
New Member
Jun 10, 2020
I wish I could give better feedback. I played up until I met Vanessa. Could NOT stand her attitude, got to the point where she demanded that I be her 'assistant' (I read that as slave) and couldnt tell her no.(or something more derogatory.) I stopped playing at that point. I guess this just isnt my game if I have to see her more than the one time.


Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
I wish I could give better feedback. I played up until I met Vanessa. Could NOT stand her attitude, got to the point where she demanded that I be her 'assistant' (I read that as slave) and couldnt tell her no.(or something more derogatory.) I stopped playing at that point. I guess this just isnt my game if I have to see her more than the one time.
Yep, guess not. She's one of the main LIs and a major part of the MC's research for his thesis. So you see her a lot in the game.


New Member
Mar 2, 2019
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DarkAssassin I might be wrong but i think you upload the wrong file, i just checked the script from green choice on the screenshot you provide (episode 1) for WT mod, i didnt see any "ripsonGR" on episode 1-6 scripts while episode 7 have these
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Neko-Chan Pacifica

Active Member
Jul 6, 2021
I have really been enjoying this game from chapter 1-6. I am not sure about chapter 7. I am not sure if your expecting us to suddenly believe the MC and all the other characters have become simple minded or become dumb or something. At the start of episode 7, it's all about trying to figure something out.
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This is suppose to be a guy doing a PhD in psychology and out of nowhere he comes out with some of the dumbest things possible? We know it is, the characters know who it is if indirectly, but we are meant to suddenly believe out of nowhere the MC is utterly this clueless, given what he and they where doing against the very person or company that wanted to buy him out? The very first obvious person who stands to gain from this should the main suspect. I don't know where this game is going. I have really enjoyed it up to the beginning of chapter 7, but I stopped playing then because of the above. I got immersed in the story only for it to rail road me completely. I can accept somethings, but this borders on complete lunacy. Maybe I haven't played the last chapter all the way through but I doubt it will say much about the obvious elephant in the room (sharp). Looking forward to chapter 8 hopefully the silliness of chapter 7 can be put behind us so some of us can enjoy this really enjoyable game.
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Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
I have really been enjoying this game from chapter 1-6. I am not sure about chapter 7. I am not sure if your expecting us to suddenly believe the MC and all the other characters have become simple minded or become dumb or something. At the start of episode 7, it's all about trying to figure something out.
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, yet
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This is suppose to be a guy doing a PhD in psychology and out of nowhere he comes out with some of the dumbest things possible? We know it is, the characters know who it is if indirectly, but we are meant to suddenly believe out of nowhere the MC is utterly this clueless, given what he and they where doing against the very person or company that wanted to buy him out? The very first obvious person who stands to gain from this should the main suspect. I don't know where this game is going. I have really enjoyed it up to the beginning of chapter 7, but I stopped playing then because of the above. I got immersed in the story only for it to rail road me completely. I can accept somethings, but this borders on complete lunacy. Maybe I haven't played the last chapter all the way through but I doubt it will say much about the obvious elephant in the room (sharp). Looking forward to chapter 8 hopefully the silliness of chapter 7 can be put behind us so some of us can enjoy this really enjoyable game.

Neko-Chan Pacifica

Active Member
Jul 6, 2021
Although you seem to be missing at least one important point that the characters themselves (especially Riley) have made. There have been several other businesses also in Midtown whose owners refused to sell, and none of them were targeted and bombed. I think the immediate suspect would definitely be Sharp or Daniel, but it doesn't add up. There would be other, less public ways of applying force. Daniel could be stupid enough to do that maybe, but I don't believe he has the backbone. I also don't think Sharp would want to draw any attention to himself. Since Daniel is his intern, it's not rocket science to connect the dots. This seems too sloppy for someone as smart as Sharp, and Daniel would never act on his own: he's a total yes-man.

