VN - Ren'Py - A Man for All [Ep.15] [Venus Waltz]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Its great, story is not shitty at all which is rare round here.

    Characters are great, I dont see alot of the same old karens of daz you see everywhere.

    Content wise, there is some fucking going on here and there and I took about 4-7hours to read through.

    Animations are somewhat short but I get by even with just pictures if the writing is good enough so wasn't a problem for me.

    I just wish pacing with main girls was alil faster considering its been a while since its start of development .To give it an idea of what it looks like, it progresses with everyone at the same time, not girl by girl, some faster than others, some slower depending on their personalities , but not by a lot. Otherwise, quite solid!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    As of Ep 6
    Excellent game with great renders with nice story with a lot of thrill , romance , fighting , modeling , humor etc and good looking and interesting female characters . Excellent writing where you can choose how you wish to pursue the girls - Knight , Joker or Flirt . Nice music and sex scenes are greatly done .
    Overall a fun game to play and I really enjoyed playing it , looking forward to next episode .
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story great writing and great characters this is one of the best ones i have played in a while everything you want in a vn you don't know what your missing if you aint played this yet can't wait for more thanks for this..
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is by far the most enjoyable and in almost every aspect the best game I played on this site. The dev really cares about every single detail, he knows how to write an enticing plot and immerse us into the story, where we can feel like we are really there not only mentally and emotionally, but also physically. I can literally smell the coffee early in the morning or feel the distinct vibe of every neighborhood.
    Character development is outstanding. First of all, our MC is not a creep, pervert or a wimp like in many other so pretentious games, he is a mature, responsible guy with a backbone, who is hard-working, devoted and who genuinely cares for people, unlike his numerous brainless counterparts with a third leg who care only about getting laid. The women in this game are simply adorable not only for their looks, but for their character on a first place. They are not typical copy/paste dolls, each of them has its own well-developed character and charm. In fact, I have never seen so many in a good and different way charismatic characters like in this game. The idea of a slow-built romance instead of rushing to sex scenes makes this game even sexier to me. The dialogues are second to none, they are so thoughtful, witty, funny and charming and they show the real talent and potential of the whole game. I played each episode for hours with a smile on my face and the moments of genuine and loud laughing were countless as well.
    It goes with previously said, but I must point out how I like the fact that this game, despite showing some real and considerable social and economic struggles, still maintains consistent positive and optimistic atmosphere, without being too melodramatic, which is a common trap for most of the other devs. The end of the last episode could be a bit concerning, but I trust in this dev and believe he will not turn it into something too melodramatic and tragical, which would eventually kill the mood and ruin the atmosphere.
    This is not a fairy tale, but I believe in happy endings and want to believe that everything will be good in the end. Some choices are good, the others are even better, they all lead to some pleasant endings, which should exactly be the point of these games.
    To conclude, I will recommend this game to everyone, as it is one of a kind for the ability to entertain us by giving some deep and genuine pleasure and some valuable insights and knowledge of life and the world around us. I wish all the luck and success to the dev of this game and may he continue to thrill us all in his next episodes!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    5 stars, 11/10 for one very simple reason - this game is fun. I don't recall ever laughing out loud at a VN from here and I did several times. Admidst all the drama and angst and such, to find a game that is genuinely, absolutely fun is just...a treasure. I could basically cut off all the content except for Vanessa and still give it 5 stars for the tone and atmosphere. And the rest is still pretty good.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    GayLord Jesus

    A near perfect game experience with quality content, beautiful renders, interesting plot, well thought dialogue, plentiful H- scenes, fantastic character development, romance, fighting, dancing, fashion, modeling, college, MMA, business, politics, rivalry, clubs, coffee and more. :cool: :ROFLMAO: . A really fun game in my opinion with something different with all choices.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I think I've only reviewed one other game. It takes that je ne sais quoi to get me to spend time reviewing something.

    First off, this isn't really a porn game, but it's still sexy as hell. I mean, there are a handful of sex scenes, but that's not really what this game revolves around. It revolves around romance rather than sex, and if you ask me, nothing is sexier than good romance.

