
Conversation Conqueror
Jun 26, 2018
I can understand. Well, that's why I suggested making these options. Sex and killing. ^^ Not that I'm into killing per se, but it added a dark twist to the story which made the stakes more serious. More important. Without any of it, like I said before, it's just a "sex-journey" during which you meet and fuck different women at different spots. It just become like any other game of this type. It looses its uniqueness and just blends with the rest. Which I'd find too bad, when the current version of the game shows promise. :eek:
The truth is that with the initial premise of facing and killing the "LIs" I prefer not to see any sex scenes during the game.


Dec 10, 2019
The truth is that with the initial premise of facing and killing the "LIs" I prefer not to see any sex scenes during the game.
I can understand. That's why I suggested making it a choice. So that, if you don't want any sex, you have the choice not to get any sex. :)
But hey, there are games in which hard stakes are present, such as Succubus Covenant where there are both sex and death present. More rare games. But popular notheless. Proof that the concept can work if done correctly. ^^ Well there aren't many choices in the game I just mentionned, but here in Se7en, it could be the case. :)
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Jun 30, 2021
Ah, you'll remove it ? The dark setting was part of the charm, I thought. Being an assassin and all. On a mission ! It fit the story well : taking out other assassins, fighting competition. ^^ Made for an interesting jurney. Maybe make it a choice then ? :eek: If the dark setting is taken out entirely, and it it just becomes a "fuck-trip" it'll loose lots of it immersion, interest and uniqueness. Making it more, well, like so many other games, less unique. :(
Btw, just out of curiosity when would the next update be uploaded ? Just out of curiosity, no pressure. Just to know if I have to set it in a corner of my mind and not think about it for a few months, or if I have to look out for it in a near future.
Thanks for the current release though. Enjoyed it alot, for what it's worth. :)
I'm very sorry friend but I don't think I'll be continuing this game, I might start working on another project. But thanks a lot I'm glad you liked it.


Dec 10, 2019
I'm very sorry friend but I don't think I'll be continuing this game, I might start working on another project. But thanks a lot I'm glad you liked it.
Ah, I see. I'm sorry to hear that. Your game showed promise. And you clearly have talent. ^^ I'll keep the current version as a souvenir, haha. Still, I wish you luck for your next games ! Don't let people influence you, just make whatever you wanna make ! ;)
All the best to you. And maybe see you around, in another thread, about another of your games. :)
Tata ! ♫