
Feb 27, 2024
The patch wasn't a simple replace X words with Y word patch. Games from a few years ago where all you had to do was replace landlord/roommate were easy patches or where all you had to do was remove step. You could make an simple patch script that autotmatically did this for all instances and it's even future compatible. But since the Patreon crackdown things have gotten less subtle and patching is more than just auto replace.

So this game It was a line by line patch which involves either reading every line in the script, or trying to do manual searches for every single possible "trigger" word or phrase, and things can definitely get missed easily ...

So let me give an example of patching by searching. If I were patching this game from the start I would start by using Notepad++ and doing a directory search for biological, relate, blood, adopt, and raise which were probably going to be easiest terms as long as you remember the terms since they aren't likely to appear a lot in the text. But then you also have to look for denials of relationship... Some games you an search for your basic words like dad, father, and daughter, offspring, kin, etc. But this game uses those words a lot! You also can't just search for words like "real" , "actual" or "not" as these words are incredibly common. So instead you need to try to think of phrases... not my, not real, not actual, not her, not your, aren't my, real dad, real father, real daughter, There's more but you get the idea. And even these are going to bring up a bunch of "false positives" that you need to read through. Even then you're still probably going to miss stuff that's more subtle, such as references to timelines that no longer fit. So yeah the only surefire way is to read everything word by word in the rpy files...

For the heck of it when I did my Barbara patch which involved the aforementioned tedious reading every single dam line of the script... I did note the following lines that could use fixing for the iPatch though which I've been meaning to post...

These definitely need fixed in the patch:

Day 9

"Because of your past, I thought I'm just imagining things... but there is nothing wrong about your relationship, since you aren't related at all."

Day 10
"Believe me we've talked about this countless times with [felicia] but neither of us care. Nor are we in a real father-daughter relationship."

Day 10
"But you're her father... at least that's how she sees you."


This one might be fine...but the father in quotes makes this one a little shaky to me? At the very least I would remove the quotes around the word:
Day 10
"Since I've been back, I can't look at you as my daughters. But you really needed a man who would put your life in order like a 'father'."

Day 12 (This one may be a little trickier, but IMHO this dialogue exchange sequence doesn't make a lot of sense if Felicia/Tegan/Chloe are also biological daughters? This question only makes sense to be asked if the MC is only a pseudo father to the current girls?)
"If she was your daughter, would you still love us?"
"Stop talking nonsense! Even if she were my daughter, my feelings for you would not change."
"I knew you would say that and that's exactly why I love you so much."

These one are kind of subtle and nitpicky, but I believe Felicia was around 3 when the MC was arrested so the one year timeline mentioned doesn't really fit when around since birth:

Day 10
"Technically you were [felicia]'s father for less than a year. And all she has left of you are a few hazy memories."

Day 11
"But at the time, I couldn't get over the thought that I had raised her as a little girl for over a year."


I lean towards thinking these are fine, and work as just a display of Chloe's rebellious insolence, and non acceptance from his being absent from her life? Your call though, just want to point them our for your consideration :

"You are not my father! Why don't you get it?"

Day 5
"Really [main]? Why should I have to tell you anything? You're still not my father... Stop bossing me around."

4/25 Edited to remove the fixed ones
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2019
I just started a few minutes ago, but on a lot of the pictures there is a vertical line at about a third of the screen.
Do I have a wrong version?

View attachment 3454261
Looks like a byproduct of the "greenscreen." The characters are rendered and then superimposed on the backdrop. This cut down on time as you don't have the render the whole room.
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Jul 16, 2018
Looks like a byproduct of the "greenscreen." The characters are rendered and then superimposed on the backdrop. This cut down on time as you don't have the render the whole room.
Aha, ok. It's strange, because I've never seen this bug on other VNs.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2023
The patch wasn't a simple replace X words with Y word patch. Games from a few years ago where all you had to do was replace landlord/roommate were easy patches or where all you had to do was remove step. You could make an simple patch script that autotmatically did this for all instances and it's even future compatible. But since the Patreon crackdown things have gotten less subtle and patching is more than just auto replace.

So this game It was a line by line patch which involves either reading every line in the script, or trying to do manual searches for every single possible "trigger" word or phrase, and things can definitely get missed easily ...

So let me give an example of patching by searching. If I were patching this game from the start I would start by using Notepad++ and doing a directory search for biological, relate, blood, adopt, and raise which were probably going to be easiest terms as long as you remember the terms since they aren't likely to appear a lot in the text. But then you also have to look for denials of relationship... Some games you an search for your basic words like dad, father, and daughter, offspring, kin, etc. But this game uses those words a lot! You also can't just search for words like "real" , "actual" or "not" as these words are incredibly common. So instead you need to try to think of phrases... not my, not real, not actual, not her, not your, aren't my, real dad, real father, real daughter, There's more but you get the idea. And even these are going to bring up a bunch of "false positives" that you need to read through. Even then you're still probably going to miss stuff that's more subtle, such as references to timelines that no longer fit. So yeah the only surefire way is to read everything word by word in the rpy files...

