- Jan 26, 2021
- 6,889
- 21,549
Game is mediocre at best... started out as a literal copy of MNF and it's buggy as hell....
Ah, yeah, probably a story mode problem. I recommend game mode anyway, though I don't play AVNs on my phone.I'm running the android version...and just for a test I am playing the "story mode" on romantic instead of "game mode" where you make choices to gain points. As I said before, its not the only issue, but it is a HUGE gap in the playthrough.
if petralove >= 0:
at line 3088 in romancescript.rpy (when unrenned, at least). Since story mode shouldn't have points, this fails. And since the "rude" elif
is missing in the romantic script, there's a disjoint in the story. I've let Wetdreamwalker know in his Discord.I noticed little errors within the game logic as well. Like when I didn't meet with Brad until he tried to force himself on the Asian chick, yet he speaks as if I met with when he was trying to have his way with Chloe for example. As for many of the other things that seem unrealistic I have to agree with those people as well.the whole brad thing is dumb the first encounter was passable but the one with his 'friends' is dumb. also the thing about not killing him cause jail well the meeting happens at a warehouse abandoned.....
i didn't screw petra and yet it says i did hell i didn't even touch her i think but certainly didn't fuck her
Yes, this game has become VASTLY different than MNF (in general story...although much of the dialogue is still quite similar), but the dialogue for day 1 is (still, considering at first it was even more so) almost a carbon copy of day 1 of MNF. The dev probably had to say it was inspired by MNF for legal reasons because he was stealing dialogue directly from K7's game and there was a big legal battle about it (the "inspired by" wasn't added till about the 3rd or 4th update). Unfortunately, in attempting to not copy MNF directly, this game has gone off the rails and has become a hodgepodge of randomly scattered, uncorelated, last minute scenes that only vaguely tie into one another...sometimes...without any real fluid story.I noticed little errors within the game logic as well. Like when I didn't meet with Brad until he tried to force himself on the Asian chick, yet he speaks as if I met with when he was trying to have his way with Chloe for example. As for many of the other things that seem unrealistic I have to agree with those people as well.
The creator of this should do their best to work out these things seeing as that can be very off putting so some people.
But on another note while this game is "inspired" by the creator of My New Family I can totally see this game being vastly different than that game in many ways. For example I can tell this game is going to have consequences for dating all the girls at once vs My New Family where there are no consequences and at one point the main girl even pushes one of your sisters to be with you.
"Some"?Said no to work for Petra, and yet i still go there to work?
Maybe the dev need to make some changes..
Speaking of three strikes; I think I read several pages back that the game is already on it's third writer. So that would explain a lot of the continuity issues.This is my third attempt at this game, and I have to say...Strike 3, your out.
Also agree. Why is it that conflict generation, most of the time, comes from a place of criminality? Especially in an erotic novel; I struggle to stay aroused when it's full of scenes with mafia, gangs, violence, etc...Agree that the Brad thing doesnt fit well in the story. I think the Dev wanted to introduce some conflict and didnt know how, so he went with an easy way.
Perhaps, but continuity was an issue right from the start so I doubt that the change in writers is the entire issue...in fact I am almost certain of it.Speaking of three strikes; I think I read several pages back that the game is already on it's third writer. So that would explain a lot of the continuity issues.
you nailed it! that was exactly what i was thinking about this game. it's a mess.Ok. I'm out. Absolutely no sense. Guy spends 16 years in federal prison, but can't defend himself (and his daughters) against 3 punks...1 who is a scrawny nobody, only 1 has a shiv, and likely all 3 impaired by some substance...so he takes a serious beating to.his abdomen (making an internal comment that he may end up with internal bleeding). And then is trying to think of how to actually follow "Brad's" orders. So after 16 years in prison, and in the good physical shape he is in, the MC is a giant pussy. AND THEN he goes to Petra's and decides to fuck her? Right after the serious beating he just took?
He doesn't go to the hospital, or go home, or get ANY sort of aid for the injuries, and doesn't even explain to Petra that he was beaten and probably shouldn't be fucking at the momwnt. He's just superman and after a 10 minute walk the beating isn't even important...but he couldn't defend himself from the beating in the first place.
Yeah. So much about this game is fucked up. The DEV has no creativity so started by trying to copy MNF (and day 1 is STILL basically a copy of MNF day 1), then to keep from being sued decided to give MNF credit, but turn this game into a random mix of pointless story, jumbled ideas, bouncing dialogue, and random erotic scenes with very little actual lewd/sex scenes (after 7 updates at least 3 of the girls should have been fucked). Just lurching from one scene to the next (all of which seem to be just thought up at the last minute and shoved in whenever they were thought up).
This is my third attempt at this game, and I have to say...Strike 3, your out.
Because people are blinded by the girls, but this is something that happens for many games.how much drugs you have to consume to give this game a 5 star rating in the review?
Because every single one of us plays adult games for the gripping plot right? That sweet character growth from chapter to chapter and occasional philosophical musings that makes us consider our life choices and strive to be better people.Because people are blinded by the girls, but this is something that happens for many games.
Yeah...sure..."none of them"...except My New Family, My New Memories, Serenity, Parental Love, Picture Perfect, Powers That Be, and even Maou-Sama and Deadlocked in Time (the last 2 are a tad sketchy but still way better than 16 years later)...Just to name a small list.Because every single one of us plays adult games for the gripping plot right? That sweet character growth from chapter to chapter and occasional philosophical musings that makes us consider our life choices and strive to be better people.
Have you played/read many adult VN's/games or is this one the first? Cuz news flash, NONE OF THEM has a coherent plot or storyline that makes the least bit of sense. So singling out this game for a problem shared with literally every other game posted on here is beyond moronic.