A lot of you will probably love this game, at least when it's developed a bit further:
- Sandbox/Roguelite game with lots of transformation, curse effects, deep sexual combat and letting you carry onwards in several reduced, leveled-down states. Reminds you a lot of Trap Quest, Dungeon Depths and Kinky Dungeon, which I all love the feeling of playing in a weakened and sexually inferior state.
- Art is minimalistic but descriptive and game mechanics/rules take a bit to get into (34 page PDF!), but every little move and stat change means something to the gameplay.
- For instance, getting body parts like breasts and cock too big will render you immobile, but getting them too small increases your humiliation and you'll be more easily subjugated in combat. Subdueing your foes with swords and magic is just as effective a strategy as defeating them with your body, but some bosses later on are said to require more a seductive approach.
- So far a good handful of mind control and TF effects that heavily alter your gameplay, hijacks your sex-obsessed PC towards the closest pair of breasts or butt, or keeps you completely still on the ground as a titty mushroom, a slug girl or a pair of panties.
- Here's a summary of the first patreon post dev made in 2021 when they thought of making Labyrinth of the Forgotten Goddess
(and from my experience so far it already delivers on these points!):
I think I'm going to marry this game once I'm old enough to fully understand how it all works. <3
Gotta love RPGs that set aside hand-drawn art and writing convoluted plots, to put all their time and love into making the gameplay deep and exciting.
Greatly reccommend this game, and to skim through the PDF after playing the tutorial level, even if they seem looooong, the game mechanics actually are quite simple and intuitive to understand. What actually takes time and effort is to get used to clicking around a lot, since there's few key bindings, and pressing W to skip turns.