Your least favorite trope in adult games

Impious Monk

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 14, 2021
Taking forever to get to the sex. First, it's a peek through the keyhole to see them nekkid! Second, after waiting forever, we get to kiss! Third, if they want to really draw it out, a French kiss will be next after waiting another eternity. Fourth, after another eon, the main character gets a handjob. Fifth, after yet more waiting, it's now a blowjob! Sixth, after another millennia, they're all hot and bothered, but only strip down to their underwear before getting cold feet. Sixth, same thing, but this time they're naked now! Seventh, a hundred thousand years later, the girl is finally comfortable enough to be eaten out, but her feet get cold once again the moment the cock tip touches her pussy. Eighth, and finally, at the dawn of the final day of time itself, the sex scene finally happens.

All of this frustration gets compounded when it's a harem game--doubly so when there aren't any/many more sex scenes afterward.
I agree. Some games build up fantastic, fiery hot sexual tension, only for an anticlimactic scene where the characters engage in tepid sexual behavior. I want to see the characters give in to their uncontrollable lust. If it's just a handjob then the sexual tension is broken and there was no real payoff.


Feb 28, 2019
R*pe. It really is a turn off. I include the masturbating to a sleeping woman in this as well.

The other which is common is sandbox games in general because they rarely add content and waste a lot of time in mindless day/night grinds.

and games that have million girls but only focus on 2 or 3 of them (the family) because the patron polls only want that (Glamour etc).

NTR/cuckolding that feels more like r*pe mixed with stockholm syndrome (guy takes advantage but woman "enjoys it" so continues like a brainwashed slut)
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Oct 21, 2019
There are quite a few:
- The obligatory shower peek scene. It's just boring at this point. I know, it's a good way to get some early nudes in there, but come on. There are more creative ways.

- The "sex ladder". It's always like this: See boobs -> make out -> foreplay -> handjob -> blowjob -> vaginal -> anal. This is not how it works in real life. It's a game design problem, though. You want to make progress feel rewarding, so you go for the sex ladder. But in my opinion, this eliminates surprises. People get horny when they make out. And then stuff happens.

- The stat grind. This is purely design related. I hate it when games gate content behind arbitrary stat thresholds, especially if raising a stat is linked to repeating mundane tasks like going to the gym 100 times to raise the fitness stat. I think that stat thresholds generally are fine, but they should only be linked to player choices. If I want to repeat mundane tasks, I'll do the dishes.

- As others in this thread have said: Sleep molestation. Huge turnoff for me.

- Finally: The arbitrary trigger. I don't know if this really counts as trope, but let me explain: Some games want you to meet character x at time slot y with item z in your inventory. And they don't tell you that, no - they just expect you to randomly access the scene by mindlessly navigating the sandbox. This is mostly a problem in older games, though. Newer games often come with better UI and an actually usable hint system. And some games even tell you what you're supposed to do.


May 2, 2020
Over the top horny Mother:
No build up, no exciting progress. She sees your dick and nealry instantly wants sex, boring.

Giant dick MC:
Looks weird, leads to cringy cliche dialogues and when the thing is so big that it would never fit a human being it goes from weird to downright disgusting imo. Taffy tales would be the best example, love the rest of the game but the thing between MCs legs...:sick:

Instant sex:
This is also a gamebreaker for me since build up, story and setting is what makes this games superior to regular porn imo.

Game over with no chance to rollback:
I hate this so much, often times the last safe was hours ago...

Last, being forced to play the nice guy:
Okay I just hate romance in porn games, I want them to be dark and hard and be able to play an asshole.
Of course this means I simply avoid romance only games but there are the in betweens where it is not really romance while also not corruption.
What I hate in these is when the plot forces us to make the nice decision like protect your mother from the evil boss or when someone say you should bring him fotos of you sister and you can only refused and be angry about it. If I can't roll with this stuff it should not be in the game imo.
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Deleted member 2741424

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2020
The whole dad is dead or deployed or working away from home for the next 20 years is getting very old.

I dislike having a "best friend" who the MC treats like garbage and the bestie just puts up with it because he's too dumb or too much of a loser to tell the MC to fuck off.

It's already been mentioned, but the MC who's hung like a elephant and can go 32 times a day with no issues.

I don't see this one as often, but I still hate it -- The Dev gives you a choice. You make your choice. Then the game says, "Nah, you don't want to do that" and it doesn't let you. WTF was the point of giving you the option if you can't pick what you want to do?


Active Member
Jun 26, 2017
Boring protagonists without any personality whats-so-ever. They have no achievements, no morals, no humor and no intelligence at all. They simply exist for us to control like a puppet. I don't want a fully autonomous protagonist, but I do like them to have SOME personality.

Degrading a protagonist... Whats the point? Self-deprecation is fun in moderation, jokes can also be fun. But why do some stories try to do it at every convenience possible? It's always too much, makes some characters unlikable and generally only highlights the problems from the last paragraph.

Protagonists overreaction to nudity or beauty. The whole "I can't look away", peeking in showers, peeking everywhere, it's kinda ridiculous and creepy. I didn't even act like that when I was a 12 year old virgin, forget 18+. Even the 18 year old virgins I knew weren't this creepy... It's one thing to check someone out, its another to freak out because you see a hot girl.

Overly perverted protagonists. See paragraphs one and three.

Oversized tits, ass, dicks, etc and overly aggressive or bitchy characters, primarily of the mother and/or sister variety. Should be stated as well.

"Forcing Relationships" by using other characters or events which only exists for the sake of forcing a sex scene or forcing a relationship to the next level. These things never go well, and simply serve as a cheap and easy way to speed up the story. The relationships are generally progressing fine on their own, why force them? Hell, your the dev and the writer. You can increase the pace whenever you want, so why force it?

