Comics Collection zeroGravitas collection [2025-02-01] [zeroGravitas]

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Oct 16, 2022
I wouldn't be surprised if the good ending is the canonical ending. This would mean that Elizabeth could return in another story. The bad ending was probably for all the fans saying they wanted to see the girls in Zerogravitas work to meet there end. So this fills both criteria. Maybe we will see more alt endings of the girls not living through there encounters in the future.


Mar 29, 2020
I wouldn't be surprised if the good ending is the canonical ending. This would mean that Elizabeth could return in another story. The bad ending was probably for all the fans saying they wanted to see the girls in Zerogravitas work to meet there end. So this fills both criteria. Maybe we will see more alt endings of the girls not living through there encounters in the future.
Mhm, it ´s always a matter of taste, I ´m fine with his Art like it is right now and I ´m not a fan of guro. As these stories let some imagination open to the final faith of the girls, guro gives no room for that. That being said, if I remember right one of his first stories had some guro content in.


Oct 16, 2022
Mhm, it ´s always a matter of taste, I ´m fine with his Art like it is right now and I ´m not a fan of guro. As these stories let some imagination open to the final faith of the girls, guro gives no room for that. That being said, if I remember right one of his first stories had some guro content in.
Correct, one of his earliest works had one of his girls meet her end in a not so subtle way. I wouldn't call it guro really as you couldn't see anything because she was covered in so much black slime. But it did happen. Zerogravitas has yet to draw anything that I would call hard guro.


May 6, 2022
I wouldn't be surprised if the good ending is the canonical ending. This would mean that Elizabeth could return in another story. The bad ending was probably for all the fans saying they wanted to see the girls in Zerogravitas work to meet there end. So this fills both criteria. Maybe we will see more alt endings of the girls not living through there encounters in the future.
Actually, I think its the exact opposite. I think the "bad" end is canonical, and the "good" end is for people that want the girls to escape at the last minute. The reason for this is:

A) The bad end is in the main folder with the entire series up till then, while the good end is in a sub folder

B) On his patreon page, the first line of text for this final Marine Biology update says "looks like the pharmaceutical company will have an new opening" implying that she's stuck down there and not coming back.

I think the good end corresponds to his original art of this event, when he originally intended for the hexapus's web/goo to not be strong enough to hold her. Seems like feedback was strong enough for him to change that to the goo being strong enough that she can't get out. Go figure, the people that follow the goo artist want goo to work.


Oct 16, 2022
Here is what zeroGravitas said on his Patreon.

Hey everyone,

Just a general patreon update here. It's probably a bit of bad news (but important for this place so please read the whole thing, so you know what's going on).

You may have noticed I have not posted anything in a few weeks. Well, it looks like I have lost all motivation to draw. One day a couple of weeks ago it just disappeared. Every day since then I have tried to draw stuff, anything, but it just ends with me staring at a blank canvas for a while before i give up. At the moment the act of drawing is just not enjoyable. I have no idea why, or when things might go back to normal, could be a few more weeks, or months or longer.

So please know that I value all your support, but I cannot accept any financial support when I know I can't create anything in return.

That means I am either going to pause billing or take the whole patreon page offline before the end of the month. I need to see what the implications of each option are. I think if I pause billing, then anyone who joins after the end of the month will get charged, but anyone who is already a supporter does not (?). But that would mean the page would still be online. Taking the patreon offline does what it says.

I will let you know by the end of next week what I have decided. If you have any opinions about this, do let me know. Even though I can't draw at the moment, I can still read.

Either way, I will keep the current links to the archives active also after the end of the month.
Man... It's sad to see a guy this talented loosing his motivation. I wonder what happened?


May 6, 2022
anyone willing to post the update text?

Hey everyone,

It's been a while! I feel like things are back to normal. Motivation seems to have returned and I got my shit back together, I think. So yeah, it all seems to be ok now. I want to thank you all for your patientce if you stuck around.

I have been drawing again, especially over the last week, so I actually have something to show. So for this week I have 2 small updates. I've decided to continue with the redraw of big game hunting, so there are 3 new images (p14-16) in that folder in the archives. Then there are 3 pieces of linework I did before, over the past month, just so I wouldn't forget how to draw (still a bit rusty). There is no real story or anything to it and I'm not sure if I'm going to finish them. I put these in the Concepts folder. Please enjoy.


We are going to have to see how things will go for now, but if everything really is ok now, I will start billing again in July.

Also, here is the MEGA folder link, since ZG states that he's going to resume the normal schedule in July and therefore he will be changing the MEGA folder then anyway. So get the goods while you can!



Sep 9, 2019
Also, here is the MEGA folder link, since ZG states that he's going to resume the normal schedule in July and therefore he will be changing the MEGA folder then anyway. So get the goods while you can!

That Mega archive has now been taken down.
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes