VN - Ren'Py - A Man for All [Ep.15] [Venus Waltz]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoy this game. Beautiful renders to be sure. The three choices of answers are a nice mechanic without it bogging the gameplay down. The storyline is interesting and the slower burn for lewd scenes with some of the characters is a welcome change. This is in my top five favorites and I've played quite a few since discovering adult VNs recently. Keep up the great work.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    High School/School themed visual novels are a tale older than time itself, due to his roots on most of the japanese visual novels of the past, and it's easy to understand from a japanese perspective, since is the time of the life when you're kinda free (hence why we have dozens upon dozens of slice of life anime shows with school theme), but still is overused.

    College in other hand, is a more complex situation in terms of adult visual novels, since isn't the same as school, so a more sensible approach is needed. While some authors try to do the same school approach (and fail to capture the more cynical nature of university), some try to do their work akin to the real life, with their own twist. This approach have varied degrees of success and failure, and fortunately, A Man for All try this approach instead of School with adult people. For those of TL;DR: A Man for All is Fuckin' Fantastic.

    For the others, well, you might be askin why?

    *tap various parts of my body*

    Here's why:

    Story: You're a guy in his early twenties, that was always a good student, and after high school, go to the big city to attend a prestigious university to study psicology. After 3 years of online classes, living in the basement of a coffee shop (where you work), you need to attend classes to work on your thesis. And that's where your journey begin, meeting different people, balancing studies, work and even some other activities, while also working your way into the women.

    While the premise is kinda basic, the story progress isn't. You meet various people and deal with a myriad of different things.

    Remember when I talked about success or failure in show college stuff? Well, AMFA excells at this.

    Writing: It's excellent, some people can complain about some "useless choices", but those are IMO, the best part, because you can shape what kind of relationship you have with the different LI's in the game (of course, as a Harem enjoyer, I have the Pokémon approach of Gotta fuck'em all), you can be a Gentleman, a Funny guy or a Carlos SainzSmooth Operator and in more decisive situations (usually not relative to LI's but on the story) you can be a Diplomat or a Agressive in relation toward those situations. The characters, being LIs or not, are unique and not always jump on LI's pants (Erika being the exception). And Vanessa is the best girl, don't @ me.

    Art/Sex: While is kinda sad that some people get more love than others, the girls are good, with Milfs looking like milfs and younger people looking like younger people. And the sex scenes are good, despite not having that much of a dialogue compared to other AVN's.

    Overall: 5/5. Why didn't you played yet?
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Nico Odin

    The characters are well modeled and written.
    The story is also good, but I think the game would be better if it had a mini-game for the brawls.
    The choices (Knight, Prankster, Flirt, Good, Evil) are well written but have no impact because the game gives you the choice of whether to pursue someone or not. So you can flirt with the girls all you want and still choose not to be with them.

    Overall, I give the game 4/5 stars.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    TL/DR Version: Dialogue choices in the game have no impact on the story which makes them feel meaningless, the adult content is sparse and sub-par in light of the sheer quantity of dialogue, and there’s no way to opt out of less-interesting and/or annoying storylines. As such it fails both as a story and as a tool for masturbation.

    Longer version:

    First, a brief summary of the game itself. You play as a regular guy working and living at a coffee shop while attending college online. You’ve reached the point where you have to actually attend the college and this is where you start bumping into love interests. Your professor convinces you to meet more people so that you can use your relationship with them as part of your thesis. When talking with the love interests, you’re consistently given three choices: Respond as a nice guy, as a jokester, or as a flirt. During other scenes involving non-love interest conflict, you are given the choice to respond calmly or aggressively. The love interests begin meeting you regularly with jobs and favors.

    I was quite surprised at how poor the experience of playing the game was compared to how much effort was put into making it. Both the backgrounds and the characters are attractive (with a couple exceptions), the writing is well-done, and I noticed very few spelling or grammar errors. There’s even music and sound effects, though I found the sound effects during the few adult scenes to be more distracting than anything else.

    So where does it all go wrong? For starters the dialogue choice system does not impact the story in the slightest. It’s purely for roleplaying, and as such it makes your choices feel meaningless. I would prefer a purely kinetic story as opposed to being given the illusion of choice. It feels forced and unrealistic since a character who is always nice or always joking makes as much progress as the one who flirts since most of the love interests flirt back.

    That brings me to the next issue: The absence of progress. There are five major love interests and after seven lengthy chapters you have sex with a grand total of one of them. Two of them you haven’t even kissed yet and they even turn you down when you attempt to date them, and the last two allow you to finger them but nothing else. Despite the handful of scenes, the adult content still feels like it’s coming out of nowhere unless you have been consistently using the flirt choice, but since the author has it so that no matter what you say you’re given the option of getting into adult scenes, there’s a great deal of content where no real flirting is going on yet you somehow end up in an adult scene anyway. It’s disjointed and off-putting to say the least. You’re able to sleep with a couple of side-characters, but without any build up it feels tacked on. A bartender mounts you for no particularly reason as does a stripper cause you’re cute or something.

