), what are the to ways to actively reduce bargirl/cowrkers dominance/increase their submission?
One of the changelists listed that thatthe reant contribution bug was fixed, but it seems that, in Brave, there is noway to drease the contribution once raised.
In the same vein, with the addition of the book of conquests,once a target has been successfully dosed, at the very least, the target option button for that character should read un-target, so that targetting can be removed.
Likewise, in the nice to have UI, selection criteria of cothes in mall should be available in personal wardrobe, card dupe would be a nice filter for selling, and VHS filters should be availble at home as they are in store.
Also, the secretary extra option to have sex at private desk does not seem to currently trigger a scene, she is no longer at her desk, but no scene at my desk.