    Could one critique that "failure" seems hard to come by? Sure, I suppose so. But it didn't bother me. While "failure" seems difficult, some choices feel substantially less successful than others. In some ways, that's even more fulfilling. Rather than avoiding wrong answers because "oh, no, you're not getting a scene or a whole relationship because you chose the wrong dialogue option," in this game you genuinely want to get the best answers because of the fulfilling nature of the dialogue that ensues. And let's be honest, real life isn't always about one right or one wrong answer. Sometimes a flirtatious joke or a "joke joke" would serve equally well in a given setting with a given person. And the fact that the best of the three options is not consistent for all characters or even for a single character across all dialogues is markedly refreshing. Not that other games don't try to introduce some personality and variety, but this one does it better than most.

    How does it do it better? By introducing a vivacious crowd of characters with distinct personalities, investments in the story, etc., all with some pretty peerless dialogue (honestly, not just for porn games but video games in general).

    With regard to characters, this game has some fantastic ones, and they all make the game more enjoyable and immersive. Some of them are central to the plot, others are more or less random (lookin' at you, Myron), but they're all truly interesting, engaging, and "lived-in" enough to feel more or less realistic. In other words, every single character has enough personality to justify their existence. That's more rare than you might think in any form of storytelling. To see it here was such a delightful treat. If I tried to pick favorites, I'd end up picking just about everyone.

    I also love the sense of space that this game has. The best stories will almost always have a grounded, vibrant evocation of the places we spend time, and this game has that in spades. I feel like I understand the various neighborhoods of the city well, and I even get a sense of vibe of each location within those neighborhoods. This matters so, so much and is a really outstanding aspect of this game. Arguably transcendent and ground-breaking for the genre. (I mean, the emotions at the end of chapter 6 say it all.)

    As for the dialogue, this game truly shines in this respect. This game made me laugh repeatedly--in and of itself nothing profoud, but what makes the laughter here special is that it's both genuine laughter at intentional humor and genuine laughter that the author is so clearly "in on the joke" of some of the more ridiculous aspects of any game in this genre. The dialogue can occasionally walk the line of becoming repetitive with certain characters, but never so much that I found myself losing interest. There are also a couple typos here and there, but they're quite minimal, and in general it all just flows seamlessly. With a game this text-heavy, that's absolutely vital.

    If I had one substantive critique about this game, I do wish I liked the renders slightly more. They're perfectly fine, they don't take away from my enjoyment of the game, but they also don't always quite do it for me. I just feel like this game, which otherwise feels head and shoulders above just about anything else on this site, is a little closer to the rest of the pack in this regard. Most of the main women just could be 10% cuter. Harlow, Riley, Vanessa, and Sophia are the four that I'd point to in particular. They're all cute, they're the characters I'm most into (well, except that I'd add Erika, who looks pretty perfect in just about every render, and subtract Sophia, who just doesn't have enough story yet), but they're just not quite the top-notch version of what I wish they were. Do they all have to be "perfect 10s"? No, of course not. But...I dunno, just how I felt.

    Lastly, just a word on the undergrad thesis element. As a career academic to this point in my life, I didn't really feel like this element bothered me at all. The protagonist is so early in the process that it doesn't feel overwrought or nonsensical in the slightest to me. I mean, our boy just got his proposal passed and is working on formulating the actual questions he'll ask. And yes, surveys can be a huge part of psychological/sociological study. As long as this game continues to take its time developing this plot device (in other words, he better not just have it all figured out and written in an update or two), I think it will continue to work extremely well. Yes, it's a plot device, but contrary to some other (positive) reviews, I actually don't see this as a weakness of the game at all.

    On the whole, I enjoyed this game immensely and cannot wait for every subsequent release. This is also one I'll definitely be supporting financially going forward. It's worth it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Derik X

    I had no idea about this game, didn't read any reviews when I downloaded and played it. This is one of the rare times when I got pleasantly surprised. I honestly appreciate the effort the developer has went through for each dialogue, especially when you try the three different responses you know how much he had to put in. It's like you play one pathway but he has to create all pathways so it is available for you.

