First, Pixel, I want to commend you for having a rich detailed story, that strongly keeps my interest from one update to the next. I wish more AVN writers would think of the story first, rather than just thowing one guy and a bunch of girls together and have them go at it, so great job.
Keeping a sense of mystery throughout, and slowly revealing what is really happening, along with including more mysteries as the MC finds out more, is great. Also, I always enjoy the theme of an MC who is living a normal life, and suddenly finds out there is a whole 'nother, more exciting layer to life, that he, and most everyone else, is missing, a-la, the Matrix.
Trolling for what? You going to run out and suddenly support the game next time I toss in a sex scene?
I'm really not. Presumably you've played the game from the very beginning? Any suggestions where I could have inserted some FAP material without bolixing up the story?
It's not like I haven't asked a few dozen players. But what the hell, let me ask YOU.
Let me bust it wide and open it up to everyone.
If you have a good suggestion that lewds up the game I'm all for it as long as it fits in with the story.
That is just it, I don't think there has been any natural point in your story so far where a sex scene fits. It would just seem forced if the MC snuck away and got it on with one of the characters. They have all been so busy trying to figure out what is going on, and fighting demons, etc, that they are just barely getting to know each other. Even the handjob scene, seemed pretty incongruous and took me out of the more realistic story, but I get how this is an adult game, so you want to include at least some adult elements sometime.
So, no, I don't think you should add any more sex scenes. The only suggestion I have, is so far none of the characters, other than Maddy, seem interested in the MC at all romantically. Mostly they distrust him, but are willing to give him a chance with one eye open because they don't really have any choice.
That all makes sense, but before jumping into sex scenes, even in the bunker, the story would be well served to show some developing romantic interest before characters just suddenly get it on. At least for me, I don't find unearned sex scenes very interesting, there is online porn for that. The whole point of AVNs, at least story centered ones like this one, is for the MC to build a realistic seeming relationship with the characters, with natural progression toward more intimate moments, where it makes sense.