In my personal opinion, lots of potential here, as the dev seems to have talent, but I have to admit the story has really become forced, with the mc not being able to respond to or have choices in what I felt was major changes and decisions.
Ok like the bff doing things that most people would never allow, and she's always forced in alot of scenes.
Without the mc being givin no choice to say no or set her ass straight. And as far as the scenario between the mc/wife/husband, I'm forced to say things that effects my chances negatively, without having a dialogue choice not to, just forced.
Now this is important because the forced plot twist, ok so I think to myself if the devs want to suddenly force relationship changes I'll pursue other limited options, but no go to the motel guess who shows up the wife wtf.
Scenario's were you'd just say hey this is what's going on to a person, there's no dialogue option to say that.
Husband tortures and attempts/threatens to murder wife and the mc , and I'm not givin the option of either restraining him or finishing him off as a potential continual threat, as he's at least twice my size, or call the cops.
And I personally have never liked point systems in these game, as it leaves you at the mercy of what the devs think/want not reality. Anyway that's just my personal opinion on some of the major most frustrating issues on what I've played so far.
P.S. To the devs I personally feel that life is about choices, which I feel you've limited the player in this title.