    Also, I like the renders, the humor behind the dialogues. Some references just go over my head but still funny. I like the costumes when they show up in special occasions. I look forward to future updates. Thank you for creating and sharing with us.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    i really have been enjoying this. and so i gave it 4 *'s . but now.... :unsure:
    so not really sure if i am just dense or maybe i missed something but it is feeling like Palmer's game. DfD. you are encouraged to dick/romance or whatever, ALL the girls, but in the end... you just get screwed and Not in a good way. the point system seems to be TOTALLY Arbitrary. i can find No correlation to good, better, or best choices. i have been forced to choose between Erica (getto girl) and the Science nerd, but other than that i couldn't begin to guess what is going on. i can deal with lack of fap time because the story really is good and that IS what i am here for (Story):geek:. all things considered and being of good quality, i am still not sure if it is worth finishing... maybe the "high Road" was not the 'right road' but what's with the points???? i have NO idea if i am making headway with Any of the LI's :(
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like this VN, and debated giving it 5 stars. If the site allowed half-star ratings, this would be an easy 4.5 for me.

    The dev is a very good writer, and is far better than most when it comes to writing dialogue that is not awkward or cringy. Which is good, because there is a ton of dialogue. The characters are interesting and have their own distinguishable personalities. I like that you are given countless options on which direction to take your interactions/conversations with the 5 major LIs.

    IMO, the dev is very successful in sprinkling the right amount of humor into the dialogues. Some games beat you over the head with the constant forced jokes, while others have painfully robotic interactions between the characters. This game uses just the right amount of humor to keep the massive amount of dialogue interesting and engaging. The one character (Billy) who provides the bulk of the comedy is very likable.

    Another huge plus for this game's writing is that there are virtually no typos or misspellings (with one minor, but oft-repeated exception). As someone who finds spelling and grammatical errors irrationally annoying, this is probably more important to me than most players. The exception I am referring to is the dev's repeated use of the word "come" instead of "cum." I know it's a trivial thing, but it is repeated dozens of time throughout the game, and in every single sex scene.

    Speaking of sex scenes, this game is something of a slow burn when it comes to sex scenes with the LIs. 5 chapters in, and there are only full-on sex scenes with one of the main LIs (plus one side character), and a couple scenes in which you fool around with another primary LI. I'm ok with this, but if you are looking for a sex-driven game, this probably isn't it.

    The renders of the women are quite good, and the animations are solid. There aren't any characters whose appearances or poses are off-putting or unnatural, which is nice.

    There is a ton of content, and most of the story lines are quite engaging. However, the one story line which I have a problem with (and prevents me from giving a 5-star review) is the main plot point, that being the MCs school psychology project. I understand that this story is being used to link all of the main characters, but aside from not being particularly interesting, it is almost comically dumb. Aside from not really bearing any resemblance to how college (or a thesis) actually works, for a game so focused on the study of psychology, most of it is nonsense. The MC is working extremely hard on his "thesis," which basically amount to him wanting to give a survey to dozens of people, asking basic and superficial personality questions. Similarly, the "biochem" discussions that are central to the MC's relationship/interactions with one of the LIs are completely nonsensical.

    I understand that most of us don't play adult games for the realism (and FWIW I actually have no issues with the unrealistic "underground fight club" storyline), but it bothers me when a game is so focused on or around a particular subject, where it is clear that the dev knows nothing about the subject. I know this particular complaint is going to come across as petty and trivial, and I certainly don't expect a game like this to be excessively informative, deep, or 100% accurate. But for me, this would be like playing a game that is focused around a criminal court trial, where the dev does not know what a plaintiff, defendant, or jury are.

    Getting down from my soapbox, this is still an excellent game, and one worth playing. I will continue to play any and all future versions. With a little polishing, I think this game could be one of the very best on this site.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    It is a technically well-made game with a coherent story.

    The only reason it lost two stars in my rating is that it's utterly forgettable. There are narrative stakes, but there's no way to fail, and your successes while nicely express the type of personality you go for, don't feel earned.

    Despite taking part in an underground fighting ring, having a friends café to save, and your own studies to finish, you are never in danger of failing anything. You don't have to make difficult choices, you succeed in everything you do, and the entire package just comes out as utterly mundane.

    The sex scenes are also nothing special, sadly. I didn't encounter any major kinks, even though I picked the player+rebel choices 95% percent of the time. They might be present in other routes, but I just can't bring myself to care.

