New Thread Ratings

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Sorry for not having reviewed soon, as last I played was like a month ago, but now that I'm here all I can say is wow! This is one of the more inspired games on the site, lacking the same old RPG maker formula, but instead consisting of dungeon crawler gameplay. There are pros and cons to this of course, with interactions and events outside of combat tending to feel a bit static outside of actual combat, but in my opinion this minor nitpick is paid back twice fold in the form of extensive fetishes, items, and character management. My only real gripe would be with the art , which is sufficient but a bit lacking in detail.
    Others  Ero Dungeons [Beta 1.2] [Madodev]
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Damn it, I hate that this game's so bad since I love the inflation fetish so much, it's my number 1 fetish.

    (v.0.4.0, over on Itch)
    Man, I'm just gonna list my grievances:
    1. Art stinks, everything's got this gross blurry vibe to it because of all the constant Live2D/Oe-cake warping going on because of how the expansion/jiggles are done.
    2. Only one character in the demo, and the rest of the locked characters are low-tier waifus from [popular anime] that everyone's already overused. This also comes with the side effect that they're all just so boring and similar.
    3. If, say, you only like belly inflation, you get one (1) belly expansion scene the whole game. Hours and hours of the same scene over and over, just bigger as you level your stats in the shop. The more body parts you like watching get inflated, the better, but they still don't vary much.
    4. Oddly hard for being a lewd game; the game's designed to get harder the longer you play on a stage, so it's always an uphill battle.
    5. Has that issue a lot of fast-paced lewd games have where you're focusing on the gameplay and don't have time to look at the actual lewd stuff as things go on. In this case, you're managing the pressure gauges AND doing a timing minigame, there's no way you're looking at the girls as they inflate.
    6. The dev's "fix" for making the game more interesting was to split the game into stages... for some reason. The stages don't even do anything different.
    7. The in-game shop only has three things to buy. One makes her grow bigger faster, one makes the game easier, and the third unlocks new girls (locked in the demo though.)
    8. GRIND GRIND GRIND GRIND. That's the whole game. Do the same thing over and over and over and over literally hundreds of times. Heck, even if you do pretty well, you still have to do about 3-5 runs of the first stage of the game before you can afford your first upgrade.
    9. The gallery is paywalled in the demo, meaning you can't even look at the expanded art in peace and your only chance to look is to peek while you're playing and trying not to lose by peeking.
    10. The game's paywalled so early into development that the free version has almost nothing to do.
    11. Difficult to play one-handed, if that's a dealbreaker. Not like you have time to look at the girl expanding anyway.
    12. Main gameplay mechanic requires good timing with button presses in a world where more and more people use wireless peripherals with input lag. There's no input calibration screen.
    13. It doesn't say what content is locked behind which tier, but "Chubby" is $10 and "Monstrous" is $20. That's a damn lot for really any lewd game, let alone a bad one like this. (They're $7/mo and $10/mo respectively on Patreon? I don't get it.)
    14. Some of the girls are under 18 in canon. Up to you if that's a good thing or a bad thing, or if you can headcanon them being older. IDK I don't watch anime much.
    15. No interactivity with the girls themselves. No poking, prodding, rubbing, nothing, they just hang there and grow while you're stuck looking at timing minigames and checking meters.
    16. Dear god the grinding. Grinding can be mitigated a LITTLE if you're a god at the game, but the gameplay basically softcaps you behind one of the shop upgrades, so there's no chance of avoiding the grinding entirely. To make things worse, the worse you are at the game, the more you have to grind to get further into the game and get the girls bigger.
    17. Also the grinding, there's a lot of it.
    18. The game's grind is awful, especially with the demo only having one girl.
    19. Grinnnnnnnding...
    Others  Inflation Inc. [v0.25] [KannaScape Games]
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Don't usually write reviews but this game is just too good. The game has very good humor, graphics, sex scenes. Story can be better but still good. Game play is something that can be improved on. A+ to the devs keep up the good work.
    VN Ren'Py  Eternum [v0.7.5 Public] [Caribdis]
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Ai Shoujo Fan

    Sinflux Chronicles 0.1

    This is another annoying game ruined by stupid decisions.

    By default, Renpy lets you see and access around 12 save slots per page. This game limits you to only three save slots per page.

