Just how many things happened through out history that were believed to be impossible before? I believe things are pretty rough when it comes to piracy in Germany. Likewise aren't most pirate sites based in Russia or post soviet countries? Do you think it is impossible that the lines would be severed as result of war or politics? Also not everything is being shared or cracked/pirated.
You are trying to present piracy as something good or morally correct because it is beneficial to the devs. Meanwhile you do not have any sort of consent, piracy is selfish and whatever benefit devs have from it is a byproduct.
What are the devs accepting ? Piracy ? What choice they have? most don't have technical know how to implement working DRM and openly criticizing piracy wouldn't stop it anyway and would only cause negativity on this forum and probably native reviews as reaction which then would mean less people potentially checking out the game.
Ok, good we can agree that devs do not need piracy.
Because i benefit from something doesn't make me blind or make the thing right. If there were no pirated games i would just entertain myself with something else, crazy idea eh ?
DRM is necessary evil. DRM is like a lock on your door, annoying, you may lose the keys or it may jam. It doesn't really stop any real thief from robbing you yet you wouldn't leave without locking the door. Why is that? Do you see locks as a scummy thing?
Most of players would download both files since both parts are actually ntr, you should not add those numbers. The data is obviously not complete but its better then saying "decently sized portion". But this is irrelevant now as we have agreed that devs do not need piracy.
No, it is not so simple. HC for example didn't experience any growth when he was small despite posting his game here. Only when he started this game things started blowing up. NTRMAN has rather stable growth from the looks of it or maybe even his growth at the start was slower then later.
In case of FI like i said i would expect if piracy is such a major factor for success then the game should grow as the site has grown. Just how much traffic does F95 get now compared to 2016? probable couple times higher.
Anyway feel free to provide of your own example.
It is still an example of site that is successful while the "product" they are dealing with is mostly enjoyed through piracy and they are not sharing it. Sure few people discuss but there hella lot of lurkers. You know time is a currency, being able to go and quickly assess whatever something is good or up to your tastes is huge.
Also porn is huge and growth of technology will result with further growth of porn games. Like steam opened for porn games, they wouldn't do it (they need to spend money on the whole review process) if the profits wouldn't be there. Being THE place for porn games may be huge in future.
So exactly what is already happening?