Collection Video zhetuijeiwowanyitian collection [2023-08-06] [tuiwannian/腿 玩 年]


Apr 4, 2020
Sure. updated all 11 vids.
Let me know if I missed something.

"Zhet WA DA DA (bl专属27ab + bl146, bl专属41abc + bl160, ) corrected" folder: pixeldrain
Thank you so much! I'm learning how to use ffmpeg.
ffmpeg -i bl41c.mp4 -i WADADA.mp3 -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 -c copy wadada.mp4
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Dec 25, 2017
The author did not provide the original "25B" file.
Quick correction, we are talking about 25a, not 25b, so the landscape version. ( )

I think it was available to a limited number of subscribers.
In fact once I had the original file and I bet that HEVC reencode is my reencode based on the date and handbreak used. :)
I got the original from wallpaper engine, but unfortunately I did not kept the original AVC encoded file.
Same for bl专属【弱音】Phone Number ( ), I got the original from wallpaper engine.

I have both in HEVC stored here if someone needs them:
Would be nice to get the original files though. I messaged a couple of wallpaper engine uploaders, but no luck so far.


Oct 16, 2022
Bl专属25a - Hevc.mp4 and Bl专属【弱音】Phone Number - Hevc.mp4 actually 30fps. each video contains at least 50% of dupe frames
Dec 25, 2017
Still no update? We are all waiting for 161 162 163 and EX 42 43 44.
And I would like to point out that 162 163 has youtube versions as well. Hope we will get them too.
These 3 are so good I watch one of them at least once a day. The YT versions are especially erotic with the skirt physics.
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Aug 24, 2021
According to the files that can be collected at present, including ultra-high-definition post-encoded files, a file is missing,

bl专属【弱音】Phone Number ------>bl 141 illust phone number ,There are two files contained here.

I custom named "bl专属23a" This is a portrait version of the file.

"【弱音】Phone Number 花嫁弱音"-----------> I customized this file as "bl专属 23b"

Based on the file name, it is inferred that "BL专属34(b~c) ~ bl专属35(b~c)" is missing.

There is also a file, the file is named "bl42 竖屏C【言和】千盏"

Which god has a good computer, and can also be recompiled with super high-definition encoding, which is also worth collecting~
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