I'm a big believer in NOT railroading character relationships, and I generally really dislike it when one character's progression is tied to another character (especially because it's frequently someone I dislike). Whether it's because of looks, attitude, or whatever, I want the freedom to be like "Yep, fuck that bitch, don't like her, don't even want her around." for all the games I play. So in that sense I agree with you.
That said, I absolutely hated Lyriel at first too, but she really, REALLY grew on me to be #2 in the house just behind Rae, so unless you just dislike (super hot) blonde elves in general, you may want to give her a chance to redeem herself. She isn't as prickly as she comes across at first. Eventually. And fuck me...those ear movements...
But hey, like I said, the freedom to pick and choose is one of the best parts of games that allow it.
wtf?? how can you despise lyriel?!? she's the perfect tsundere! she loves everything you do to her but refuses to say she does.
to me the top 3 girls are lyriel, rae, caitlin.
on another note i keep wondering about his sister's bedroom, will his sister eventually show up in the house?
i even hope for an 'onii-chan, you're fucking everyone but me, why?!?' sex scene hahaha
also as much cumming inside as i do, they should get pregnant!!
See, the weird thing is, I know she's written to be redeemable, as it were. So, in a future playthrough, I'd be all for going for her. But in my first playthrough, I want to pick choices that I feel are more... what I would pick (part of why, despite not being interested in her, I don't choose the nastier options in dialog). First impressions matter a lot, and putting myself in MCs shoes (keeping everyone sane, learning things to figure what is happening and why, stress of the situation, etc) I just don't have time for her BS.
She's there. Better she is complacent with her situation than miserable, but between other things that occupy MC's mind and time, and her behavior, he just is not interested.
It mirrors how I view people. I'm happy to be decent to everyone, but someone who acts like that, I don't care what potential lies underneath, I don't feel like enough of a masochist to tolerate the abuse and frustration to crack that shell.
Some Tsundere characters appeal to me, but not often.
I know, I know. It's a weird mindset to go into a porn game with. She's hot, don't take it so seriously, play it out for the scenes. But for characters I don't like (or, maybe more accurately, my MC is given reason to not like), in my first go, I'd rather just treat them with a "fine, I've tried to be nice and this is how you act? fuck you, then" mentality
On to other points?
While not every game needs incest... I'm also hoping sis shows up. And between Rae and the pirate (ouch, her name didn't stick, did it?) two characters have brought up pregnancy in some form. While not huge into that, as a fetish, in games that feature romance as a component to the story, I like the addition of pregnancy, so that could be fun.
My favorite girl is Cait though. Rae is a really close second.
I had actually hoped that Rae would do more to seduce Cait, and in doing so, be the one to help Cait open up to the MC, sexually, though. Love decently done lesbian content!