    Finally there’s the story itself. In short, there’s a great deal of story that is uninteresting or involves characters that are grating and annoying that you can’t opt out of. Vanessa in particular is a stereotypical stuck-up model except on steroids. She’s unlikable in the extreme and yet, because this is a kinetic novel with the illusion of choice, you have to go along with whatever she says. All of her responses to you seem designed to make you angry, and yet your character never does. You’re never given the option to tell her off and most importantly you’re never allowed to drop her story arc so you can focus on the interesting ones. So what do you do? You end up trying to skip the content, except the content is ridiculously longwinded and fast-forwarding stops every second or two so that you can make another fake choice to be nice, comedic, or flirty. Flirty makes no sense as Vanessa since she consistently and repeatedly turns you down, hard. I feel like I’m being forced to roleplay as a spineless beta male. To make matters worse, there is zero content for Vanessa. Even fast-forwarding through all the dialogue gets you nowhere. She’s nothing if not consistent: She doesn’t really like you. Yet day after day, modeling gig after modeling gig, you take orders and do what she says because you’re her “assistant”. This character is designed so that you want to ruin her but are never given the opportunity to do so. Talk about frustrating!

    The other story arcs aren’t much better and are just as starved for adult content. Seven chapters with your high school crush and nothing is happening, and the story itself about saving the coffee shop is not interesting on its own. The fight club arc is weird and forced, the professor is boring, and the lab partner arc suffers from the same issue as the fight club one: What little adult content there is comes without warning and without build up. 90% of the content is the same whether you decide to date them or just be friends, and it shows. Real life relationships progress faster than the relationships in this game do.

    I’m a fan of slow-burn adult visual novels, but in this case most of the content contains no burn at all. No feeling of progression, and the “choices” you make aren’t choices at all.

    I feel a little guilty writing such a negative review for a game that the author has clearly put a ton of time into, but the end result is boring characters with boring stories that you’re forced to sit through so that you can be rewarded with little to no adult content. This game was not fun to play, and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This is version 0.16 of the game.

    So, the first thing I'll mention is this is a LONG game. Easily 3-4 hours. Just even skipping everything takes about 30 minutes.

    There isn't much sex. There's 14 scenes to unlock (I unlocked 12 on my first playthrough). But of the 5 main girls you flirt with, only 2 had sex scenes that I found. The rest involve two side characters.

    There's two systems at play during the game. The first is your personality, either yellow or red (diplomatic or renegade). Do you talk your way out of stuff or do you hit people mostly. And then there's the relationship with the girls which has the blue/green/pink responses for knight/joker/flirt. Except as far as I can tell, it doesn't matter which response you pick. It's not like one girl likes a certain personality more than another. Same options and scenes happen regardless of the choice you make.

    I can appreciate what the developer has put into making all of these scenes and writing a decent story and if that's what you're looking for, more power to you. But as far as a porn game goes, it's pretty tame.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Let me preface my review by saying that I like this game. There's much to like about it really. But several things keep it from being great, a few things are even borderline annoying or quite stupid.

    Whether or not you will enjoy this game greatly depends on what you want from a VN. I will discuss a few spoilers, nothing too major, but I think it's needed to give this VN a proper review.

    So what is A Man For All? It's a slow burn (mini) harem game. The MC attends university in a big city, he is working on his undergraduate psychology thesis, and to make some money he also works at a coffee shop, he's good friends with the owner and even lives in the basement of the shop, it's the only accomodation he can afford (it's basically free and comes with the job).
    A Man For All then introduces several major plots that all run in parallel and you will switch between them.

    1. there's the psychology undergraduate thesis, this requires the MC to interview lots of different people, which is the main hook used in the story to get to know people, and here of course the love interests

    2. then there's a plot about some real estate tycoon who wants to develop a part of town.... and the coffee shop is in the way, so said tycoon tries to buy up the business and if that won't work he will open his own coffee shop to drive the owner out of business. The owner, the MC and a love interest then work on trying to save the coffee shop

    3. and that's not all... a third major plot revolves around the MC becoming a cage fighter in some underground fighting ring, this involves yet another potential love interest

    4. and then there's a major sideplot about helping yet another love interest with her modeling ambitions, she wants to get a contract with an agency and the MC agrees to help her, in return the model will help him with his thesis

    So the MC has his plate full.
    And that's the first potential major stumbling block. You need to like all of these plots. You can't avoid any of them. A Man For All is in some ways a kinetic novel. The path here is predetermined. You can't close or reject story routes.
    The only real choice you get here is if you want to earnestly pursue a woman or if you want to keep things strictly in the friendzone. What you can't do is reject a character outright. So even if you, say, really don't care for the model Vanessa you are out of luck. You will have to put up with her if you like it or not. You can't close any paths here, you will always interact with the women, the romance is only bonus content you get.

    So is the plot any good?

    I think the plot is not terrible, but things can get a bit dry and tedious from time to time. And one major reason for that is a) the (ultra) slow burn and b) the lack of romantic or maybe erotic tension in almost all of the plots. So even though all the plots are tied to a major love interest, most of them are almost always stricly business. And eventually this becomes quite tedious.

    Let me explain: Riley is the MC's secret highschool crush, Riley pursues a business degree and agrees to help the coffee shop owner and the MC to save the business. And then many of her interactions are about collecting signatures to declare the building a landmark. If collecting signatures does sound a bit boring, then because yes, it is.

    And it's the same with basically all love interests... interactions are mostly "business". With Harlow you will conduct brainscans and work in the lab. With Erica you will spend most of the time with her talking about cage fighting and making money. Kate will discuss the thesis.

    What these interactions lack, in my opinion, is some good old teasing and romantic tension. You can only kind of have that by picking a flirt dialogue option which brings us to how this game handles player choice.

    A Man For All does provide you plenty of choices for flavor. That is, there are several times during any of the interactions with any of the LIs where you can choose from three options, a straight, serious option, a jokey, witty option and a flirty/smooth option.
    But here's the thing: this is entirely for flavor and changes nothing about the path. This game has no points really, you cannot (and don't need to) break down barriers by constantly flirting with a girl.
    These options exist purely for roleplay reasons.

    I actually like this approach, in most other games that have a points system you are usually very concerned about giving the "right" answer to any woman. One woman may favor a flirty approach, another one hates it.
    Not so here... while all the love interests react differently to a flirty or comedic approach (some will like it more than others), nothing about their reactions changes anything about the overall progression.
    No stats are changed. And even though the game gives you a points summary after each chapter it's mostly just for info, the points are mostly meaningless.
    Here and there a jokey option may only be available if you have joked before etc. but it only affects the flavor of a scene.

    The huge advantage of this: you can actually roleplay the MC. For example with his dean Kate there are several situations where a straight and serious anwer is the "best", given the situation... but at other times you may feel that some flirting is in order. And you can do that without having to worry about unlocking scenes. You can shape the MC's behavior and have him react to each scene as you see fit.

    The huge disadvantage: you have zero influence on how fast or slow things progress. You can't unlock anything here.

    Then there's yet another choice added for flavor... in some story moments the MC can act like a diplomat (peaceful) or more like a rebel (more aggressive, hands-on, hostile). Do whatever you feel is right given any situation. It has no real consequences. It's just for you, for roleplaying purposes.

    And finally there's a third tier of choices, the choices that actually matter. You can easily tell them apart because they are not color coded and many times there's even a warning that choices may open or end routes or result in a scene.
    Here you can decide to have sex or not, for example, or you can decide to get romantically involved with someone or not. What you can't do, as mentioned before, is to reject someone outright.

    A few words about the characters, any VN rises and falls with the characters. A Man For All does what many other VNs do. It has main love interests that are almost exclusively slow burn characters... and to keep people from falling asleep the game will throw a couple of super fast and super easy side characters at you that will have sex almost immediately.
    I am no fan of this, I always feel that main characters should offer a combination of slow burners and love interests that open up more easily. Random side characters are often just a distraction and have no substance.
    About the characters:

    1. Vanessa: she's the empress of all ice queens. She puts other ice queens to shame. She's the LI who wants to be a model, she hires the MC as her assistant and his task is to help her get the job, in return she will help the MC with his thesis (he needs access to people to interview them, she can give him that).
    Vanessa is the ultra slow burner here. Also, she's very aloof, very reserved, pretty cold actually. And her signature is the aviator glasses she wears, you never see her eyes in this game. Not even once. And the MC's romantic progression (if you can call it that) is that he will put his arm around her waist or shoulder for one or two selfie shots. And she begrudgingly accepts it. That's it.
    One potential issue here: since there's zero progression after 7 chapters (a decent amount of playtime!) people may lose patience with her. It's literally like talking to a wall. You feel you make almost zero progress.
    I think Vanessa is hilarious though... but only because I roleplay a lot and imagine what her thoughts are when the MC keeps flirting with her with his more or less cheesy lines.
    One encounter is particularly hilarious because the MC can keep suggesting to Vanessa that he should really apply some sunscreen on her. Of course nothing ever comes of it.
    You can - between the lines - kind of deduct that Vanessa is slowly warming up, but almost all of that depends on you roleplaying Vanessa's internal reactions. A Man For All doesn't tell you really what other characters think, so their inner life is a mystery.

    2. Riley: yet another super slow burner. She's the MC's secret highschool crush, but Riley finds out about it early in the game. So she knows the MC is into her. Riley is involved with the coffee shop plot.... and sadly most of her interactions are strictly business. There's very little romantic or erotic tension here. The Halloween party loosens things up a bit for a short while, but that is very rare on her path.
    And after hours and hours of playing, late in chapter 7 (current build), when the MC asks her out on a date. She still says "no". I was actually quite furious for a moment here and I think her non existing progression, unless you call the special handshake the MC and Riley have "progression", is a major mistake in this game.
    Riley's plot is super dry, which is a shame, because she's a gorgeous redhead and she's even the secret highschool crush. Her plot is in DIRE need of some more romantic tension. Instead most of the time with her is spent with talking about collecting signatures or strategies to help save the coffee shop. Which gets boring after seven chapters.
    I can only hope the dev will push on the pedal here with episode 8 and have Riley accept a date. There's slow burn... and then there's literally nothing. With Riley it's basically nothing which is such a major disappointment.

    3. Kate: she's the dean and oversees the MC's thesis. She's one of the older characters, about twice as old as the MC, she has an adult kid (you never see her son). She doesn't get as much screentime as the other main love interests. Most of her interactions are in her office, with a few exceptions here and there, like a lunch or so. The closest thing to romantic tension is a dance with her.
    The lack of any teasing makes the MC's (potential) infatuation with her a bit of a stretch. There are ZERO signals from Kate to the MC. The MC can of course flirt her as much as he likes, she will respond and you will get the idea that Kate is not entirely disinterested if you flirt a lot, but the thing is... all of these conversations are optional. If you always use the serious answer you will feel almost nothing from her.
    But again, this is entirely your choice. If you are interested... flirt with her and you see she's not immune to the MC's charms.
    Her progression is still super slow of course. The MC and Kate can kiss late into the current build. Then she freaks out completely and tells him to keep things professionally (understandable)... but the MC can be persistent and tell her he really wants her, likes her... and at the end of the current build the MC can kiss her again and finger her (no nudity). So that's at least baby steps. Kate is at the end of the current build ok with the MC pursuing her and she's also ok with getting physical. But everything before that was super dry.

    4. Harlow: she's the archetypical awkward, nerdy science gal. No friends really. She is assigned as lab partner to the MC. Harlow is also a very busy girl, she works at a bar and at a strip club (but not as a dancer). She's insecure, a bit shy... but overall sweet. I like her a lot.
    Progression with her is somewhat faster... the MC will kiss her a few times, and he will finger her two or three times. At no point are clothes removed though, one scene has Harlow wear lingerie, that's it. But with her the progression feels ok, she's the shy one, she's insecure. She's probably the least problematic love interest when we talk about progression and how believable it is.

    5. Erica: Erica is the frisky and spunky girl from the poor part of town who wants to earn money so she can leave the place. The MC will meet her early and help her out with some creep who is hitting on her in a dark sidestreet.
    Erica's romance arc is a complete mess, unfortunately. Erica is by no means a bad character in my opinion, I like her a lot, I think she may be my favorite, but her writing leaves a few things to be desired, there are several inconsistencies and plot holes here.
    Erica at first comes across as a super fast character. In fact, your first encounter with her will end in a blowjob from her in an alley. Wooohoo, you may think, finally a main character who is not strictly about business or even seemingly disinterested.
    But then in future encounters the game pretends none of that ever really happened. Erica will involve the MC with a fight club, a lot of money can be made here. And Erica is suddenly strictly business only....... Like anybody else in this game.
    After the MC's first victory Erica feels it's time to celebrate..... and what does she do? She buys the MC a lap dance in a strip club (said lap dancer then can become a love interest on the side)???!?!?!?! WHAT???
    What woman would do that? Why? We talk about a woman who gave the MC a blowjob out of nowhere... and when both are happy and elated... she goes with him to a strip club and buys him a lap dance? That was just plain bizarre.
    If ANY character needed to be more about the romance and sex, then Erica. That scene after the first fight? Should have been the first sex scene with her. Nothing else. Certainly not a scene in a strip club where Erica is kind of revealed to be maybe bi-curious (please, no!) and then goes and buys the MC a lap dance...
    In fact, it takes quite a long, long time before Erica agrees to sex. She's the ONLY main love interest the MC can have sex with. But the progression felt very off here.
    Also, at one point in the story the MC has to stay at Erica's place. This after the MC and Erica had sex before. And what does she do? She offers the MC her COUCH... honestly, who would do that? At that point Erica and the MC are an item, they've had super steamy wonderful sex... and she offers him the couch.
    It's apparent the dev wanted to play it safe here and probably felt it's too much effort to code and write two routes in the apartment scene.
    You see, the issue is that each and every romantic encounter is optional. While you can't avoid Erica, you can absolutely refuse her as a love interest and refuse any of her sex scenes.
    So when she offers the MC to stay at her home you have two options: Erica and the MC are lovers... Erica and the MC are strictly business partners. But the dev only offers you the "business partners" option even when they are lovers. Now that "couch choice" is made moot a short while later when the MC can have a long sex scene with Erica and ends up in her bed anyway, but the tone here still felt off before.
    Also, in one scene Erica is apparently ok with the MC getting involved with other women... in the next episode she comes across as much more jealous (which is of course more believable than the previous option with Erica being rather blasé about the MC fooling around with many other girls). Again, this needs more consistency. Make Erica a bit more jealous out of the gate. Or have her be totally ok. But not both.

    6. Side characters: these are the sex partners that are meant to keep you entertained while you have literally zero progression with characters like Vanessa or Riley. There's Jordan, the bar owner. You can hook up with her for casual sex twice in this game. Otherwise she's unimportant. If you are not after sex at all costs you can easily ignore her.
    Then there's Marisa the lap dancer/stripper. Who is immediately thirsting after the MC and offers him sex in the strip club. I feel Marisa should have been a main love interest. Maybe Kate could have been relegated to side character status in her place.
    You will engage with Marisa several times, she's also important to the plot, she interacts with a few of the main love interests, the MC can have sex with her a few times and the two (if you accept her!) really like each other. Marisa certainly likes the MC a lot. Chances are Marisa will be one of your favorite characters. But sadly she's just a side character with very limited screentime.
    Then there are a few other females... Sophia is another redhead and a fellow psychology student. There are a few interactions with her, you can tell Sophia you are interested in a date or so... but no scenes. You can also flirt with the lady at the modeling agency (I didn't, so I can't tell you what happens here) and then there's this very pretty mystery girl who appears in various random locations and always pretends she doesn't know the MC. Eventually the MC will meet her in yet another strip club and she will give him a lap dance, the MC can touch her breasts (no nudity of course). And you learn a fake name. This is just plain weird... it's a mystery, there's intrigue, but after several scenes like that with her (always pretending she doesn't know the MC) I feel it's high time to change the tempo here. Then there's a girl who's the manager of a rival fighting team you can kind of flirt with once. No idea what that is about. I will probably refuse her next time, she and Erica both as romance options make no sense.