    I forgot what the game is called when I closed it/10
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Alfred the Fallen

    (Episode 5)

    This game has a lot of heart.

    The five love interests all have distinct personalities, problems, and goals in life. Most games that have multiple love interests will have one or two that I can't stand, but that isn't the case here. Each of them is interesting enough that I would eventually want to play through for their ending.

    The game handles choices in an unusual manner. There are tons of small choices that only exist to shape the main character's personality a bit, and then there are a handful of larger choices that will determine who your character is romantically/sexually pursuing.

    The small choices don't seem to matter much, so the main character will still occasionally act like a sarcastic goofball even if you have been choosing all of the professional options that appear. But it's still nice to be able to have some choices like that, because they allow you to do fun things like having a running gag with Harlow about taking over the world.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I thought I knew all the good story based vn's. Then I tried this gem.

    First up. The dev writes well. He uses good english, and the pacing of this story is interesting. He intelligently uses little skips in time to bypass potentially boring filler sections in the timeline so he clearly respects the player's time.

    The title appears to be a reference to the dialog system. Here, you can choose one of three approaches to speaking to the girls in the game: 'nice', 'funny' or 'player'. You're not locked in, and you can change your approach style for each girl, or at any point. Similarly, you can elect to take a maximum aggression or a less aggressive approach to resolving conflict/fights. It's different than most vn's and I really appreciate it.

    There are choices. I saw another reviewing saying you can't say 'no'. That's a load of horseshit. I said 'no' more than once and the game respected my choice. I hate seeing objectively untrue bullshit in reviews. And I loved how the dev had dialogue that called back to some of my earlier 'no' choices when I decided to change tack a little bit.

    The girls themselves are very different from a personality perspective. Some, I prefer more than others, but all of them are well written and ... subjective opinion time ... some of them are smoking hot. Not pictured in the banner is the stripper who is possibly the hottest of them all.

    The renders are nicely done. Some of the psychology project discussion seems kinda flaky but, y'know, it's just a plot device so who cares right?

    And finally ... there's Billy. To start with he kinda annoyed me. But over time, I've kinda grown fond of the old boaster roaster. Fight me.

    I'll be subbing to this dev soon. Really great job Venus Waltz. Thanks for the fun time and looking froward to seeing more from you.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    It could be great if you didn't have to make a choice every 3 renders! I got so lost I had no Idea how react... 3 x 3 question options in 6 renders, I counted over 50 options in 1st 15min of game play (Talk ABOUT EXCESSIVE) shame had lots potential ! the renders are good the is ok .
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    somebody teach this guy how write dialog options because obviously he just does it like fallout 4, except in fallout 4 you can actually say no, not in this game tho you cant say no to anything or anyone

    after the terrible dialogs options comes worked hard ugly models

    no matter how much you work on a model if its ugly, it will be just polished ugly

    story is too boring to even mention it

    after 15 minutes without any sexy content and boring story with cheesy dialogs i deleted it

    just skip this
    it doesnt worth your time
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked the game and the story, very immersing. The characters aren't cliche as in other games, and you'll find yourself trying to know each one and understand their background. Looking forward to the next episodes!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect modelled girls, great scenes, very different personalities, various paths, very good.
    Looking forward for more episodes, so much to build on and to unfold. from already a good length, not to short neither long episodes.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    surprisingly engrossing.

    It sounds like an implied insult but i do not mean it that way. the adult scenes do not feel gratuitous or unnatural and they are spaced well enough to not feel sparse or over the top
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Got a crush on Harlowe, what else could I possibly do now? Everything for science, even actually submitting a rating. Cafe owner is one hell of a lad as well, our professor is rather shy still- or aware of us? Wild action in the streets instead of the sheets, cage battles. We've got it all and boy do I hope we will get more.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    The great: Good arts, good writing, (mostly) engaging and attractive characters. No watermelon tits or horse cocks. All good.

    The story is painfully stupid at places (which is annoying in this case, as it is supposedly a "realistic" one, apart of course from the usual porn game situation that the MC has a chance to get together with every attractive female person that appears in his field of vision).
    Some examples:
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    If you are not such a wuss as I am concerning glaring plot holes, then this game might be perfect for you.