Wait, Ciri can't fuck monsters in this game? What the point of making game in fantasy setting then?
In books she's chosen Mary Sue filled with unique magic (that's why books centered around her were getting more and more uninteresting), in this game it would be easy to explain why monsters want to breed her, and why she can get pregnant from them.
Mages asking to get them such rare ingredients as different monsters' semen and fetuses, elixirs that need these ingredients, stat of magical corruption that raises from sexual contacts with monsters, this stat affecting Ciri's body (it adapts to be better breeder) and mind (willpower check before fights with monsters to avoid dropping on her knees with pants down), witch offering money to study her unique fertility to monster semen (with multiple intense practical experiments).
Paraphrasing quote about swords, "Ciri has two holes, one for humans, other for monsters".
View attachment CiriLife.mp4