First can I say a big thanks for your detailed and positive feedback..
Can I check, are you playing the newer Quality of life edition.. as The hint system in there is better. and also, i have added hints on the npc stats page to show where some bonus events can be found..
I wanted the help to be a little vague (like see x in morning before school).. as I didnt want it to be a literally .."go here. click this, at this fidget A in to sproket C" or its less of a game and more of a set of ikea constuction instuctions.. if that makes sense.
I do get what you are saying about holding back on some of the npc.. but I think others would complain the school is like a ghost town.. I do hope that by the next release that about 10 more NPC will have at least some event. .and there will be even more quests.. some adding to the current, so basic intro to a person type ones.
The lesson have already been rebuilt today (omg omg omg... wait until you guys see)... Ok so I have not built group events into the engine.. with lessons being an example of them.. I intend to also add something in the canteen and dinner table at home for the next release.. Hopefully that will make some people happier
regarding the size / reach / ambition of this project.. I really want this to be one of the best games on this site.. this will not be tomorrow.. might not even be in a year.. but each release should bring it a bit closer to that. Games like Girl Life, SOB, Tower, badboy bobby, love and vice, lust for life and probably a few more I could mention have been some of my personal favs, and where I hope to aspire to be...
Just hope the comments stay possitive as the journey goes
---Forgot to say... Does the magnify option work well enough for you? I was going to leave this as the best solution as it doesnt mean LOADS of work on my side and means I can concentrate more on content.. but at the same time.. if it means however good the content is, people will be turned off by the screen size.. then I am going to have to fix it...