First of all, I hope you can forgive me for my english. Its not my native language. After that I want to quote almost every comment to explain myself why this game.
is your choice finished or close to final ??
Hi Alexander, nope Your choice its not finished yet, I want to take a break between projects, its quite repetitive to me working on the same project always and I want the players emphatize with the main characters, I think this game it can do it..
Don't know, Lusi3D doesn't shared to much about this game in the patreon post's.
Thanks for uploading the game Crust. This game its a spin-off (as you said of Your Choice), those events it happens after the Your Choice.
The screenshots looks pretty grainy, and make it feel out of focus, then I realized it's the same creator as Your Choice so the grainy renders are pretty normal.:FeelsBadMan:
Hi h3avenw0rd, thanks for sharing your opinion. I think that Your choice has a great renders (at least most of them).
For this game I tried to render with another ilumination (trying to get more realistic renders tsss wrong choice).
For the upcoming releases I`ve changed the ilumination for all the scenes that I have. An example its more useful:
no, he is switching monthly.
December 2017 - Working on Your Choice.
January 2018 - Working on Your Memento. (Yeah I already thought about the plot and the name of the game XD)
February 2018 - Working on Your Choice.
March 2018 - Working on Your Memento
etc etc.
Hi anschwww, thanks for sharing this info.
i hope it's not boring like the other game.
edit: i found out myself. it is. and the text is written by a ten year old.
Hi cusa, thanks for sharing your opinion. It doesnt help at all.
This is more helpful than your comment (Again, thanks
@fakk2 for your feedback):
aie ayy ayy ayy ..... thats a not the right way to develop a game
I`m trying to do my best making those games. I want to create a tie between two of them so this way I will try to
empathize between the player and the main characters.
so your choices' tiny monthly updates will now be every two months for a spin-off which will no doubt have tiny updates every 2 months rather than improve and show that a finished product can be accomplished............nope...cant find a single fault in that idea
double facepalm indeed no.1
Well, this is not my job, I`m trying to do my best doing those games in my spare time. Some days ago I sat at my desk and developed a pretty strict calendar to acomplish the end dates.
he opend a poll on patreon and most of them voted for two games....
Again, thanks for sharing this info anschwww
I think this just killed my interest in Your Choice, the updates for that are small as is, now his attention is divided in half. Hmm.
I will try not to dissappointed the players. I hope I could keep your interest in my games.
Eh...I don't know if I think this bi-monthly development cycle is a good idea. His patrons did vote for it though.
I like both Julia and Emma but I was hoping he'd finish Your Choice before moving on to anything else. I'll try this new game sometime later today, post thoughts on it.
Thanks for your opinion BobJenkins.
If the author had a big development team, I could see splitting time being a non-issue because it wouldn't affect the amount of content released over the split time... But I doubt that is the case... As far as money is concerned, of course splitting the time, from a money making point of view, is a good business strategy... Because now the monthly payments keep rolling in over a longer period of time with two money supporting fan bases to increase the amount of money coming in each month... Sure, from a creative and release strategy point of view, it's horrible to split it up like that, because now the originating game will take twice as long to be produced which has it's upside and it's downside... But some folks are greedy, and it makes sense to do it that way from a greed point of view...
Even if the decision was put up to a vote, because the paying fans are ok with it (for those who actually voted), of course it's a win-win situation for the developer... It might have blown up in the developers face otherwise, because he/she could have split the time with out a vote, and angered those wanting the original project to get a move on (and therefore the money flow might of been lowered)... Sometimes ideas pop into peeps heads and they just can't wait to work on it, which is most likely what happened in this case... They just used a vote to make it appear more palatable since the paying fans didn't mind as much, after being given a say before hand... It might have just as well gone the other way...
Hi Zippity, thanks for sharing your opinion. The money is true that helps the developer. The decision to create this game has not been for the money. When I work with a game, for example, Your Choice, I can think about things for the future of Your Memento, the same thing happens when I'm working with Your Memento and I come up with ideas for Your Choice.
Fresh ideas and ideas which I am comfortable implementing to my projects. I do not want to get to the point of adding a character so that the main character can fuck and nothing else.
Doesn't this just add continuity problems for Your Choice?
Not only do I not play female protagonist games, it would piss me off if the chick I've been waiting forever to score with, suddenly starts having sex with some random guy!!!
Besides, isn't she a lesbian?
Hi Kasey, thanks for sharing your opinion. I'm sorry if this kind of game you do not like but I want to add this point of view from Emma, and not, Emma is bisexual xd.
It would definitely make the job of keeping track of continuity by the author/s much harder... But who knows what directions the author/s really plan to take the two stories... They could just as easily be played out as two separate time lines, one having little to do with the other, or perhaps not even intersecting at all... Have to wait and see how the author/s handle it all...
And I'm not defending the time split decision... I always look at that choice as being a bad one, unless there is a big enough team to handle both without impacting release flow...
Hi Zippity, thanks for sharing your opinion. I hope you like the line of the next versions
IF there's one sure way to increase the income of a shitty, sexless game, that's to create a whole new shitty, sexless game.
Well, Instead of responding to the work of a person like you have responded, learn to respect other people, because maybe, and just maybe, that you are offending these people. I really hope you never find a person who insults your work in this way.
After this comment I won`t quote any message with disrespectful content. I want to see critic comments, no insults around my game.
it is very grainy dislike this alot
Hi lordaethis, answered some quoted messages above, check it if you want.