Laura doesn't need to be redeemed in the other paths because she wouldn't be doing the things she did in this one. Fundamentally the goal of the game was to corrupt Laura as much as possible. Aya will also end up being corrupted, Maya is already corrupted, she already cucked Harry and who knows in what ways abused him that he tries his best to forget. Why do you consider Maya redeemable ? Why wouldn't she cuck Harry again ?Same. But I still intend to enjoy the bad ones.
Having a good ending as a sort of 'palate cleanser' will just make it easier to do that.
Also, I'm beginning to believe my theory that Harry is going to end up with Maya in the good ending even more because Laura is just irredeemable at this point. Even if we rewind everything and have Harry make different choices, Laura will still be the same person that she has been revealed to be in the normal ending. It would only be a matter of time before she showed her true colors to him, with or without Luca's influence. I just don't see how any good ending for Harry could involve her. Really, the only good ending would be for him to leave her and be with someone else. Like Maya.
Of course, we'll have to wait and see if I'm right or wrong.
Laura is aware of her dark side, she was able to control it well so far. The idea is that Harry brings out her good sides to light while Luca awakens her bad side. This is not exactly a revelation that good people stray from good path when they are influenced by bad people.'
So i disagree - Luca's influence and Harry's fails are essential for Laura's corruption, she is not corrupted or bad person from the start.
@ Maya presence in good story - she will either serve as temptation - does Harry really love Laura ? or as "embodiment" of Harry's fear of being betrayed - Harry needs to confront his past to move on.
Holy spoiler batman! USE SPOILERS!!.....
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