Ok Ok blow the fucking text away. Yes I`m a Foreigner with poor english as I proof before. So, cancel it, fine.
My sense of these mixed letter´s is: After v0.75 with endings in some route´s - next version-, ok i understand. Next version 1 mounth ago v00.80 - 0.83 not one of this route get a update. Instaed 2 other route´s get some update with bad end, if you play so far.
Ok blow the fucking text away. Yes I’m a Foreigner with poor English as I proof before. So, cancel it, fine.
My sense of these mixed letters is: After v0.75 with endings in some routes mention - next version-, ok I understand. Next version 1 month ago v00.80 - 0.83, not one of these routes get an update. Instead 2 other routes get some update with bad end, if you play so far. How to say in a fairly decent English if somebody “fucked up” completely with his pre-announcement. Nobody complain this until today, only care bigger breast with a special cream or gets fucked in a bad ending. If Blake get a BJ behind the Bar, and Victoria have big breast this still one scene for me. Blake with a Monster cock as the wood-elf has, as well. Spend time for change log and double all events made the “White Ravens” happy. We can a leak in the meantime.