A Mother's Love follows the story of a player-named high school lad in his senior year of high school. He falls in love with his girlfriend's mother, Nicole, and gets himself wrapped up in the usual fine mess.
I would have thought I'd come across a seducing your GF's mom centered plot by now, but this is the first and it works well. The pacing works at times, but sometimes the story veers off the road. I like that you build your way up to penetration scenes with the mom.
Strangely, it almost feels like the writer's skills diminish as the story goes along. I think the developer is not a native English speaker, the writing often reminds me of Korean culture for some reason. I highly recommend that they hire an editor to polish the text since there are tons of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes that took me out of immersion. The dialogue ranges from ok to awful. It gets worse as the game goes on. There are times when I just couldn't take the dialogue and descriptives anymore and just plowed through scenes.
The CGs are low mid-tier and inconsistent. Sometimes the medium shot CGs look really decent, and then you get close ups that look like they're from Shenmue. One particularly gruesome CG sequence was during a flashback to Nicole's lingerie photo shoot. Her partner in that photo shoot was just on another level of awful. Also, the MC's penis looks like a smooth dildo.
On the flipside, the main heroine, Nicole, is delightful. It would have been nice to see some wrinkles or light sagging. The other female characters are more or less unremarkable.
Sex Scenes:
The sex scenes are "meh". They're too short, and the animations are atrocious. It would be better to just take them out of the game. For me, a huge part of the eroticism of these types of games depend on the dialogue before, during, and after sex. The dialogue during sex is depressing in its mediocrity, but sometimes it works. I feel like there are too many sex scenes, and the developer could have saved time and consolidated the sex scenes.
The posing and the facial expressions during sex are boring, except for a nice sequence when you bang the mom in your room and the models progress in different poses on the same still. Very nice touch there.
The MC's penis looks like a pink smooth dildo. I like my MC's to have huge dongs for the most part. In this case, you do have a nice package, and it's not comically oversized.
You are given the option in most scenes to finish inside/outside.
Overall, A Mother's Love is an average experience. This game could only give me a semi-boner and I had to switch over to video porn because I couldn't finish. I haven't finished yet, but will do so and update.