- Jun 27, 2020
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- 12,857
True Anna even thought that Chris would have changed after a long time.. But it was not the case. in their first text conversation Chris continued his old habit of flirting with Anna she may even be naive at one point but Ana is no fool when it comes to Chris and his desires for his friend's wife Anna knows very well what Chris wants her I don't remember the part but Ana even says that Chris should look for a girl and stop chasing her already knowing his intentions with her.There is a scene where Anna is talking to Chris in the office via text message. Chris first asks Anna how she is and how is Sophia. And then he starts flirting with Anna. Anna says something like, "He quickly went back to flirting with me, Chris hasn't changed. If they paid me a dollar for every time Chris flirted with me, I'd quit my job. But Chris' flirting got him nowhere. Anna knows what Chris is like and knows some of his tricks.