    Not only that, but you can't even see the previews of each slot unless you hover over the file name. So normally, in most Renpy games, I could click three pages within a single second and quickly see 36 different preview images. But in this game, it would take me an hour to look through 36 different saves to find out which one I wanted. And because they would be separated into 12 different pages, and I have to hover over each file name to see the preview, and because there is a one or two second delay before the preview image appears, it would take me forever and I would forget and lose my memory of what save was where.

    The preferences screen has been disabled. Go figure. I have no control over volume or any other preferences. EDIT: I found it later.

    Skipping was disabled. I had to install Unren to enable it. EDIT: I found it later.

    The menu screen has a bunch of confusing buttons. I literally had to take 2-3 minutes experimenting to figure out which button does what. I mean at the least, the developer should have put a popup text on each button hover so we know what button does what. I now know which buttons are Quit, Return, Save, and Load. But there is another button I have no idea what it does.

    For some reason the game glitched so the first time I tried to save, I got an error message. I restarted the game and surprisingly it worked after that.

    The MC is ugly. It's really annoying to look at him and you see him every single image in the game. In a lot of games, there are better looking MCs or you will be in first person view in most of the scenes, sometimes switching to third person view. But in this game, you are always in third person view looking at an ugly MC.

    You'll spend the first minute or two staring at the back of the MC's ugly head, which was very aggravating.

    Most of the story in the first release pretty much amounts to you being an ugly MC and assaulting a female on the bus, just because you feel like it. And I guess the bus driver didn't care. In fact, I don't think the bus was even moving. It was just parked on the side of the road.

    The renders are clear but they aren't good. There is no good shading and lighting so there is no depth or liveliness to the art.

    The characters are dead. They have no expressions other than narcissitic behavior and anger. They are either fighting, arguing, being defensive, assaulting, or jerking off. They don't seem to have normal human emotions like happiness, surprise, confusion, jealousy, greed, etc.

    The MC seems to have no goals in life but to assault women and jerk off. A homeless person probably has more direction and character in life.

    Only after the end of the game, did I realize that there is a preferences menu. There are five or six diamond shape marks on the menu screen. They looked purely decorative to me, but they are in fact buttons that let you see the various preference options. It's too well hidden.

    But despite knowing that skipping is allowed, knowing that I don't need Unren, knowing that there is a preferences screen... I can't give this game more than one or two stars because the game art needs a lot of improvement. They images are clear, but the lighting and shading and skin textures are not good. I see big breasted women but their face would be too dark. They'd bee in a too dark room. There wouldn't be subtle light and shading effects on the body to make the characters feel more real. I also didn't like how the MC is nobody of interest. He is just walking around with his dick in his hand assaulting people. And I didn't like the human interactions and expressions. It's nothing but angry faces, unhappy faces, etc. And the MC was a bit annoying to look at. Even though the women are big breasted, on a scale from 1-5, I find them only interesting as a 1 or 1.5. The sex scenes aren't very fleshed out. They are mediocre, but then again most games don't invest in fleshed out sex scenes. They always do the bare minimum.

    I want to give this game one star, but I will be VERY GENEROUS and give it two stars just because of the big breasted females. I think that the FAIREST review I can give it two stars. There is no way I could consider this an average three star game. It's awesome the developer went the creative approach and made a good looking menu screen, but there should be hover text that shows which each button does. Like if you hover over the save button, it should say "Save" somewhere. And the five diamond shaped decorations blend in too well. There should be some sort of labeling to let the user know that those buttons are clickable and not part of the decorations. I also do not like the save system of not being able to see previews unless you hover over a file name. The game does not interest me much. I would probably wait 8 more releases for the game to have more content, download it, skim through it, and still rate it two stars.
    VN Ren'Py  Sinflux Chronicles [v0.1] [SnappoX]
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great but got stuck in the dinner don't know what to do very great visuals and i would have to loved to play the full game but sadly don't think its updating and is left for dead, such a beautiful game. Hope people give it a try
    RPGM  Pies & Apples [v0.04] [Neon Night Time]
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Not sure what the story is. Your village gets attacked by a demon you fend off so then you go on an adventure but the demon isnt the big bad? The art isnt too bad, and it seems like most of the scenes are in NTR route(about half the total scenes so far). Still Buggy, I did run into a spot where I couldn't move or bring up menu so had to restart. Also Very linear game. Not bad but nothing really stands out
    RPGM  Family Legacy [v0.4] [ENNO]
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for V0.9.1b
    When I first came across this game I did not feel like playing it. I thought it was going to be a cliche headmaster story but after good ratings I could not ignore this game any longer. I guess you could say that I was proved wrong.

