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73lac7c's character mods

5.00 star(s) 4 Votes
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Jul 29, 2020
Edited Lara Croft Card. Feel free to make adjustments to the face to make it look more like her. I had trouble with the eyes and bone structure.

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Aug 23, 2017
Heads up for anyone wondering, Xyth said Tifa FFVII remake would release around July for Playhome which I believe will be the last PH mod release of his. Of course if anyone already bought her and is yet to share please feel free to


Jan 25, 2020
Heads up for anyone wondering, Xyth said Tifa FFVII remake would release around July for Playhome which I believe will be the last PH mod release of his. Of course if anyone already bought her and is yet to share please feel free to
Sure, now any modders will make tifa porting a second time, they probably thinks it's a awesome idea. (i can't wait for the third time) :Kappa:


Oct 7, 2019
What's wrong with having multiple ports of a single character? Keep in mind that all modders have their own strengths and weaknesses and also each of them adds their own touch in facial expressions, adding variety and choice even to a single character.

Also, having all popular characters made by people like Xyth (rushed, low quality, locked behind obnoxious paywalls and now probably even with "antipiracy" scripts added that may end up being a virus, or at least create issues in the game itself) would be awful.

Now i'll go back to lurking while learning how to add head models to HS, AI and HS2... with my own Tifa mod.


Oct 7, 2019
Yoshiosoka Avatar checks out.
Good. Got it like 20 seconds before commenting exactly for it.

However, not defending just Tifa, simply tired of that dumb "but character was already done by someone else" complaint since i've seen it in other places and over different characters (mainly from OW and FF) without keeping in mind how a single character can vary depending of who ports it.
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Jan 25, 2020
What's wrong with having multiple ports of a single character? Keep in mind that all modders have their own strengths and weaknesses and also each of them adds their own touch in facial expressions, adding variety and choice even to a single character.

Also, having all popular characters made by people like Xyth (rushed, low quality, locked behind obnoxious paywalls and now probably even with "antipiracy" scripts added that may end up being a virus, or at least create issues in the game itself) would be awful.

Now i'll go back to lurking while learning how to add head models to HS, AI and HS2... with my own Tifa mod.
Dude, a lot people wait for others, and yes , better characters.
So when you wait already during a long time, i'm sorry, for characters with a lots more personality, charisma, better design than this kawaii random face like tifa, and you see again a fucking version of tifa because these **** patreon$ have again voted 1 more time for this **** tifa, yes you have the right to be mad.
Fortunately for the moment, we have some modders like Cuni and Darkruler for save this game from this kikoojapanese invasion from hell.

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Sep 22, 2020
You seem to misunderstand how the system works. Assuming you are not a paying patreon you dont have the right to be mad because you are here just expecting to receive everything for free (just like we all are), kinda, like a burglar getting mad because the house he was stealing from didnt have a better tv... beggars cant be choosers.

When you talk about other characters being better than others, you are putting your personal tastes above everyone else´s. Why do you believe the characters you like are better than the other "crap" characters? Are you a superior entity with more refined tastes and senses than the rest of us mortals, or something?

If a modder goes to the trouble of setting up a patreon, then that means he intends to earn some money for his mods. In order to do so, it is a safer bet to go for the more popular characters, rather than the niche ones. Tifa is a super popular character, 23+ years of hentai are more than enough proof of that. So it is only natural that she gets to be modded by so many people. It is just common freaking sense....

Repeating the same stupid rant about there being too many Tifas in this forum is not going to fix anything for you. While some modders appear in here from time to time, they are never going to give a crap about our opinnions, because we are not their paying customers, actually, its all the opposite.
So please people, stop being such a spam factory and stop reposting the same shit over and over. It is getting annoying alredy.

If you REALLY want to "fix" things, I can offer 2 different options:
1) There are some modders who take on commisions. So if you have a particular character you want modded, you can pay them to do so.
2) Learn to mod them yourself. That way you can have any character of outfit you want.


Jan 25, 2020
You seem to misunderstand how the system works. Assuming you are not a paying patreon you dont have the right to be mad because you are here just expecting to receive everything for free (just like we all are), kinda, like a burglar getting mad because the house he was stealing from didnt have a better tv... beggars cant be choosers.

