I really liked this first version. It seems like it won’t be a sandbox anymore, which I appreciate. I think a visual novel format suits it better, at least based on this initial prologue.
So far, I’m really enjoying the story. It’s still a bit early to say anything definitive, the characters seem coherent with what little has been shown. The only thing that felt a bit unnatural was the sudden choice to abuse Francia, but it doesn’t seem too relevant. I’m on team incest, so I hope something happens with the little sister in the future, though who knows what the plans for her are.
Now we just have to wait for both routes. I’m curious to see how they will both lead into the same main story. Personally, I prefer linear stories, even if part of the charm of VNs is having choices.
By the way, I found it funny to see some comments worrying about NTR after witnessing a scene where a girl gets raped. I’m always surprised by what some people consider NTR just because the protagonist isn’t the one doing the fucking.
On another note, I was surprised by some comments about the sister’s skirt. I thought everyone would unanimously like it, we’re playing a porn game after all. At least I won’t complain about female clothing being unrealistically scarce, like with the military women at the start. I mean, where else am I going to see a zombie biting a girl’s ass while she’s wearing a thong? XD