3.80 star(s) 106 Votes


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2023
I think he will not give roadmap that will ruin the mystery about the story... I am just waiting till second update of CH3 to see the pace of sex...we will get an idea that if it's moving forward with just tease/or some real sex action, because story wise no doubt it's good...but it will answer to my doubt whether the story will move forward with sex or just a tease. If it will be just tease then offcourse tease / slow corruption lovers can support him ..i will be supporting him from whenever the tease will finally arrive to sex part lol.
I assure you 300% there will be no sex in the second update - there was no plot background for this!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2023
" So quite some time before she is even naked then i guess, it will be at least a couple of years before she has sex? "

I asked MR Palmer this 2 years ago and you can see his answer above lol.
Have we seen her naked yet then? Nope
So no sex this year either, does this guy have a lot of subs and do they not feel cheated? I don't understand...
Yea that's what I am saying...like while developing the story, you don't have an actual idea how much time it will take....he might not have an idea that CH2 will take 2+years ..but when the time comes to show sex, how it will move forward ..i.e. with or without sex..its not about subscribers...there are many viewers who support step wise corruption to death lol so they will support him no doubt on that like few will say sex directly?? ana is a whore if he shows sex lol...they expect dik touch then handjob then boobshow and so on... 5 years plan to reach sex.....it's on individual fetish that's all.

The point is how developer wants to extend this novel...it will be seen within 2 updates of CH3...yea story will move forwards..but with sex or just a tease...we will see.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2023
We are in chapter 3, and the 2nd update of chapter 3 is about to be out, correct?
No this will be the first update of ch3...last update was weekend part of the story.... kind of interim between Ch2 and Ch3 where he want to lay the path for sexual contents from Ch3 onwards. That's what he said last time in this thread.
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May 11, 2017
so as i say before two week ago he will use this end month issue in game and visit family same excuse
some replay here joke about some steal his game ask support his game until end year
he get pay 4 month from supporter he play with them and give them fake promise
and biiiggggg work is coming.... just wait :ROFLMAO:
what fake scum:poop:
you call us hater ....


Dec 25, 2021
No this will be the first update of ch3...last update was weekend part of the story.... kind of interim between Ch2 and Ch3 where he want to lay the path for sexual contents from Ch3 onwards. That's what he said last time in this thread.

Completes Part 2

What's this then, in the change logs.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2023
Completes Part 2

What's this then, in the change logs.
Hmm ...I was just checking his patreon page...yes after part 2, there was weekend. He said this :
I added a shortcut when you go to "Start" that allows you to skip to Part 3 while answering all the questions.
I also added a "STAT" box, so you can see the general impact of your choices. These choices in Parts 1 & 2 help shape how Part 3 will go.
This update doesn't have fireworks, so don't go into it expecting to be fully gratified. Part 3 will have fireworks of course, but the weekend (Sat afternoon & Sunday) is mostly David and Anna coming to grips with what happened, and it sets the stage for the crux of Part 3.

He's trying to explain why Ana cannot go for fuckfest on weekends after breakup..And in last paragraph, he wrote reality will be set from Monday onwards. Yes it was part 3 but it was kind of both David and Ana to get a grip on what happened about breakup, setting a stage and kinetics forward from Monday onwards. And for the upcoming update, he mentioned this:

