8.. After Anna was surprised that David came home from work so early and was taking care of little Sophia, she wanted to avoid it and had the same idea (maybe David will fly to save the company over the weekend). Anna argues with David about her new work outfit. Anna goes to her bedroom, angry that they argued in front of little Sophia about this new, more daring work outfit.
9. Anna is in her bedroom, dressed in her pajamas, thinking confusedly about David's fight with her and what the future holds for her, what the truth will be. She can either get a call from Rob or her fake friend. Or she can call one of them. I bet the fake friend will say, "You know how it was in the shower, we have to do it again."
10. To which Anna runs out of the bedroom into the garage and starts crying about what she did.
11. She decides to prove the truth and dresses in the same outfit. She goes to visit Rob to find out more fake lies about David.