Now, were this real life, it very possibly could be as simple as this, because RL people generally tend not to be that wise when committing crimes. (That's why serial criminals — arsonists, rapists, killers, whatever — tend to be even more shocking than those guilty of single acts. Skilled planning and frequent repetitions of the same crimes without being caught are much more rare.) But since this is a story with a plotted mystery, I would assume VW has made this more complicated than RL tends to be, like many other mystery writers. I would guess there is more to this than the obvious. If it's not, I will be a bit let down TBH. (I'll still like the game overall, but the mystery part would be a little disappointing.)
I understand what your saying but:
1. Sharp is a person who will go after anything no matter the cost, this has been explained in the story. He doesn't like to loose to anyone.
2. Then we have Daniel, who is an intern under sharp. The keyword is intern. He is not yet an employee of Sharp. Sharp's employee's are probably treated like sheiks and given everything. Daniel has a lot to gain by wanting to be an Sharp employee. Therefore Billy then reinforced by the MC telling Daniel to shove his threats and his offer where the sun doesn't shine as a personal vendetta against him. Daniel was told by Sharp to acquire the coffee shop, he failed, he also failed to get any of the other few businesses remaining. Who is the common denominator out of all these people preventing him from securing other businesses? The MC. Who stands to gain from this ? Daniel. In his own mind he will show to Sharp he can be trusted to get the business done no matter what it takes. However, my point is, Daniel could quite easily and very likely got someone to do his dirty work, someone simple minded and stupid enough from old town who would take a few bucks for doing it. Daniel could deny any kind of responsibility and it would be hard for him to be found guilty, especially if he hired someone of limited intelligence, as appears the man in the bear suit to be. Daniel stands way too much gain from taking out both the coffee shop and the MC. The MC in particular because he was responsible for pretty much helping stave off Sharp from taking their businesses too. Pretty straight forward if you ask me.

I do concede that what doesn't make sense is that the only person the man in the bear suit speaks to is Anika, he even makes a half assed attempt at flirting with her apparently, yet there lots of other free and single ladies right in front of him. Does the guy in the bear suit know her or vice versa? Man in bear suit has been really bad at trying to cover his movements up. The only logical sense is that the dude in bear suit was hired by either sharp or Daniel to do what he did. Further more it would make zero sense for either the MC or Billy to be targeted by anyone that Anika knows. I don't buy the man in the bear suit was just trying to blow the place up so he could take out/kill Anika.

Why didn't the MC tell the police that the device behind the door was placed there by the man in the bear suit or mention about the man in the bear suit at all? If it's anything other than sharp or Daniel hiring a retarded dude to do the dirty work of burning down the coffee shop, I would be disappointed because anything less than this is childish, not that blowing a shop up is anything other than childish in real life and pathetic. I don't know where this story is going. He seems to be getting nowhere at all with the dean when there is clearly some kind of attraction there. As for Riley again there appears to be nothing their romantically, I doubt she wants anything romantic either, in fact the more I think about it, there does not seem to be one woman in this game except Harlow that seems open to the idea of a relationship.
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New Member
Oct 8, 2017
i get an error at the end of chapter six (going to find Harlow) that sends me back to the menu. Anyone know a fix or a way to start at episode 7. I love Vanessa but i really cba doing all six chapters again to try and fix this.


Apr 10, 2020
I play on a Mac and have no issues. If you provide more details as to what you mean by the files dividing, I'll try to help.
I've got the same issue. Once unzipped after downloading, there is a folder with six .rar files, (six parts of the game).


Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
on Mac the files are divided as they are put together

View attachment 1903698
I'm running into the same problem
I've got the same issue. Once unzipped after downloading, there is a folder with six .rar files, (six parts of the game).
Files in the .rar format can be divided that way during compression. If you finish decompressing the first file, the software you're using should immediately continue with the second file, and so on. Did you already try and it stops after the first part or something? Otherwise, just starting it should work. I would think you should be able to use Unarchiver on the first file and proceed from there.