    7. NPCs: there are several male NPCs in this game, which is rare, even rarer, a few of them are very nice guys. The coffee shop owner is a father figure, another friendly NPC is a potential investor and fighter in the fight club, the dad (short appearance only) is also ok and alive (the mom is dead). There are also a few more shady or villainous male NPCs... but no one (yet) is any competition for the girls, they are all involved with the plot, not the romance ( so far)

    A Man For All could have been great. As I said early on, I like this game, but I wish I could like it a lot more.

    I can accept super slow burn ice empress Vanessa. She's actually hilarious if you have the right mindset for someone like her.

    But Riley's non progression and strictly business attitude gets very tedious and tiring, you will talk a LOT about making coffee in this game, about signatures, about declaring a building a landmark... her route is almost entirely devoid of any romantic tension.
    And in my opinion people play these harem games for the romantic tension, not just for the plot. Plot is important, plot is needed, but it also needs the added relationship dynamic and tension. And Riley's arc has literally none of that. Major mistake, in my opinion.

    The problem here is that other than Erica all other main love interests are super slow burners. And Marisa, who could be interesting... doesn't get the screentime she deserves, because she's a side character.
    Instead you will sit with Kate in her office again and again and talk about your thesis, and none of which really makes sense. I am no psychology major, but the scientific technobabble in this game is quite silly. Harlow will literally use a laser thermometer as a handheld EEG device, measuring brainwaves from a distance to find out that people watching a stripper have certain brain wave activity... who would have thought!
    And if it's not that you will collect signatures with Riley and talk to business owners.

    Most other (harem) games I have played add erotic tension and banter to the character plots. This game is in dire need of that. You can have some banter if you always choose the flirt option, but it has zero consequences.

    What this game needs much more of are dates. There are dates, sort of, but most of them are in restaurants. What this game REALLY needs to make the various plots more interesting are actual dates in different locations. Maybe a cinema, a park, a trip to a lake, anything but restaurants. Just to spice it all a bit up. There's almost never any true 1:1 interactions in the game, most of the time the MC meets his love interests in public places or on the job, so to speak.

    What else... I feel this game has maybe one too many plots... the MC tries to save the coffee shop, helps Vanessa become a model (I bet he will become a model too at one point), is an underground cage fighter and he writes his thesis.
    Of all the plots the coffee shop arc is, in my opinion, the most boring. It's mostly talk about making coffee, business, signatures etc. But this plot is the major backbone of the VN. It's not all bad here, the coffee shop owner Billy is alright, the basic idea, tycoon wants to buy the business, is also ok, but the execution with the signature collecting, debates about landmarks etc without ANY erotic/romantic tension with Riley makes it feel stale more often than not.
    If that arc had at least an occasional date with Riley in some nice location (again, doesn't need to be fancy, a lake, a park, the usual...) things would feel very different. Or at least some tangible erotic tension...
    The plot with Vanessa is the most fun, because I find her attitude hilarious and the modeling / gaining followers on Not-Instagram usually results in fun scenes in various locations.
    The cage fighting plot with Erica is not bad per se, but the plot is filled with endless and tedious talks about other fighters, there are long, long introductions for the various fighters the MC can encounter. Then there's endless talks about how to fight, about betting... this plot, like virtually any other plot, needs more romantic tension. Now fortunately Erica is the ONE main love interest the MC can actually "love" in this game. Yet I feel at least 50% of the fight club scenes could easily be cut from the game without losing anything. We don't need to know so much about any of the other fighters.
    You see, this might make sense in a game where the fighting is an actual minigame and where you have to learn how to fight. But you don't! There are no fight minigames here.
    The MC is actually One Punch Man who wins all of his fights (so far!) with one single punch. He's just that great. It's kind of funny too, but this doesn't then need to focus so much on the fighting or opponents.
    All this talking about how to fight, bets, other fighters... could be condensed and the development resources could instead be devoted to some more romantic/erotic banter or tension or just some romantic dates with Erica.

    All love interests need more date interactions. Go to some nice place with them, have some innocent fun, some banter, the usual. Without all that the strictly business kind of plots run in danger of becoming much too dry after hours and hours of playtime.

    With all that out of the way....
    You will really get to know the various love interests in this game. They are pretty 3-dimentional, ok, Vanessa not, she's literally a one trick pony, but it's all set-up of course, but you do get several heart to heart talks here with any other character and this is actually really nice!

    For example, most games (I have played) have a sex scene with a character... only to cut to the next morning or to cut to the next character.
    Here one (longer) sexual encounter with Erica results in the MC and Erica having a heart to heart chat about life and other things later at night, and that's really sweet and in these moments you do get a lot closer to the various love interests.
    If only there were more of these moments in the various character arcs.

    A few quick words about the technical aspects: renders are fine, competent, nothing you haven't seen before. It's perfectly ok! Music is also fine. There are occasional sound effects too.