For the heck of it when I did my Barbara patch which involved the aforementioned tedious reading every single dam line of the script... I did note the following lines that could use fixing for the iPatch though which I've been meaning to post...

These definitely need fixed in the patch:
Day 5

"{i}Actually we have quite a few things in common, she also makes bad decision after bad decision... Even if we aren't kindred in the biological sense, we definitely are kindred spirits.{/i}"

Day 9
"Because of your past, I thought I'm just imagining things... but there is nothing wrong about your relationship, since you aren't related at all."

Day 10
"Believe me we've talked about this countless times with [felicia] but neither of us care. Nor are we in a real father-daughter relationship."

Day 10
"But you're her father... at least that's how she sees you."


This one might be fine...but the father in quotes makes this one a little shaky to me?:
Day 10
"Since I've been back, I can't look at you as my daughters. But you really needed a man who would put your life in order like a 'father'."

Day 12 (This exchange sequence doesn't make a lot of sense if Felicia/Tegan/Chloe are also biological daughters?)
"If she was your daughter, would you still love us?"
"Stop talking nonsense! Even if she were my daughter, my feelings for you would not change."
"I knew you would say that and that's exactly why I love you so much."

These one are kind of subtle and nitpicky, but I believe Felicia was 3 when the MC was arrested so the one year timeline doesn't really fit when around since birth:

Day 10
"Technically you were [felicia]'s father for less than a year. And all she has left of you are a few hazy memories."

Day 11
"But at the time, I couldn't get over the thought that I had raised her as a little girl for over a year."


I lean towards thinking these are fine, and work as just a display of rebellious insolence, and non acceptance from his being absent?:

"You are not my father! Why don't you get it?"

Day 5
"Really [main]? Why should I have to tell you anything? You're still not my father... Stop bossing me around."
Very helpful post. (y) I figured there was more to it than simple Find-and-replace (when in doubt I usually assume I'm an idiot who is missing the obvious), but it makes much more sense to me now. I am glad of the game and the mod when it works for me, so I wasn't going to stop playing or anything dramatic. But now I will probably be more patient if/when something slips though the cracks in the free mod for the sex game I am shamelessly leeching. :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2019
ERRORS with Petra in romancescript.rpy??? Missing points.

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The game checks if you have any petralove points. At this point you have -1 in Read Romance mode from saying Tegan is your daughter But in Game Mode, you can make this up, by complimenting her for +2. which you don't get in RRom Mode.

Because of all this, the next scene is you fingering her with no context. Seems like parts where cut out.

In the game mode there is this section.
        scene sylday4049
        with Dissolve(2.0)
        pe "Well, the thing is, I would benefit from a little help with the renovation. But my fortune is now very depleted with this purchase. I don't think I could pay you too much."
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2019
MC's dialog vs thoughts:

These old peepers of mine find it hard to tell the difference other than context. I tried using a few different fonts, but still hard to tell. Came up with a couple of solutions:

1: Quick and Dirty. URM text replacer.
- Have it replace {i} with {i}[p]
- The game already sets up 3 colors [r]ed [g]reen and [p]urple so any of these would work.
- The downside is this also changes narrations as they're in italic as well
- The upside is this method will carry over to the next updates.

*** EDIT: I forgot to check the "Replace parts of words" box

2: P.I.A. Create a new character for MC's thoughts.
- UNREN game
- Open all .rpy files in Notepad ++
- At the bottom of the section of characters in the script.rpy file add:

define mct = Character ("[main]'s Thoughts",color="#00BFFF", who_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_outlines=[ (2, "#000000") ], what_color="#e062c5")
- The what_color at the end is changing to the text color. Included pic has others to choose from.
- Using the search Find and Replace mc "{i} with mct "{i}
- Notepad++ has the option to do this in all open documents at once to make it easier.
- Save all and good to go.
- The downside to this method is that it is only good for this update. You would need to repeat each update.
- The upside is that this will not change narrations.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2019
Meeting Emily error: When first meeting her, it shows Emma as the speaker. This is the Read: Rude and Read: Romance mods. Game mode is fine.

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Jul 23, 2022
I presume this 25 year daughter did worked so hard her whole life that now looks like 35 old?

Stress can really ruin a person :ROFLMAO:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2019
Here is my URM save file.....

This was made from a Read Mode: Romance, but a lot should carry over to Game or Rude.

