Not my opinion.
I like BLAIR, my second choice after RAE. I like short stack girls, when they are not so agressive, that is...
Obvious i think her storyline is not very develop, and maybe people here like more THIN BLONDE ELF kind than CHUBBY FAT CURVY BROWN DWARF types. Each ones with their tastes.
Plus people here are playing with those RAE CAIT and the elf for so many time, and BLAIR, as the orc too, are relativity fresh and young in the story.
My personal top for them is (taste top): RAE, BLAIR, the elf, CAIT, NAOMI and YONA.
My top about only story line and character construction, without sexual attraction personal preferences on it: NAOMI, the elf, CAIT, RAE, BLAIR and YONA.
But these are my opinion only.
Now i have a doubt... This last version.... what this last version added to the story? I dont see no NEW QUEST OR STORY, so this update was so only about BUG FIXes ans stuff like that?