When you talk about other characters being better than others, you are putting your personal tastes above everyone else´s. Why do you believe the characters you like are better than the other "crap" characters? Are you a superior entity with more refined tastes and senses than the rest of us mortals, or something?

If a modder goes to the trouble of setting up a patreon, then that means he intends to earn some money for his mods. In order to do so, it is a safer bet to go for the more popular characters, rather than the niche ones. Tifa is a super popular character, 23+ years of hentai are more than enough proof of that. So it is only natural that she gets to be modded by so many people. It is just common freaking sense....

Repeating the same stupid rant about there being too many Tifas in this forum is not going to fix anything for you. While some modders appear in here from time to time, they are never going to give a crap about our opinnions, because we are not their paying customers, actually, its all the opposite.
So please people, stop being such a spam factory and stop reposting the same shit over and over. It is getting annoying alredy.

If you REALLY want to "fix" things, I can offer 2 different options:
1) There are some modders who take on commisions. So if you have a particular character you want modded, you can pay them to do so.
2) Learn to mod them yourself. That way you can have any character of outfit you want.
Dude you don't know if i'm a patreon or not.
So yes my personal tastes are better than randoms guys, i'm sorry, if you want to discuss about that we can do it.
"Learn to mod them yourself", i already work in the video game industry, but i work on UE4 not on unity, so no, i will don't do it, i just wait the tifa shitstorm fades and we have already a lot modders for HS.
We don't have knew this situation with HS1, like a said before, with the time that will probably stop and giving way to the missed characters.
You have the right to be ok with the fact it's normal to have 39 versions of the same character and nothing about others video games characters, and i have the right to think it's absolutly a stupid thing, generate by stupid people.


Sep 22, 2020
Your personal tastes are not better than other people´s. They are just your own personal tastes.

Modders are not doing so to satisfy you, they are either doing it for the $ their patreons give them, or for their own personal fun. Either way since it is their personal work, they are free to mod whatever the f they want. We should be thankful that most of them eventually give us their work for free, instead of complaining.

It´s not like I´m ok about having 39 versions of the same character. As I stated, it is common sense that popular characters get moded by many people, hence, having many versions of them. They don not have a duty to respond to you by moding the characters you like.


Jan 25, 2020
Your personal tastes are not better than other people´s. They are just your own personal tastes.

Modders are not doing so to satisfy you, they are either doing it for the $ their patreons give them, or for their own personal fun. Either way since it is their personal work, they are free to mod whatever the f they want. We should be thankful that most of them eventually give us their work for free, instead of complaining.

It´s not like I´m ok about having 39 versions of the same character. As I stated, it is common sense that popular characters get moded by many people, hence, having many versions of them. They don not have a duty to respond to you by moding the characters you like.
Dude, don't transform the true by "no", read and try to understand what I wrote before.


Sep 22, 2020

I get that you are dissapointed by the lack of variety, wich I completely understand, and share, to some extent. But as I stated before, modders are not our empleyees. They do not have a an obligation to do what WE want. They are free people, just like us, who either respond to their customers or their own free will.
If you are suscribing to one or many of them, you could try unsuscribing and complaining to them about the lack of variety in their polls. Nothing hurts a business more than losing customers. If they really care they might change things. But complaining here is surely not going to fix the issue...


Nov 7, 2019
Good. Got it like 20 seconds before commenting exactly for it.

However, not defending just Tifa, simply tired of that dumb "but character was already done by someone else" complaint since i've seen it in other places and over different characters (mainly from OW and FF) without keeping in mind how a single character can vary depending of who ports it.
It would be
What's wrong with having multiple ports of a single character? Keep in mind that all modders have their own strengths and weaknesses and also each of them adds their own touch in facial expressions, adding variety and choice even to a single character.

Also, having all popular characters made by people like Xyth (rushed, low quality, locked behind obnoxious paywalls and now probably even with "antipiracy" scripts added that may end up being a virus, or at least create issues in the game itself) would be awful.

Now i'll go back to lurking while learning how to add head models to HS, AI and HS2... with my own Tifa mod.
If only some one could make/release a tool that would make it more noob friendly to port stuff over then there wouldn't be people charging up the ass for a head swap.
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5.00 star(s) 4 Votes