    All women in this game are pretty. But they are also more or less the same type. Angular faces with high cheekbones. I don't mind it too much, I like the type, I find all of the love interests very attractive. Also, all the women have normal proportions, many have normal or smaller sized breats, you won't find super big chested milfs here. If that is your thing A Man For All doesn't give it to you.
    The game has a third person point of view, you will see the MC all the time. He looks a bit like a brother of Ryan Reynolds or so... only with a really bad fashion sense and a silly haircut.
    Animations are ok-ish, but they often feature minimal movement. Kisses are often animated (always welcome), but here too the movement is minimal, things are more implied really, so no wild tongue action etc.
    Sex scenes have limited interaction, you can choose between positions and where to finish. Everything is vanilla and romantic... I love that... you may not. If you want kinky things... you won't find them here. I very much appreciate it. But you may not.

    The sex scenes feature different angles for each position, you can often choose between three positions, there are split screens with one half focusing on the woman's face, I liked that a lot. It makes things more personal and intimate.
    Sex also almost always involves kissing (during the sex, not just before), another thing I like, but I am all for romantic things. Even the "rough" option with the bar owner merely looked super passionate with intense kissing. Your idea of "rough" may be different.
    So if wholesome and romantic vanilla sex is nothing you find interesting... you will find the scenes in this game very boring probably. If you DO like it... you will love the (rare) sexual encounters here, maybe not for the animations, but for the mood.

    So where does this leave things?

    Despite my major criticisms about the plot and the various character arcs A Man For All is still a good game.
    Even though several characters have glacial or even zero progression after 7 long episodes I like them all, even Riley. Because all of the characters have potential. But the routes need to open up sooner than later now. Riley rejecting a date was just plain dumb in my opinion. And it makes no sense.
    The choice system in this game with offering flavor and roleplay options is great! It's a stress free way to shape the MC as you see fit. You can handle each character and each situation as you like it, without fear of any negative consequences.
    You can be super serious... you can be fun... you can be a terrible flirt. It's entirely up to you.
    I also appreciate that each and every sexual/intimate encounter is entirely optional, even if you've had sex with a character before. Nothing romantic or sexual is ever forced upon you. This is extremely commendable.
    Not that I would reject any of the main characters (and Marisa), but you can!
    Even the much criticized coffee shop plot picks up speed towards the end of the current build and becomes quite dramatic. I only wish it hadn't required all the signature collecting and debates about business strategies or finding investors. Some of that is ok, but not to the extent we get here.

    Vanessa's plot is fun. You may begin to hate her or find her utterly unappealing or boring, but the situations with her are mostly fun. And flooding her with compliments and terrible pick-up lines is hilarious if you just roleplay the whole thing. But her arc is also in dire need of some actual progression VERY soon, character interactions should not feel like groundhog day where everything is always the same. A one trick pony will lose its appeal sooner than later. Vanessa is getting awfully close to that. Her arc needs more spice as soon as possible.

    In short: this game has its heart in the right place. It wants to be a very story driven game with a modest harem. Solo paths will be available as well however and you can freely pick and choose here and have two, three or all of the women in this game.

    You will like this game if you like story driven (ultra) slow burns with a wholesome approach and relationships that are based on love and romance (discounting side character Jordan where it's just about sex).

    If you prefer more action, a game that focuses more on teasing, interactions with women (that are not strictly business) and has lots of scenes... you will not be happy here and chances are you will dislike it.

    I think A Man For All has the basic ideas right. Most characters are well realized, even Ice Empress Vanessa or Ms "Strictly Business" Riley Fox. But to make it an overall even more enjoyable experience it needs more (romantic) dates, more romantic tension and interaction with characters. I would say 90% of the plot is strictly business with the very occasional more romantic scene more focused on the actual relationship. I feel 50/50 would be a better mix.

    But if you like story driven games, if you are ok with glacial progression for most main love interests, if you like coffee (really like coffee) and if wholesome romance is your thing... A Man For All will be for you!

    And as I said... while I point out many things I didn't like in this review, my overall experience was still mostly a good one, because I like the tone, the philosophy, the characters and how the relationships are (romantic, based on love). So 4 stars it is. I hope when the game ends and Vanessa turns out to be a purry kitten deep inside with the most beautiful eyes in the universe... that I can upgrade that to 5 stars.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the most fun and entertaining game here, you get multiple choices with conversation, and models are decent and hots. It is slow burn but that okay since there are no branching path and it a harem game (you don't have to choose). The game is well written with good renders and have decent length of each episode so the only issues are the animations but we can improve it by supporting (patreon, subscribestar) the developer whenever we can so that he can spend more time on the game and also buy the assets
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a solid game. I want to be clear that I really enjoy this game. People tend to think "oh not 5 star... must suck"... 4 stars means above average which is exactly what this game is.

    Positives -
    Overall the game looks good.
    Diverse casts of love interests that isn't recycling the same exact faces.
    Good balance of story vs sex scenes.
    The story is interesting enough to keep you engaged.

    Neutral -
    Animated scenes are not the greatest, but the are improving with each episode. I don't personally care about this, but I know some do.

    Negatives -
    With so many LIs, they don't all get a lot of screen time.
    The only real decisions seem to be "is this girl part of my harem?"

    Overall it started as a nice feel good harem game, but it seems to be trying to mix it up now. We will see if that ends up being an improvement in the long run.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    "A Man For All".........

    Really loved this VN at the start, and still do for girls like Harlow, Marisa and Kate but have a few issues with it.

    Vanessa - I found her really interesting in the first couple episodes, and her cold attitude, never taking her glasses off shtick quite endearing and fun.

