Kei had retired from being a magical girl for the sake of an ordinary daily life. However, in order to defeat a villain who had unexpectedly become stronger, Kei reluctantly resumes her activities as a magical girl. With her popularity rising through live streaming, the now stronger...
In this world where misogeny, slavery, crime and corruption thrive, the protagonist of the history finds his love florish day by day, for the beauty of his wife, the one he managed to trade all his money and his nobility to be able to marry, the daughter of a corrupt Lord.
Welcome to Sin Village, a dating sim/rpg/adventure game that invites you to explore the world of love, temptation and chance encounters. You decide if you want to try and charm your way into the hearts of the girls. Or just pay your way.
Just added the thieves guild! Break into...
Have you ever dreamed about waking up on an island full of beatiful girls from anime? Well, I did, so I created this game. I love busty, tiny, juicy, fit and many other hot girls from anime and would love to share with you my perfect dream about "What if there were an island, full of...
You were supposed to be the next in line to rule the country when you were betrayed and forced out from your homeland. The civil war that erupted afterwards lasted for several years... but this isn't about that. This is about what happens once you return -- as the victor. Navigate a...
Immerse yourself in a medieval fantasy world brimming with lascivious intrigue. As a deity, your unique challenge is to construct and oversee a flourishing village.
With your divine prowess, you can beckon women, some of whom might remind you of familiar faces from other worlds, to...
Imoco is a 2D artist who makes Pinups and Art of Original and Commissioned characters, Imoco is characterized by the use of very striking colors in each work in addition to being the artist who made the illustrations for the Rance games, the genres that constitute the majority of these...
HTML game where the universe is coming to and end and every fantasy and fictional creation is entering reality. You decide with whatever time is left to open a brothel to get a taste of what has entered reality.
Thread Updated: 2023-12-15
Release Date: 2023-11-14
One day, when you was thinking on how shitty is your life, you decided to go out, and lucky or unlucky, you meet rei, a desperate girl that was sleeping in the streets.
You decided to help her, and well... then started your reckless life with her!
Help her while you try to survive to...
A goblin burdened with debt...
"Gob, the goblin who hunts adventurers and earns money by running a brothel!"
And so, the goblin's adventurer-hunting journey begins.
Thread Updated: 2024-05-04
Release Date: 2023-10-08
Original Title: ゴブリンの冒険者ハンティング
Developer: Ketchup AjiNo Mayonnaise...
"Fucksome road" is a non-commercial post-apocalyptic porn game.
A typical story that the heroine has to get from point A to point B
in a world full of dangers: raiders, slavers, mutants.
Any careless or thoughtless action can end her path.
Thread Updated: 2025-01-02
Release Date...
Amidst the mundane rhythm of office life, our MC embarks on a journey of self-discovery, aided by an invention, handcrafted for him by his best friend. With each step you take new opportunities present itself, often leading to unexpected revelations or unforeseen consequences. From the...
The protagonist has been in a relationship with his strong-willed girlfriend Phyllis for three years. They opened a bar in a small village lately.
However, as customers are attracted to a new restaurant, they get into a financially severe situation… One of these days, Phyllis’...
The hero Rain and the martial arts fighter Anya have feelings for each other, but they are unable to convey their feelings to each other.
During the journey, Rain is cursed by a monster.
Knowing that three materials are needed to break the curse, Anya rushes through town to save the...
You saw a new fashionable bag and you just must have it!
But you don't have enough money for it, so you decide to instead go earn some money at the hole.
What hole you may ask? Well come and find out!
Thread Updated: 2023-08-30
Release Date: 2023-08-29
Developer: HushGames - Patreon...
You've been burned, hunter. Start over as a vampire enforcer in the supernatural underworld of New Rampfort, the so-called Second City located on frigid Lake Strange. Ply the mean streets for mortal prey and make contacts with the city's vampiric, wolflike, and ghostly denizens. Use...
Or TS2 is an open world adult game. At the start of the game, you take a job as an intern in a lab and you end up field testing an experimental device called Chemical Augmentation Device (or CHAD). This sub-dermal implant can produce a wide array of various chemicals, hormones...
The young girl Rain, who became the sacred knight of the kingdom, was entrusted by Jas, the leader of the sacred knights and her lover, to investigate the disturbances occurring in a distant town named “Hakudeti”.
These disturbances involved a surge in criminals in the previously...
Young magician Masamune Kashin of the Greatland Kingdom's Magic Corps, and Amelia Blanchet, are ordered to conduct an undercover investigation at the Caledony Magic Academy.
Thread Updated: 2023-11-06
Release Date: 2023-08-26
Original Title: アメリ・ブランシェットは何度も堕ちる ~カレドニー魔法学院と繰り返す...
Samurai Mistress Mizuki is a NSFW choose your own adventure using FFXIV posing for pictures.
Mizuki had become (in)famous in her city for her sharp sword and her love of drink.
When the tavern came looking for payment though she would have to put her skills and body to work.