" Now that the update has been released to everyone, I'd like to take the opportunity to give some thoughts on it before I go full gear into the next update.
As I've said before, this update felt like a necessary bridge to set up the rest of Part 3. Part 2 ended with the "blowup"... the story needed to decompress before having Anna and David come to grips with the situation.
The update ends with David moving back home. There was a chance Anna and David would live separately, but I feel like it's more interesting to see the dynamic between husband and wife as this story unfolds living under the same roof. A side benefit is - I won't have to spend more time using two separate residences. It's also practical that unhappy spouses choose to remain living at the same house, which isn't uncommon for financial reasons and child custody reasons.
Monday, Anna and David will go back to work under their new reality. Both still aren't exactly sure what's going on, but based on the choices you made in Parts 1 and 2, Anna is more or less skeptical, and we could see this come into play down the road as to how convinced Anna is that David cheated on her.
An interesting thing to note is how lacking in communication the two of them are when it comes to Anna's mom and David's father. They hope this all disappears before having to break the news. It could be costly that they haven't involved the parents, being that both of them need allies right now. Instead, they have people putting poison into their ears (not literally).
As for the influx of character involvement (Marcel, Leonard, Robinson, and Stenstromber)... Some feel it's getting crowded. There's several reasons for including these characters, but one thing I'll say is that some of these characters have a purpose beyond being another cock wanting to get inside Anna. For example, Marcel is a tool to link the gym to David and Anna, being that the gym is the only known place that Alexia frequented. And we know that Kendra and Alexia has corrupted him, so his interactions with Anna could make a difference in the story.
Another example, Leonard. He's not a feature character, but he witnessed Kendra's setup being executed. That's an important piece of information. The problem is that Leonard is a complicated individual. He's been through a lot in life and is jaded by his failure to be successful. He doesn't care much for David, and he lusts after Anna. Can we expect that he'll be responsible with this information? Probably not.
I'll just say that some characters are featured more than others, but I want each of them to have a purpose in the story... not just some extra dude cluttering the picture. I don't have plans to add more that would make any significant impact. You may see a new character here and there (i.e. the gym receptionist), but I don't have plans to add anything significant since I'm wanting to focus on concluding, not expanding.
As for the paths... Nothing's really changed here. You probably notice that the story seems linear. Part of that is because in order to push the story along, you can't have branches that extend far out and expect to do things timely. For example, the pool scene was a very large scene. Some people would say "I rejected Marvin; Anna would never go to a pool with him or be caught alone in locker room with him!" Okay, I understand that, but either a) the update would be short for the marvin rejecter, or b) production would be delayed a week or two for us to craft another large scene with Anna going shopping or somewhere else instead of the pool scene with Marvin.
Generally speaking, I'm trying to craft a story with multiple variations largely using the same renders. If you've influenced Anna to have a hidden pleasure teasing Marvin, she'll let him grope her. If you've influenced Anna to not like Marvin, she'll stop him quickly. You'll notice the dialogue is different throughout the scene depending on that too. But in the end, I'm using the same setting of Anna and Marvin at the pool because I want to push the story forward and not have the branches go crazy. Sure, there may be instances in the future where two separate settings are needed for paths, but I'm trying to minimize that.
And I've mentioned this many times about the paths, but I'll remind you, I want people - if they so desire - to play a path where Anna is reluctant but still might cave in eventually to a pursuer or decide to give in for some other reason. This is why Marvin and Chris are still around perving on Anna even though you may have advised her to reject them at all times.... because, at some point, she could given in to their advances reluctantly, which can be hot in its own way. I'll certainly give you an obvious choice when that time comes. If you never want her to give into a character, fine, I won't force that, just make the right decisions when the time comes. In fact, if you do reject someone until the end, that may end up resulting in an ending for that character that satisfies you. I'm not promising it, but I HOPE to make you happy if you hate a particular character(s).
As for sex/nudity - I'll explain this again because this is a common complaint. Obviously, we are moving closer to that point in time. I've said before that this isn't your standard corruption story where you need a lot of time to corrupt a woman realistically. This is a story about a woman who has urges and emotional conflicts beneath the surface, and she hides them behind a thick wall of a faithful marriage. It takes a confluence of events to tear the wall down quickly.
There will still be a progression with the levels of lewdness, but this isn't something where it will take a week for her to touch a penis with a gloved hand, and another week before she takes the glove off when she touches said penis.
I won't lay out a timeline for everything, but I hope it's obvious that I fully intend to make progress with Anna's seductions over the course of the coming week... all while she'll be living in the same house as David. (Yikes!)
Expectations on timing of next update - I'm not going to give a timeline as usual. In looking at the outline I've built and have been tinkering with, Monday will be packed with content, and I will likely feature some of Tuesday as well. It's going to take time, I can guarantee it. I'm going to try to limit things that have buildup as much as my brain allows for. I will do my best in the amount of free time I have. I'm not exaggerating to say that it always takes more time than I anticipate, and I'm sure other developers can attest to that. I'll just keep chugging along and do the best I can while not sacrificing quality!
One thing I want to add is a character bio feature, but we'll see. The top priority with my time on this is always to progress the story. Character bios are nice, but everyone would rather see the next update.
Thanks everyone for your support. I'm humbled by it, and whether you enjoy the story or not, I wish you the best. More to come soon.