Apr 10, 2020
Files in the .rar format can be divided that way during compression. If you finish decompressing the first file, the software you're using should immediately continue with the second file, and so on. Did you already try and it stops after the first part or something? Otherwise, just starting it should work. I would think you should be able to use Unarchiver on the first file and proceed from there.
Thanks for the reply. I can decompress the first file with Unarchiver, but the resulting file won't open (which makes sense since it only seems to be one sixth of the game). I guess I could try to decompress each .rar file and then try and combine the game files in the first one? But, really, it does seem to me like the Mac version at the mega link just isn't packaged properly.


Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
Thanks for the reply. I can decompress the first file with Unarchiver, but the resulting file won't open (which makes sense since it only seems to be one sixth of the game). I guess I could try to decompress each .rar file and then try and combine the game files in the first one? But, really, it does seem to me like the Mac version at the mega link just isn't packaged properly.
Combining them after the fact won't work. This article says you should be able to start unpacking the first file and have it automatically continue through the rest:

Or, you could get WinZip and use that to decompress the full series, which I can confirm works for sure on PC. I can't imagine their Mac version wouldn't also work:


Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
The coffee cup is still full after Vanessa drinks her coffee.

View attachment 1933111
This didn't bother me so much because I just assumed — without actual justification, mind you — that Billy brought her a new cup but she didn't have time for it. It's definitely not nearly as egregious as what I've seen in other games. All the time I see renders of characters "drinking" something from a glass — like wine or beer, or even milk or water — and magically the liquid retains its exact shape and position within the glass, as if it were frozen. Small details like that can lower the quality in a game a little, and if they happen often it does a lot of damage to the impression a game gives. I do agree that this is probably better fixed, but I can definitely think of much worse mistakes to make.
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Game Developer
Nov 1, 2020
I could fix this now but I plan on going back and re-rendering the early episodes entirely. I would want the render to match the rest of the scene, so I'd have to do it all at once. That will be a lot later down the line though since all of my time is focused on newer episodes and updates.


Engaged Member
Jul 18, 2020
I could fix this now but I plan on going back and re-rendering the early episodes entirely. I would want the render to match the rest of the scene, so I'd have to do it all at once. That will be a lot later down the line though since all of my time is focused on newer episodes and updates.
Aaannndddd another developer who jumped the train of remake. This is one of my favourite games but unfortunately I'll have to wait for this to get completed. See you in a few years i guess.

Developers should stop punishing players who played their game before it got completed. As much as I like your game I won't play it all over again.
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Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
Aaannndddd another developer who jumped the train of remake. This is one of my favourite games but unfortunately I'll have to wait for this to get completed. See you in a few years i guess.

Developers should stop punishing players who played their game before it got completed. As much as I like your game I won't play it all over again.
I personally see nothing wrong with remaking a game, so long as it doesn't mean it loses momentum and progress doesn't continue to be made. So, what VW said, "That will be a lot later down the line though" makes it sound like this isn't going to happen until probably some time near the end of the game, if not after it's completed.


Game Developer
Nov 1, 2020
So, what VW said, "That will be a lot later down the line though" makes it sound like this isn't going to happen until probably some time near the end of the game, if not after it's completed.
That's what I meant. The game is already going to take a long time. I wouldn't waste time on a remake without telling anybody. I know everybody wants to progress in the story. I want to see what happens next, too. New updates will always take priority over old stuff.

I was able to do a quick fix without re-rendering it completely. I'll probably go back and do a better job later.
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New Member
Aug 15, 2021
First time playing through this game. Great game so far. The first 6 episodes were great and flowed well.

The latest feels a little less... polished I guess. Some of the dialogue feels very awkward. Even little things like Riley reminding us to go on a date at the beginning of the episode and then declining later in the episode. Erika popping back and forth from open relationship to scolding him for other girls she was aware of. Some of it can be explained by relationship evolving, but still felt weird. A lot of times it is harder to notice these things when you are playing a game as the episode release, but it is more obvious when you play the whole thing with fresh eyes.