"Incest" that's barely incest. I don't mind an incest relationship that develops quickly, but whats the point of adding an incest character that is already in a relationship with the protagonist before the story even begins? Just make her a girlfriend or friend with specific kinks or quirks that advances the story in the same way. At least that way she's unique.

Lesbian kinks being treated as a universal kink. Not all dudes are into lesbians simply because they're a dude.

"Unavoidable" kinks which aren't actually avoidable. Many unavoidable tags are simply hidden from the player but still happen according to the story and characters. Not exactly avoidable.
Feb 1, 2022
Idk if it would be regarded as a trope but I really don't like the games that just don't really follow any kind of narrative or point. Like I get that it is porn at the end of the day, but a lot of games are Visual Novels and I think that a lot of games forget the whole Novel part.

Its crazy to me how many games on here have such high rankings but can literally be enjoyed just as much, if not moreso, from downloading a gallery unlocker and just watching the scenes with no context. I don't expect people to put gold on paper but any form of engaging or purposeful plot is a lot more welcome than just random ass running around with no point.


Oct 15, 2017
Along with almost every point already made,

Edgelord protagonists and protagonists getting beat up/mugged.


Feb 15, 2018
Games with Female protags or gay male protags have more story, while most games with straight male protags are usually just various sex scenario. I've only seen one game, Katawa Shoujo, with a straight male protag that was more story than simply sex scenes.
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Jun 4, 2022
Many things have already been mentioned...

- the patented absolutely 100% lifelike and highly realistic sexual progression system

- unrealistic teasing (after 2,000 handjobs and blowjobs and whateverjobs and almost penetration) when a character says... "noooo, I am not ready for actual sex yet, after having given you 2,000 blowjobs, handjobs and foot rubbings and grindings and whatever... but soon, really, trust me, ask me next week" (and next week means the chapter with this content gets released maybe 1 year later and then results in a 2 second animation

- exaggerated proportions and body parts... just why? it looks ridiculous

- forced kinks. Absolute no no. Why this obsession with anal sex even sometimes in otherwise vanilla/wholesome games? Make these things entirely avoidable and optional. Sometimes even the patented virgins immediately are obsessed with anal sex after their first time and you can't avoid or skip this. Urgh...

- turning women into bi-curious sharing and group sex fanatics. This may be mandatory for many harem games perhaps but always feels cheap, it's even worse when a main LI is like that and it's not optional just so you can have threesomes or orgies or whatever

- sleep molestation. I am relatively new to this entire VN thing... and several things just amaze me in all the wrong ways. Like sleep molestation. Why is this such a common thing? Why must so many MCs be complete creeps, idiots and assholes and basically just rapists and molesters?

- yoga... it's lazy when you see it for the 50th time
- applying sunscreen... same
- changing room scenes in a fashion store... ditto - why not come up with new ways for scenes with sexual tension? Maybe watch some romance movies or read some novels for inspiration instead of just other VNs?

- family members (sorry, I mean landlords, landladies and roommates) who for no apparent reason suddenly all become incest fanatics once they turn 18. Including the mother/aunt who suddenly gets these feelings once her kids/nephews & nieces turn 18 because she hasn't had sex in 20 years after her scumbag husband left her or died.
Bonus points for turning all female family members into bi-curious sharing and group sex fanatics who all become addicted to the MCs magic appendage. Incest can be interesting as a topic, since it's a true taboo, but why not make it a little bit more realistic, with characters who are deeply conflicted about it? Also, you usually cannot marry your mother or aunt or sister and have kids with her without getting locked away and other people are certainly NOT ok with that when they find out about it and will inform the authorities. Treating it like a nornal thing that everyone is ok with in these games makes it pointless


New Member
Aug 10, 2019
there is a bunch of stuff but gang rapes, even more when you play as a bad guy that wants to eventually put the girls as part of your harem and eventually impregnate them, i also don't like seeing bunch of several dicks on my screen i rather several girls with a single dude instead


Aug 3, 2021
Incest can be interesting as a topic, since it's a true taboo, but why not make it a little bit more realistic, with characters who are deeply conflicted about it?
I am the exact opposite; I hate drama. Plus, the people I knew who actually had incestuous relationships never felt any guilt or fear because they already knew that their partner was OK with it. When I go for incestuous games, I'd much rather both people already be fine with the matter--more sex scenes that way. Of course, I wouldn't mind the parent waking up, concerned that their child may be regretful, only to have the kid wake up with a smile and ask, "So what's for breakfast? Besides your [pussy/cock], of course?"


Jun 4, 2022
I am the exact opposite; I hate drama.
I suppose the things I want from a VN etc are somewhat different. I'd rather they put more emphasis on the "novel" part and thus have a really good story, more like a traditional romance. For everything else there is p-hub where you can see clips of real people doing real things instead of pixel characters doing fake things - in my opinion. VNs should be so much more than that. And some drama is usually needed for a good story, you need some conflict etc. When everything is just "normal" or "accepted" or everyone is "ok" with things there is no tension really. People usually have inhibitions and/or a bad conscience when they do things that are not generally accepted by society. I would guess... but I am not speaking from experience and I don't know anyone who ever did these things. My life is vanilla all the way through ;)

dusty stu

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2018
"Porn Logic" as an excuse for lazy writting. Usually comes hand-in-hand with "Big mommy milkers incest VN harem".
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May 18, 2021
Less of a trope and more of an attitude towards the game: Thinking the gameplay isn't important and they should half-ass it.

If any visual novel has 'gameplay', it is certainly half-assed because anyone serious about gameplay wouldn't be making a visual novel.