    But 7 episodes later and she hasn't done anything else but still be cold to the MC, and still hasn't taken off her glasses. It's like the Dev relies on just these two traits with her and it's getting old. It's gotten to the point where I am starting to not even care about her just because she really doesn't seem interested in the MC at all and there isn't much depth to her character beyond just being a stuck up model who doesn't take off her stupid glasses (lol)
    I am all for slow burns as long as it feels believable and the chemistry is there, with Vanessa it just feels like the MC is constantly trying to interact with a wall. A dry wall at that. This was cute at first but now it's just frustrating. Playing too hard to get isn't sexy when it's repeated over and over.

    Riley - Honestly not a big fan of her character and don't really have an awful lot to say about her ; lacks romantic and sexual chemistry with MC, isn't very interesting and overall just pretty forgettable as a

    Erica - I like her, but the Dev seems to like her way more than I do. Feels like Erica is getting way too much of the spotlight. She's cool, but not my favorite. If only Kate, or even Marisa got as much screen time and fleshing out as Erica!

    Kate - She's attractive, and the fact she's the school dean makes her as a LI pretty stimulating and exciting, but besides that... she's also a bit of a bore and her chemistry with the MC again... feels a tiny bit robotic. Noticing a pattern here, maybe it's something to do with quantity over quality?

    Harlow - By far the best girl in the looks department and her chemistry with the MC is really nice compared to the other girls, and is very believable. I honestly feel like if it wasn't for Harlow, I wouldn't really see much reason to continue playing at the moment.

    Marisa - a far more appealing choice than most of the main LI's, but she's more or less a casual side fuck for the MC. It's never good when the side fucks are more attractive and have better chemistry with the MC than the main love interests. This isn't the first VN to make this mistake however, and won't be the last.

    Overall, I think the main problem I have is the LI's aren't written with much depth or a very believable chemistry with the MC, at least as of yet. This might be because of the entire premise of being "A Man For All", so it doesn't make the interactions feel as genuine.

    I am also finding the whole plot of Billy Love and his coffee shop extremely repetitive and rolling my eyes at's literally more focused on than anything else in the game. Almost feels like the Dev wants to write in Billy Love himself as a LI...

    Having said all of this, I still do love this VN. Just not sure if I like the direction it's headed. Either way, best of luck to the Dev and I will still be tuning in for all the future updates (for Harlow and Kate)

    Good job VenusWaltz.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game as of episode 7.
    A good mixture of action and an interesting story with good looking girls. Worth a shot for anyone looking for a game that's got a decent amount of action while not being too on the nose.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The story started off interesting, but it has become a never-ending drag. The sex scenes feel rushed and lack sensuality; they seem like mere obligatory passages rather than intimate moments. The roleplaying aspect feels pointless and exists solely for headcanon purposes. Overall, the game has potential if it extends its duration, but as it stands, the developer needs assistance in crafting better sex scenes and making the story more engaging instead of a convoluted slice of life experience.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    First things first. I really like this game. It is entertaining and has just the right of humour to work without hitting you over the head with it.

    Minor spoilers ahead.

    The graphics are nicely done but I am no expert in this field so I leave it to others to comment in more depth. I do like the stills more than the animation; the latter doesn't do anything for me. I imagine it takes a lot of time and effort so I would rather see the energy spent in other areas but that is not my choice to make.
    The different girls you are engaging with do indeed feel different and not like one doll that is just dressed up in different ways. That alone sets this game apart from a good deal of other VNs I have played on this site. Kudos.
    The faces sometimes look as if they have very hard ridges under the skin, no idea if that is an artistic choice or something else. From what I can remember all of the girls are affected, even my two favourites, Riley and Harlow. Maybe it is just my taste that is different, no huge deal.

    I won't comment on the science other than that the instrumentation in the biochemistry lab is set up for the most basic experiments. How that would set you up for measuring brain waves with a tricorder (there, I said it) with an analog display, is very unclear. As psychology is fringe science at best in my book those parts are fine by me, you can do whatever you want.
    The choices appear to not have consequences, as was pointed out many times before, unless clearly stated. While it makes it easier to follow the flow of the story and does not make you replay the game for paths you might have missed because you messed up in a conversation, it reduces the "game" aspect to very little content. As I understand that may be the intention of the creator and again, not something I would criticize. However, what rubbed me the wrong way was the whole old town romance where you step up to help a random person and - without any way to avoid it - you end up doing illegal cage fights. At least you can avoid getting romatically involved with that particular person.
    In a similar way the assistant job for Vanessa is entirely forced on you with no way to avoid it. I do enjoy Vanessa's scathing comments, just hope that she will develop a sense of humour eventually. Oh, and I hope someone breaks all her sunglasses.
    I kinda like the colour coded response system even though I most of the time feel that the joker response is the only reasonable one. The white knight path is the most bland and boring while the supposedly flirty one is mostly about being a self absorbed creep. Perhaps that is saying something about my psychological state; and perhaps it is the actual aim of the game to evaluate my mental state for sinister purposes; if so then I have to say well played. I just wish there were some kind of feedback system. So the more you use a certain type of interaction with a certain person the better your lines become. Probably that is just me dreaming.

    What I noted above is meant to be constructive criticism. I have the utmost respect for someone who is able to provide a story that is engaging and enjoyable.
    Definitely worth it unless you are just looking for fast action, there are video websites for you people.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Good looking ladies, the story isnt all that interesting to be honest but yeah I like the way the character models look all shiny and smooth this is the way it should be.

