tbh i was thinking about why i like the milf here the best. I think it has something to do with how realistic the creator has made her. She is a single mom with an office job, trying her best to support for her family. Her son had earlier been disobedient, irresponsible and unfeeling towards her and the family, but after the soul swapping, he is now much more mature and understanding.
Little details make a story, for real.
I am studying english honors so I go through stories on a daily basis, and so I understand it very well that stories that stick either have a philosophical backing or ideology behind them or they either possess many, many little details, which make characters relatable and us sympathetic to them. Even the fact that anna looks tired most of the time is something ive noticed. youll notice it too if you carefully study her. And when she sees her son, her mood lightens up. She is proud to have her son now, with all his maturity and yes -- newfound manliness. It attracts her, much as manliness attracts all and any woman. He is also very physically attractive and confident of his sexuality and is not ashamed to give speeches of wisdom for dialogues. He even supports her financially as much as he can and is like a doting father to his sister now. And when things start turning erotic, (sorry i forgot name of the son, lets call her Sam) Sam in his usual confident demeanor, uses humor to defuse the tension. That helicopter scene with the Dick still makes me laugh whenever I think of the game. It was very, very, very unusual and proved shocking to me at first which is why I can still remember it very well. I think any dude with so much casual-ness about his sexuality would be perceived as attractive and yes, like i said, confident. By that silly and spontaneous act of his, they both learnt to be easy going regarding their mutual bubbling attraction.
Theres this really important aspect of incest that developers often forget and even entirely ignore, thats guilt and shamefulness. However, our creator here tactfully removed these two elements from the equation entirely by removing the seriousness of sexual relations. Both mother and son mutually accepts their sexual desires and sees each other as equals and that is possible, and even seems reasonable because his is, in actuality, a 60 year old dude (despite protagonist seeming like a 18 yo teenager). They dont suppress their socially constructed inhibitions (ie, society has constructed theidea that incest is wrong) but rather they partake in an act of mutually enjoying each other's company in every way possible. In other words, they cherish each other. It seems more realistic because she is a woman still in a comparatively sexual age. Shes probably not more than 40, and is without a spouse and seemingly stressed throughout the day due to her office work (nothings more tiring than office work).
The plot makes perfect sense. Its very realistic, really.
One place where the eroticism felt a bit rushed was when she went naked in the bed to show her vagina to her son. That was a fair bit too early I suppose. Say, had a kiss been initiated before that scene and bare breasts been shown in another scene on some other day; all of this should have come before the vagina part comes up, then it would have made more sense. But this little bit of rushedness is acceptable because it wasnt anything game breaking.
One other game that has really good logical incest is in Man of the House. Although comic at times, still the incest part had been given proper time and attention. The reasoning behind committing incest is plausable in the story and that made it all the more interesting. I would really recommend it to othersin case they are looking for incest.
To the dev of this story, id say, great job done, mate. Im really looking forward to the sex between the two. But really, anything works. I just want more Anna. Shes so hot and so real. its an absolute turn on!