- Dec 19, 2019
- 862
- 751
You have it backwards.As far as I know, the Oedipus complex is the love from a father towards his son /daughter in an romantical and sexual way.
the love from a Mother towards her son/daughter is called "Electra complex" interesting that I don't know how it is called the other way around or if it has even a name. (love from children towards their Parents )
but if somebody knows please enlighten me
1. The Oedipus complex is (a male) child to (the female) mother parent love or sexual desire of and the disdain or hate of (the male) father parent
2. The Electra complex is (a female) child to (the male) father parent love or sexual desire of and the disdain or hate of (the female) mother parent
What you have wrong is the reverse of either complex would be one of these
is (the male) father parent to (the female) child love or sexual desire of and the disdain or hate of (the female) mother parent
is (a female) mother parent to (the female) child love or sexual desire of and the disdain or hate of (the male) father parent
is (the male) father parent to (the male) child love or sexual desire of and the disdain or hate of (a female) mother parent
is (a female) mother parent to (the male) child love or sexual desire of and (the disdain or hate of (the male) father parent this lack of love for the coparent seems not to be covered but neither ruled out as well,) would fall under the following complexes
The Jocasta complex is (a female) mother parent to (the male) child love or sexual desire of
The Phaedra complex is (a female) stepmother stepparent to (the male) stepchild love or sexual desire of
And I am not aware of any study current or past that is in naming a complex such as you describe.
Thusly the above description would fall under one of these following categories via the Primary age of attraction by the adult with little distinction being given to a gender of the adult in most case studies.
Infantophilia = Primary attraction focus on children less than 5; a recently suggested term that is not in general use as of 1970 or so.
Pedophilia = also spelled as paedophilia, Primary attraction Prepubescent children, more than 5 to pubescent. Grossly miss used in popular and non medical or scientific areas of modern culture.
Hebephilia = Primary attraction towards pubescent children between 12-14.
Ephebophilia = Primary attraction towards post-pubescent adolescents 15-19.
Incest = Primary attraction would be mutual depending on the age of consent laws being geographically defined as therein.
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