To all people, commenting on the downsides of 26regionsfm of moving to blender, i understand you. I respect your preferences and reasons. To each his/her own. You don't want him to change and just keep things the same.
I may be the only one saying this, but i will still stand by my statement that, even though the move to Blender will be tough, tedious and time consuming, if done correctly and done well, the end result will be much better than SFM. I am and have always been a big fan of his work. There are many artists who do amazing work in blender that i can state as proof. I am sure you do as well. And as for the women, i prefer them a bit more thicker and juicier. That does not mean i hate 26RegionSFM version of women. The biggest gripe i have with SFM has always been the way 3d women look. Big boobs and butt on stick thin (thin arms and legs) figure frame bodies instead of proportioned bodies. But in the end, as i said, to each his/her own.
If you want high quality work, a pure 3d animation software like Blender will always be superior to SFM, but if you want fast, not so high quality work SFM will do. May be things have changed and improved now for SFM, i dont know. But SFM's shelf life is not going to be long. Blender is the future.