I haven't been around for a few months but I saw this was back on F9 and felt the need to throw in the thoughts of someone who has been following this for months from his website:
Either way for this game to be finished or find a version of the game that you link with enough smut to enjoy when you replay it and stick with that but don't keep playing this and updating it to new versions!
I honestly don't know what's going on with the developer but the sheer volume of bugs and mistakes that appear from one version to another is quite frankly astounding. We're talking anything from files suddenly being mislabeled and/or have their directories moved but the coding hasn't been updated, up to entire parts of the game being utterly broken. Don't believe me?
1 - You can't play with the brother at all if you edit your character's profile. The MC's physical description doesn't (from what I understand) affect the game at all and is purely cosmetic but someone if you edit her looks, it then breaks the brother's coding and he is removed from the game/unable to be accessed properly.
2 - The Back button is broken (either for this entire version or just the times I tried it) and so makes using the phone pointless. If you use the phone to read a book, take a photo, or do part-time work, there's no actual link to exit the phone. This was never the problem because the back button allowed you get out of the phone without losing your progress. That function is borked somehow and the back button not only works as a reversing time feature. So if you take a selfie with the phone and then press back to go to the room, it works as intended only it doesn't remember the selfie was taken.
As I said, I don't know if this happens all the time or just in the rooms/time of day that I tried it but the fact it happens at all when this feature worked for the versions prior to the update is indicative of how much random stuff goes wrong between versions.
There really isn't a story and I'm actually hesitant to call this a game. It's more a grind fest for the smut and with very limited functionality to carry your games over to a new version (I had to restart the game just to see the balcony show up even though there was nothing to do with it when it was first implemented).
I would compare this came to Crucial Investigation - MC who is going to get increasingly more slutty with a grind on how to unlock doing things with those around the MC. Only Crucial Investigation has the grin give the smut out as rewards at fairly regular and short intervals while this one requires you to get the family's corruption up (usually by spamming the back button if an activity doesn't give you that +1). While I love open-world games (and I truly love open-world smut games), I could never recommend this game to anyone until it was finished or there was a stable version that allowed for the majority of the features to be playable.
Which is a damn shame because I think this would be a fun game if everyone worked properly. But the dev seems to be obsessed with releasing very small games that are almost entirely porn images and no plot (one about a female MC doing gloryhole, one about female MC doing her dog) while letting YM's quality come apart at the seams with each progressively buggy update.
Edit: When I say "following" this game, I don't mean via financial support but keeping an eye on the dev's website and trying out each new release of the public versions.