    "DropOut Saga" offers an interesting and unique story that is well-executed throughout the game. The general plot is engaging and holds your attention from start to finish.

    The individual stories for each love interest are also very compelling. Each character has a defining personality, making them feel well-developed and unique. This adds a lot of depth to the game and keeps you invested in the characters.

    Good Graphics and Settings
    The graphics in "DropOut Saga" are quite good as well. The settings are well-designed and make sense within the context of the story. The love interests look amazing, and the sex scenes are decently animated, which is a plus.

    Meaningful Choices and Replayability
    Another positive feature of the game is the meaningful choices. You can play as two different personalities, which adds a layer of complexity and increases the replayability of the game. Your decisions truly matter and affect the outcome, making each playthrough unique.

    Mixed Romance Quality
    The romance in "DropOut Saga" is the only subject Im not so positive about. Some romances, like with Sophia, are very well worked out. Their relationship has a backstory that makes the romance feel wholesome and believable. However, other romances developed during the game are less realistic and lack the same depth. The romance with Ava, for example, feels extremely odd and unconvincing as she seems to be into the MC for no apparent reason. On the other hand, the developing romance with Jasmin feels much more realistic. It progresses slowly and naturally, with shared moments and made sacrifices by the MC that make the increasing romantic interest believable.

    Overall, "DropOut Saga" is a game with a lot of strengths. It offers a unique and well-developed story, engaging individual love interests, good graphics, and meaningful choices that enhance replayability. While the romance can be hit or miss, with some relationships feeling less realistic than others, the game still provides a compelling and enjoyable experience. I would definitely recommend giving this game a go.
    Ren'Py  DropOut Saga [v0.9.1b] [LazyBloodlines]
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Review as of [Ep.6].

    I am surprised by the score, maybe I am missing something. maybe this has been in development for a long time? I feel like this should have 3 or 3.5 stars rather than 2.5 (thus I give a 4).

    The main heroine is super cute, although the story is somewhat unbelievable, the situations are unrealistic, it is hard to suspend my belief (though there is a fairy so that makes it easier haha). But anyway, just due to Priscila this deserves a better score, since appealing heroines is one of the biggest requirements for good games.

    I would probably play again once it's done, but might not revisit it again while on development.
    VN Ren'Py  Celebrity Hunter [Ep.6] [Geiko Games]
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Quick summary:
    Download this to READ the story of a magical girl without magic powers.

    This has a smidge of RPG gameplay/mechanics, and the tag shouldn't be there. Not gonna argue over classifications, what you have here, is a short story (makings of a VN), with a "gimmick" for combat, and some adult content, that benefitted heavily from my liking for the "Loli tag", and just about any content with, or similar to it. I also like VN's, have read many, but that's not what I'm looking for right now.

    - Loli's (Purely personal, there are lots of heretics on the internet who don't like them, for instance). "Cutesy" aesthetics (Again. Subjective. Art). Partial voice acting (which is better than none, and you guessed it V.A is very important for ME)

    - Optional sub-events. Premise (and just the premise, the story is bland). H-events during "combat". Translation is OK. H-scenes do their "job".

    - Loading times. There's almost no RPG here, (it's just a "gimmick", that passes for combat), it's a short VN. None of the girls, reminds me of a magical girl (never saw one in real life, but I'm confident I can recognize one).

    There are terrible videogames, disappointing videogames, and "not what i'm looking for" videogames. What do they all have in common? They waste your time, money and patience. This one fits "model nº3". It's not bad, but it reminds you of the importance of accurate tags. (Do note, that the developer notes on this website explain how things work, but absolutes and "technicals" aside, this is still not an RPG, no matter how you slice it, and that's one of the filters I used in the search page)

    4/10, more if you want to read a story about magical girls.
    RPGM Completed  Magical Girl Tear Sweet [Final] [Twinkle STARs]
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Good tactical turn based BUT combat is randomized and gameplay is kinda stale (upgrades, h-scenes and atmosphere).