    Also you cant bang all the women yet sadly. But I do like it so far quite nice
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    There are many positives which i absolutely adored, and are already mentioned in most below reviews. I'll focus on things where there's still room for improvements, little to major at that.

    >Animations: i did see some improvement in animations this update [Ep.6] however it's not much appreciable. Felt jerky and machine like movements doesn't help either. A top tier adult vn with good storyline and direction needs fluid animations to complement them.

    >dialogues/sex talk while such scenes are negligible to none, except when it's time to choose where to cum. Hot animations sprinkled with some sensual sex talk and we are we have a deal.

    >Romance: there ain't much romance in the game, it's cool though because game's still nascent, though there's some romantic moments currently with night fight girl (sorry forgot her name), labmate here & there, and my favorite the stripper lady (she's smoking with some personality but i don't know if she's li or not). No significant romance yet with Kate (my close second), and fashion girl (my best girl among li's), nor any with Riley.

    >the knight/funny/dickhead reply system feels illusionary most of the times, you can select any options and the response will be pretty similar either just immediately or two to three lines down the road, so i dont know if those are of any use. If you as a dev want such trait system to work you gotta be pretty strict while allotting the respective points, for eg. When mc replies in funny/cocky way outa nowhere, he blurts out nonsense which aren't expected in certain situations, points needs to be deducted there, which are necessary for the event to play it out later.

    3 stars -> 5stars

    Story and humor got better and better also animations got slick as well and characters are well settled and have proper personalities. Marisa, Vanessa and Kate stole the show (ep8)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm nowhere near the end of playing and I'm already here to do a review. Just started a new game for the latest ep which is 6.

    The best thing about this game has to be the choices. Some might not like it since it's 'meaningless' choices, but I think the middle ground of changing your interactions with the girls AND not having multiple routes or lockouts to think about is revolutionary.

    One of my main gripes is that updates are slowed down during to having to work on multiple routes, but that's not a issue since the only thing that are changing(I assume) is only flavour text. And that doesn't take as much time as multiple routes.

    Having choices to react the way you want, or say what is closest to your mind without having to worry about content has been an amazing experience. I can only hope more games like this pop up soon.

    Though, if I had to nitpick, it's that the girls don't exactly look stunning. They grow on you, yes, like how you usually would when you get to know someone. But they aren't really outright eye-catching like some of the other games out there.

    There might not be alot of adult content yet, but the story is well thought out and progresses nicely, also gives you a good feel of immersion with the length of the story.

    A definite must-try from me!
  16. 4.00 star(s)



    What a hidden gem! From unique characters to fun plot points to an intriguing dialog system. All the girls genuinely feel different from one another and appear to have lives outside of interactions with the MC. They also aren't immediately throwing themselves at him which is always nice for added tension and build-up. Plus, it's hard not to smile like an idiot at some scenes. The humor is fun and the girls have great banter with the MC which leads to plenty of cute moments.
    The only complaint I can think of is how there isn't really a way to avoid the main girls since they're important to the overall story. This leaves me bored with a few of the scenes involving character's that I haven't grown to like, but otherwise this is a solid game with a good amount of content! I recommend at least trying it once!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I am easily giving this a 5 star review, i have only recently discovered and and just finished through to the latest update.

    I am loving the story and characters so far, the story is doing a great job of keeping me engaged and it says a lot when i fast click through some of the sex scenes just to get back to it (that is really rare for me as often the naughty scenes are the bit the holds everything together).

    Each of the characters have individuality and are likable in their own way and they a building nicely as the game progresses.

    @the dev great work and cant wait for the next update
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent game with surprisingly low popularity.

    ++very good renders
    +++great writing
    +++characters with unique personalities and depth that interact really well with the MC
    +decent main story that is not the typical "college life" game
    +++a shitload of content
    ++unique looking characters that are not recycled daz models
    -+hot and cold animations, some angles are very good, others feel unnatural
    +not many sex scenes until now, one per episode maybe; definitely not one of the most fappable games around

    As I said, an excellent game with lots of content. I don't understand how this is not one of the most popular games here. Hopefully this changes in the future!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    As of Ep 6.
    Fun game with good story and a good variance of women to pursue.

    The story is fun and despite being fun has depth. The branch stories are also fun and each have their own arc which bring more interest into the game. Each of the beautiful women have their own arcs, even the secondary women that are not tracked by score. Each of the characters are distinct and have depth and a reason to care.

    The sex scenes are well done and at a good pace. While I don't mind and to enjoy an occasional fap game, my true preference are games like this that build and have solid quality scenes. Yes, I am one of those that are here for the story as well as the adult stuff.

    Very much looking forward to the next release.

    Story - 5/5
    Characters - 5/5
    Graphics - 4.5/5
    Animation - 4.5/5
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Review Version: Episode 6

    This game is a gem. I enjoyed the story and the interaction with the characters. The concept of the three styles of answers is great and you usually can judge from the reaction which of the answers is the most appropriate (just go back and try them all until you get to the point where the dialog branches get back to the storyline.

    I really enjoyed the differnt paces the relations of the MC to the characters grow. It is always interesting to see how far things will go in the next scene.

    The graphics are also really good and the characters don't look sterile. The animations - while sparse - are good and fitting to the story/action.

    I really look forward to the next chapter.