Dylan741 believe it or not, that's the first time in almost 40 years i've seen a woman use a man's name. thanks for the info, though. live and learn.
segaegae i'm not asking anyone to change a thing. they can leave it like that and all i'll do is just keep skipping the story when they show on screen. not really an issue. they can tell a story however they see fit. i'm simply stating my opinion. last i checked, that's still a constitutional right in most countries.
Evil13 not sure how you write it in finnish since i never studied the language and i can barely speak a few words in it but in catalan, i believe it's huomo. so neither writing nor speaking the word "home" would mean anything in catalan. do correct me if i'm wrong. i mean, i don't really speak the language, i've just heard my mom speak it for almost 2 decades since she works there. as for equating reality and fantasy, unless it's tolkien who went to great lengths to create NEW LANGUAGES for his stories, you kind of have to use the current language limitations. believe it or not, almost all stories out there, even those with incredible names, are actually based on a language from the last 3-4 millennia. don't believe me? try a college course on fantasy literature and you'll be told the same thing. also, i will reiterate: it's their story and their rules. i'm simply expressing my opinion as a romanian. nothing more. even if nothing gets changed, doesn't mean i will stop supporting or stop playing.