MC renaming is coming very soon!I may have made her call me GROGNAR DESTROYER OF MANY MANY UNIVERSES and now i cant change it.
Not right now, unfortunately. I will look into adding at least non-sex SFX soon, voicing and, er "sounding" sex scenes is a very big undertaking, so I don't know when/if I'll be able to get to that stage.does this game have sound effects? Every RenPy game I've been playing only plays music and no sound effects
Thank you for your kind words!...
1. Will a walk-through be developed for paths which increase lewdness and intimacy?
2. When is the next update? If no solid date yet, definitely worth waiting for!
Not sure what you mean by a path walkthrough. You sometimes get more intimacy or lewdness depending on your choices, but you will always be able to increase both by spending time with girls. And spending quality time with girls.
Well, I obviously disagree with the last part, and I intend to see this game to completion, but you do have a fair point. The story isn't as dynamic as it was in the beginning. There's a lot of prep work needed for certain routes (new environments and NPC), and for the main story, I need to finish adding all the "main" in-house characters for it to proceed. But each new character will bring more work with it, so it's a double-edged sword of sorts.It is so boring. Why in the hell does he continue with this project? It has passed its sell by date.
There will be some (optional) lore dumps in the future, that I can promise.Look ZanithOne, some (one person) don't like your game, says it's boring, some (ME for instance) adore your game, love all the girl because they are unique in there own way and bring depth to the story and a unique way to tackle the sex scene.
Just one thing that i would ask, it's doing a big update on the main story, i want to know the detail on the why, how and where on the rift itself.
Unfortunately Naomi does very little for me. Not into the muscular and masculine type. Would prefer her character take a major backseat.
I know she's not as popular as the others, but I still intend to have more or less the same number of events for each of the girls at the end of the game.Same to me, naomi is meh hope no more focus on her
That's a good point. I need to revise some of the event and add some options to jostle with her (verbally). She's probably going to appreciate it, actually.Loved the Rae events, but honestly I am a bit torn on Naomi. I've been nothing but nice to her, and she still treats the MC like a doormat. I get that her being more abrasive is part of her character, but it's getting to the point where I would like to be able to tell her to fuck off when she tells the MC to get out after literally doing everything possible to help her.
Well, some of it is her character, some of it needs adressing by me, you're right.As the stereotypical "good guy", this is also something that grates on my nerves (someone being a dick to you even after you do your best helping them). Granted, I haven't tried this last update yet, but if people's reactions to it are true, then I'm afraid I may purposely start leaving her story out unless it's necessary for the progression of the main story.
Yeah, the last few updates weren't really featuring main girls at all. Naomi needed some events cause she was falling way back. Next two updates (0.4.9 - 0.4.10) will have more Lyriel and Cait.I can't be the only one hoping for more interaction with Lyriel. It seems like she's stalled for the last 2 or 3 updates. And a little more movement on Caitlin would be nice. The outing with Naomi was an obvious extension of her story line but lets develope the 2 newest characters now. It's almost like they are in stasis.
I've had some life stuff come up in the last few months, so updates have been inconsistent, small, and too far apart. I'm doing what I can to get back to providing good and frequent updates.Its good game but you should stop that teaserlike short updates ASAP...
I've done some bad, bad things with rollback and general RenPy scripting for the updated intro. There's no easy way to sync video (or even just add async timer events) to the actual RenPy script, so I had to, uh, improvise. After you're done with the intro the rollback should be 100% working, and I won't be doing any more of this weird stuff in the later game. Maybe I'll revisit the intro code some day and will try to make it less ghastly, but it's not on my list of priorities right now.I tried using UnRen to force enable rollback since it wasn't working normally, and I still can't get it to work? Is there anything else I can try? I like to replay games from the start when new updates come out, so I can re-experience my favourite scenes, but I tend to just fly through the early game until I get to a scene I want to watch or until I get to the new content, however, as you can imagine, I sometimes skip a little to far, so the ability to rollback the game is really important for me. I'm starting to wonder if the Author did something in the game files to stop people from being able to rollback because I could do it in all the old patches, just not this one. I know some other Ren'Py authors have done this before, though I genuinely don't know why.