Then the very awkward interrogations at the club... Just didn't really fit for someone who is majoring in psych at a major university. Given that he is studying the behavior of the people in the different parts of the city... he is well aware a club in Viridian that is very hard to get into is not the same as Old Town.

None of that will prevent me from looking forward to future chapters.

P.S. Omg please change his haircut at some point in the game. It makes me roll my eyes every time they talk about how hot he is. He looks so fucking goofy with a buzzcut he probably did himself in the bathroom. Maybe Vanessa can take him to a stylist that does more than just clothes or something.
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Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
First time i played through the game, intersting story and a likeable MC. The knight/jocker/flirt options are adding nice diolouge changes. Good characters, like Billy and a diverse set of girls.
All together a really enjoyable game.
But i do really hope the MC gets a new hairstyle.

As for the girls.

Marise - by far the best girl which, besides Harlow, outclasses all main LI's. Has the best chemistry with the MC, i really hope she gets a lot more screentime and a being more than just fwb status.

Harlow - second best and also really good chemistry with the MC, although i think we really don't need an other fingering/masturbation scene...

Erika - like her character, not her looks though, overall a good best friend character but no interest as LI and as much as i like her, she gets a bit much screentime compared to the rest of the girls.

Vanessa - yeah...i was curious the first couple of episodes, but lost pretty much all interest in her halfway. As for her being a hot model...well, Marise gives her a run for her money, Riley and Harlow are also way better looking imo...not to mention these fucking ugly shades she still hasn't removed once, or her permanent frown, not really top model category imo.

Riley - really like her model but besides that i find her rather boring, not really good chemestry with the MC, all business and glacial progress...still declines a date as far as in ep7, u don't even get a reason as to why if u aim for a solo path. Similar to Vanessa lost interest in her.

Kate - likeable charcter, but no interest as li.

I found the rerst of the side girls rather uninteresting or unattractive and honestly can't remember their names.
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Game Developer
Nov 1, 2020
Thanks for the feedback. I'll avoid posting a long-winded reply breaking everything down since it'll spoil a lot of things. I appreciate seeing different thoughts, perspectives and opinions. I'll take all comments into consideration and see what I can do about tightening up the story and dialogue that's been released so far.

I'll address one thing specifically. MC's hair has been mentioned before and I'm aware of what everybody thinks. Without spoiling anything, I have a plan for the MC's general appearance that will be addressed through the story.


Devoted Member
Sep 12, 2018
I'll address one thing specifically. MC's hair has been mentioned before and I'm aware of what everybody thinks. Without spoiling anything, I have a plan for the MC's general appearance that will be addressed through the story.
That's not "what everybody thinks", far from it...vast majority don't give a shit on MC's haircut and similar "crucial" things.
Those complaining are probably from a new movement #fancyhaircutshouldbethemainfappingthinginadultgames
And you might be aware on how "activists" can be diverse, inventive, vocal and persistent in trying to enforce their agenda.

MC is fine the way he is atm, i'd say.
No need for drastic changes, or making him j.bieber's, or any other metrochick or whichever "dude"s, haircut could be considered as "trendy" nowadays.

And if you do so at the end (not first not the last dev falling for loud minority enforcing their "kink"), please, at least leave the possibility for MC to not undergo a new haircut/look, if the poor guy decides so:HideThePain:

If that new haircutsrule movement gets more power, in a year or two, here come all adult VNs starting with "customize your MC" introduction (eyeliners, nosridge, haircut, haircolor etc). Later in the game the most exciting things will be when MC is visiting various beauty salons and gets there a new exciting looks....and all that girlish talk while doing so, on top of that...
yaay, what a great time for adult games that will be!:BootyTime:
4.20 star(s) 96 Votes