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To use
- download and install Universal Ren'Py Mod
- download View attachment 16 years and unzip next to URM in /game folder
- may have to click the 'open save file' button in upper right corner

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Jul 16, 2018
Is this an error with the VN, or with the WT mod?

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
KeyError: 'Felicia'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "day14romancescript.rpyc", line 2043, in script
  File "M:\Games\16 Years Later EP12\renpy\", line 930, in execute
    renpy.exports.say(who, what, *args, **kwargs)
  File "M:\Games\16 Years Later EP12\renpy\", line 1474, in say
    who(what, *args, **kwargs)
  File "M:\Games\16 Years Later EP12\renpy\", line 1340, in __call__
    what = self.prefix_suffix("what", self.what_prefix, what, self.what_suffix)
  File "M:\Games\16 Years Later EP12\renpy\", line 1254, in prefix_suffix
    return (sub(prefix) + sub(body) + sub(suffix))
  File "M:\Games\16 Years Later EP12\renpy\", line 1234, in sub
    return renpy.substitutions.substitute(s, scope=scope, force=force, translate=translate)[0]
  File "M:\Games\16 Years Later EP12\renpy\", line 278, in substitute
    s = formatter.vformat(s, (), kwargs) # type: ignore
  File "/home/tom/ab/nightly-build-fix/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python3.9/", line 165, in vformat
  File "/home/tom/ab/nightly-build-fix/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python3.9/", line 205, in _vformat
  File "M:\Games\16 Years Later EP12\renpy\", line 168, in get_field
    obj, arg_used = super(Formatter, self).get_field(field_name, args, kwargs)
  File "/home/tom/ab/nightly-build-fix/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python3.9/", line 270, in get_field
  File "/home/tom/ab/nightly-build-fix/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python3.9/", line 227, in get_value
KeyError: 'Felicia'

Windows-10-10.0.19045 AMD64
16 years later! episode12
Thu Apr 18 15:57:48 2024


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2019
Is this an error with the VN, or with the WT mod?

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
KeyError: 'Felicia'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "day14romancescript.rpyc", line 2043, in script
  File "M:\Games\16 Years Later EP12\renpy\", line 930, in execute
    renpy.exports.say(who, what, *args, **kwargs)
  File "M:\Games\16 Years Later EP12\renpy\", line 1474, in say
    who(what, *args, **kwargs)
  File "M:\Games\16 Years Later EP12\renpy\", line 1340, in __call__
    what = self.prefix_suffix("what", self.what_prefix, what, self.what_suffix)
  File "M:\Games\16 Years Later EP12\renpy\", line 1254, in prefix_suffix
    return (sub(prefix) + sub(body) + sub(suffix))
  File "M:\Games\16 Years Later EP12\renpy\", line 1234, in sub
    return renpy.substitutions.substitute(s, scope=scope, force=force, translate=translate)[0]
  File "M:\Games\16 Years Later EP12\renpy\", line 278, in substitute
    s = formatter.vformat(s, (), kwargs) # type: ignore
  File "/home/tom/ab/nightly-build-fix/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python3.9/", line 165, in vformat
  File "/home/tom/ab/nightly-build-fix/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python3.9/", line 205, in _vformat
  File "M:\Games\16 Years Later EP12\renpy\", line 168, in get_field
    obj, arg_used = super(Formatter, self).get_field(field_name, args, kwargs)
  File "/home/tom/ab/nightly-build-fix/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python3.9/", line 270, in get_field
  File "/home/tom/ab/nightly-build-fix/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python3.9/", line 227, in get_value
KeyError: 'Felicia'

Windows-10-10.0.19045 AMD64
16 years later! episode12
Thu Apr 18 15:57:48 2024
It is in the VN. day14romancescript.rpy and day14script.rpy
Open those in a text editor and search for the following code:

mct "{i}I feel that I won't be able to do this for long... but I think [Felicia] wants to finish it now, because at any moment someone could knock and it would be over.{/i}"
Change the [Felicia] to [felicia] same and it will be good.

You can also use the URM to replace the text. I put a link to it in the post above your post.


Feb 27, 2024
Some minor text/grammar bugs in my mod were brought to my attention. I've fixed those and reposted the mod. You can get it here:

(But note that these are strictly text/grammar changes. If you have already played past day 5 there's no benefit to download it again unless you really want to.)
I dunno if you missed my post, but there's still a few things you missed that you might want to fix in the next version of the i-patch mod. (skip to the second half of the post. I copy pasted the lines with the day they appear in.)


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 26, 2019
Not a fan of the vegetarian and anti-smoking dialogues. Now if it was reversed that would be better :p

I'll just never be a fan of morals, politically correctness or agendas in adult vns. Just my thoughts.
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