I'm confused as to why you can't be on the hot-wife path for Mary and still confront her about said diary, since in order for Mary to be a hotwife, the hotwife must have the consent of her significant other/husband to have sex outside of marriage, otherwise it's not any different from cheating when Fred does so with Lexi, Zoe, the co-worker, the nurse, etc. I understand Mary would be too emotional to hear anymore of what we have to say, especially if we (the players) admitted to cheating multiple times, but when I picked the "confessed to everything" Mary took her time to listen and respond accordingly.
I'm not trying to nitpick, because I did decide on said choices and deserve the consequences, which is arguably my favorite feature of ALWL, besides the narration. However, again, it seems out of place since both Fred and Mary are airing out their dirty laundry (mostly Fred), then Mary should do so as well, since two wrongs don't make a right.