Its a problem many of these VN's that focus on romancing one girl but give you a bunch to chose from are facing. In many of them, this one included, you do one date and the girl already becomes kind of clingy and jealous after just one date, it doesn't allow for the MC to date around prior to choosing the one. Often times you don't even get to meet every available girl prior to making that choice. I mean, even in IRL people go on dates without immediately committing to first person they meet, unless they really hit it of. We are not allowed to ''window shop'' in a lot of these games sadly. I get that its probably done this way to create dramatic moments but at least give us a chance to make the choice we want. Sure you can decline that first date but first dates shouldn't mean full on commitment to one girl.
Im liking this game, its quickly becoming one of my top VN's i have played so far, but a bit more leeway would be appreciated.