So yes, Next week will be seduction part of Ana with nudity and tease until Friday lol...Penetrative Sex probably from weekend onwards. I hope he covers the whole week in 2 updates, and for XMas finally we can see some penetrative sex lol.
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New Member
Nov 9, 2022
For those who are complaining, there are plenty of games that offer what your looking for. The story in the game itself is progressing how it's suppose to. If you want to complain, complain about the time between updates but not why you haven't seen Anna's boobs yet. To rush the game so you can get a quick boner, will ruin whats unique about this game in the first place. Like i said there's plenty of games out there, that can satisfy. I really hope the dev never caters to these people.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2023
For those who are complaining, there are plenty of games that offer what your looking for. The story in the game itself is progressing how it's suppose to. If you want to complain, complain about the time between updates but not why you haven't seen Anna's boobs yet. To rush the game so you can get a quick boner, will ruin whats unique about this game in the first place. Like i said there's plenty of games out there, that can satisfy. I really hope the dev never caters to these people.
Again, this is not complaining.....yea let there be sex... what's the issue with that??? I also complain but I am still a supporter...I don't give a shit about time between updates....I don't care even if he takes 6 months to bring next update..I want whenever he release next update, sex should be there....so take 6months and include 2/3 updates as one. Take one year to program and render...and bring the update whenever there will be sex...so you can wait on sex...I can wait on time. Why would I complain about fast update??? I don't mind he can take 5 years to develop the game..but whenever he launch the update..it should have some scene in it.

Just an example if he thinks he needs 9 months with slow corruption to get to sex..take it...and launch an update after 9 months..there are several games that follow this pattern and has good story with sex in it....but this one update for seduction, one update to interact with 3 character, next update to interact with rest of the 3 character..this thing don't satisfy sex wise too as well as story wise....e.g. if I want ana and Marvin path..I will be disappointed in this update. If the game is slow...launch the update when it make sense where story part and sex part both are covered.

Else if he will cover only story with no sex...people who like sex will complain...and when he will show sex..people who like story will complain saying ana became whore and slut. So my suggestion would be, bring the update when it satisfy both parts.
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Oct 2, 2019
For those who are complaining, there are plenty of games that offer what your looking for. The story in the game itself is progressing how it's suppose to. If you want to complain, complain about the time between updates but not why you haven't seen Anna's boobs yet. To rush the game so you can get a quick boner, will ruin whats unique about this game in the first place. Like i said there's plenty of games out there, that can satisfy. I really hope the dev never caters to these people.
for those who are complaining about lack of sex from wife/Gf there are plenty of whores, just go there and fuck them.

that's the stupid argument. i want my wife's pussy because i found it to be emotional close to me.

stop being hero by giving guilt trip to others.its their choice if they are willing to spend time on adult VN forum about Mr.P Game.
actually he should be feeling blessed for having such a engaging communication.
and next time if Mr.palmeror or Fanboy came and argued about negative or hate comments just remember at least there are comment.

i like this game and I'm gonna call out.
3.80 star(s) 106 Votes