First of all this update is short for the 2 month it take...
report of some problem
when the mc, blair and azreasha talk of a chest in her room it is not in this room...
yes it was here.
Second i usually boost the stat of the girls to max before do events, and when you hang out with cait, you have the event with her on your lap with her glass, even if you have not go buy her yet.
And third, could you lock event, to when you start one with a girl you can t begin another until the end of the first...? I do a restart this time. And during it,
i ask rae for a breakfast in mc world, we go to bed. But i see the yona village burn and wake up in my bed, so i make my day and in the evening lyriel ask to go visit her aunt, so i say yes (because why not...), after the event i wake up in my bed with rae for the breakfast, do the event, and finish in lyriel room but empty (the main quest of lyriel has disappeared), after this i go with yona in this world for the first time and wake up in liriel room with her this time (and her main quest come back). Seriously WTF... lock some event between them please.
You rework scene, but nothing really change in my point of view, just a better light don t make a rework for me i guess...
good luck with the rest of your game M dev.