VN Unity Your Boyfriend [v2024-02-24] [Inverted Mind INC.]


New Member
Apr 13, 2024
Alright, folks, had to reinstate a MEGA account I don't even remember I deleted, but hopefully these work. No internet requirement, no calling home to rat out the crack, and no password requirement.

64-Bit version of the May release.

86-Bit version of May release.

I am gonna try work on the Mac version, but no promises cos I've only ever used Windows. Hopefully those work, I tested them briefly and they should boot but I'm new to doing this stuff myself. (Edit: Yeah, I am completely lost here. Just tried to open it using a different file opener and it ended up creating a "Nebula" folder in my appdata. Couldn't see any files I knew to edit, so I'm at a loss here. Sorry Mac users, I don't think even my Idiot Savant skills can help me here.)
i can play day 1 and day 2, but i can't play day 3 and day 4..


May 10, 2023
I did mention this before. They are keeping tracks on this site. So, all I can tell you all who are trying to crack around, is to not share any advance you make anymore. You know who finds solutions, do it in DM, and if you want to, share the results. At least, they will have to find out how you guys did it. Good job so far, you drove them nuts for awhile! :LOL:


May 10, 2023
Congrats about you making it! I am sure that would have felt really nice! :LOL:
I understand you, it's true once they find out, they will spoil everything and, instead of progressing on their game, they will prefer keep milking people's money in Patreon and stop all progress to find security, in a game, that once released, it's going to get cracked anyways. After all, the game is "almost finished" with only one day left (by the way, I tried the last build, and it was still very glitchy and buggy, are they really fixing all that?)
There are few options, like sharing the key through DM, but it would overwhelm you; creating a Discord, but it won't stop the mole to show up there; or be discriminatory, and just share it with a few, it will make others who are innocent to pay the price.
And indeed, making it too cryptic will make people not wanting to find out, except the mole.
It is really a dilemma...


New Member
Mar 30, 2020
Yeah, I commend you for your dedication. It's frankly ridiculous they are prioritizing making a custom DRM for a game of this size. I used to be a patron a while back, but I stopped due to their glacial progress and increasingly annoying "protection" systems. They would hype up builds for new days, and when it actually releases, it's barely playable due to how buggy they are. They don't even have a simple save function, but they have the time to massively revamp the DRM? That's really insulting to patrons.

Rant aside, there is a way to hide how you cracked it, but I do NOT recommend it since it is probably not worth the effort with there only being one day left. It is via DLL injection. It's similar to how some mods for other games work where you place a .dll file into the game directory and it executes your code changes at runtime. No files will be modified, so they can't easily do a comparison to figure out the method. The caveat is that you'll have to keep the source code closed-source to prevent anyone from uncovering the solution. However, a lot of people will not feel comfortable downloading a closed-sorce DLL off a random forum. It really isn't worth your trouble.


New Member
Jul 24, 2023