    It takes until 'ground 100' to get another bgm and some of the structures have way too much health. Your attacks are randomized but the AI isn't...

    The game also felt more of a chore than amusement to me. Trial and error-ish and game ends if you run out of food or didn't spread your team well. Stopped playing at ground 230 because it was getting too taxing.
    Wolf RPG Completed  SHINNEMIA in the Forest Invader [v1.01] [D's production]
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    CGs and characters are interesting even if some sufffer from poor lighting and choice of angle what really holds it all back is the feact the whole game is janky and unintuitive, specially the navigation. Together with the fact that the game has an habit to soft lock it creatues a really bad experiece.
    Ren'Py  Phasmohentaia [v0.4.2.1] [Mr.Xcy]
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    for being the initial release i am looking forward to playing this even more as new updates come out. the story is really engaging, Animations done really well. I could car less for Regina. the characters are we thought out at this stage as well
    VN Ren'Py  Industry Baby [v1.0] [Ekko]
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice animations. cool dialogs. But not enough rape stuff.
    Renders are good too,

    unusual plot, it seemed like I saw it and fucked it, but it didn’t seem like it, in short, the developer came up with something new and I liked it. The moment with forced sex, the desire is reflected in a really cool way. I wish we had more developers doing something like this. But again, in my opinion, there are not enough moments of forced sex.
    VN Ren'Py  Sinflux Chronicles [v0.1] [SnappoX]
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is really what drives this novel. The animations are lovely for the source materiall and the love interests are varied, fun, gorgeous and have actual personalities.
    Cure also gives the non love interest characters a lot of personality and it's refreshing to see something with so much fun and love also being able to go as dark as it went in 0.3.
    Really looking forward to seeing where they take it from here.
    VN Ren'Py  Love by the Water [v.0.3] [CURE]
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Thot Patrol

    A pretty hot RPGM H game. It is pretty short, but you can get straight to the H content easily. The combat is fairly easy (you can't lose unless you're trying to lose). There's two endings that depend on the protagonist's lewdness and debauchery. The H scenes are really only hot because of the character's with their big ass titties. You should give it a shot :D(y)
    RPGM Completed  Horny Adventurer Karen [Sep/17/2022_MOD2] [ドリルさきいか]
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    v0.8.0 review:
    + decent artwork but why enemy in ONLY combat event is cropped from original and not redrawn?
    + gameplay is kinda grindy but that's okay for current version IMHO
    + laughed a lot about CG confusion: Hekapoo footjob instead of Jackie one
    + nice futa content demo but only two scenes with Angie for now, really hope for futa on female OR even futa on male %)
    dumb suggestion:
    + Marco's tentacle will be nice
    + more threesome or even foursome
    Ren'Py  StarTrainer [v0.8.0] [StarTrainer18]
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    For a game with so little to do in the current version, this has a lot of promise. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this develops.

    The difficulty of the trainer battle with hex maniac was harder than I expected from a game like this. I hope future battles will be similarly challenging.
    RPGM  Pokemon Lewd Virus [v0.1] [PurpurDawn]
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    just too good, wish to see more projects from them as from now one. The art, the gameplay, the mechanics they got it all on point. Those are the devs who deserve every single penny given to them. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
    RPGM Completed  Pray Game + Last Story Append [v1.08] [UROOM]
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Not recommended if you are looking for some forbidden fun. There is little to none incest content. I don't understand the dev, if you are going for an incest route then go all out, why bother putting incest tag if you can't fuck your mom or any other related characters. There are a lot of female characters but their artstyle is kinda meh, not bad but also not good,. The game tooks at least 2 minutes to load and full of bugs. I honestly didn't like the game because there are a tons of games out there simillar to this but with beautiful models, better artstyle and animations
    Ren'Py  Love & Sex Second Base [v24.5.1a] [Andrealphus]
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    this game has everything that i ever wanted in a adult game: great VN, good story, choices that matter and variety of characters, including males and futa. I only hope that at some point doesn't take too long to deliver updates
    VN Ren'Py  Jason, Coming of Age [v0.10.0a] [CoeurDeCochon]