
Jul 18, 2021
Professional review
So from a psychological point of view this is very real life oriented meaning stuff like this actually happens and view points were done splendidly from each persons perspective in terms of how most would act in said scenario. it saddens me to say that someone with good insight can see what is going on even from the single point of view or catch hints of it via obvious body language and reactions which really just go to show how much detail creator has gone into to make this game. if looking from a professional point of view this game is a testament to a great work of art playing out a real life scenario surrounding 4 individuals and their stories . Both body language and wording were drawn and written so well that it would pull anyone who is easily swayed emotionally by story games like it in and then play them like the devils fiddle making emotions fly in many directions. It has such realism that one would think that it was taken straight from personal life and turned into a story game. You can feel the emotions emitted from the screen as the characters struggle through their sides of the story and fight for what they want. It shows that love can blind us and sometimes we do the worst and wrong things for it.

professional outlook on game rating
For its overwhelming attention to detail in art and story this game is a solid 10/10 for being so accurate in its ability to relay the depth of the story and its emotions via its choice in words and it its artistic details in the postures and facial features of characters.

Personal outlook on game rating (Please read seriously, fully and open minded)
2/10 You fail to insure any and every player be given a heads up that your game could cause some real damage on the psyche and trigger some horrible things to either resurface or develop. Your game comes far to close to real life issues and the game could seriously hurt people. YOU creator need to put a LGEITAMITE WARNING that game could trigger people in horrible ways and let them know if they have had any horrible experiences at all with blackmail or cheating to not play game. there are few creators who actually come so in touch with real life in their games most people will look at the labels and think it probably wont be that bad but your game is LEAUGES yes I mean whole entire LEAGUES above all the rest when it comes to psychological accuracy. The trauma a game like yours could cause to someone who would assume such and play it thinking it will be ok only to find themselves reliving something horrible or experiencing emotional devastation are more than you might believe or know. That is my hope at least, the hope that you do know know just how much pain this could cause someone both for their sake and yours as I hope this does not come from personal experience but instead from research or second hand knowledge. even still you NEED to put a TRIGGER POTENTIAL WARNING on your game stating following for both players safety and yours to prevent someone from trying to get you in any sort of trouble for not properly labeling game via lawsuit and I hope you take this seriously as again your game is dangerous and so psychologically accurate it is not laughable.

Trigger warning- Game has psychological aspects that could trigger or upset some. Play at own risk.

Overall you are a great story writer and honestly should get into writing actual books as if you made this game yourself and wrote everything yourself you could make a killing in writing dramas for females and males in love stores for more grown adults as you have the entire aspects of young adult minds and their typical workings down to a T. I do not see how anyone could have such skill and not use it on actual writing and publishing. The world is worse off without it and I mean that whole heartedly.


Jan 30, 2021
Personal outlook on game rating (Please read seriously, fully and open minded)
2/10 You fail to insure any and every player be given a heads up that your game could cause some real damage on the psyche and trigger some horrible things to either resurface or develop. Your game comes far to close to real life issues and the game could seriously hurt people. YOU creator need to put a LGEITAMITE WARNING that game could trigger people in horrible ways and let them know if they have had any horrible experiences at all with blackmail or cheating to not play game. there are few creators who actually come so in touch with real life in their games most people will look at the labels and think it probably wont be that bad but your game is LEAUGES yes I mean whole entire LEAGUES above all the rest when it comes to psychological accuracy. The trauma a game like yours could cause to someone who would assume such and play it thinking it will be ok only to find themselves reliving something horrible or experiencing emotional devastation are more than you might believe or know. That is my hope at least, the hope that you do know know just how much pain this could cause someone both for their sake and yours as I hope this does not come from personal experience but instead from research or second hand knowledge. even still you NEED to put a TRIGGER POTENTIAL WARNING on your game stating following for both players safety and yours to prevent someone from trying to get you in any sort of trouble for not properly labeling game via lawsuit and I hope you take this seriously as again your game is dangerous and so psychologically accurate it is not laughable.

Trigger warning- Game has psychological aspects that could trigger or upset some. Play at own risk.

Overall you are a great story writer and honestly should get into writing actual books as if you made this game yourself and wrote everything yourself you could make a killing in writing dramas for females and males in love stores for more grown adults as you have the entire aspects of young adult minds and their typical workings down to a T. I do not see how anyone could have such skill and not use it on actual writing and publishing. The world is worse off without it and I mean that whole heartedly.
so how hard did u get cucked? but for real its an ntr game if ur playing an ntr game and then ur like omg its got ntr for realsies i thought this was just happy fun times wheres the trigger warning. ur consuming the wrong type of h game cause this one doesnt even crack they top 5 in hardest hitting ntr experiences its a great game but if u think this ones so messed up it can cause a law suit then u obvs havent being reading much doujins or playing many games with ntr foucs. "prevent someone from trying to get you in any sort of trouble for not properly labeling game via lawsuit and I hope you take this seriously as again your game is dangerous and so psychologically accurate it is not laughable." I actually loled
Aug 4, 2017
Personal outlook on game rating (Please read seriously, fully and open minded)
2/10 You fail to insure any and every player be given a heads up that your game could cause some real damage on the psyche and trigger some horrible things to either resurface or develop. Your game comes far to close to real life issues and the game could seriously hurt people. YOU creator need to put a LGEITAMITE WARNING that game could trigger people in horrible ways and let them know if they have had any horrible experiences at all with blackmail or cheating to not play game. there are few creators who actually come so in touch with real life in their games most people will look at the labels and think it probably wont be that bad but your game is LEAUGES yes I mean whole entire LEAGUES above all the rest when it comes to psychological accuracy.
I laughed hard, I know you are trolling because no one is serious when he types shit like that about niche cartoon porn game on a piracy forum, but if there is a slightest chance you are not trolling then seek professional help mate or simply grow the fuck up and get your life together. You need it asap. Either you got cucked in real life and trying to put the blame on a random artist on the Internet, which makes you an asshole, or it's your first ntr fiction ever and in that case - welcome to the genre, enjoy your stay, just keep in mind most of us did not try to scare authors with lawsuits on our first contact because that's utterly and completely retarded.


Fuck me that would be funnier than Rittenhouse trial.
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Jul 16, 2020
Professional review...
That some kind of joke, isn't it? People play NTR games to get hurt... in a special way. To get that 'cucky angst' - as the ones into that lifestyle in the real life call it - via proxy of a game protagonist. (And some more or something different cause girls in the games discussed are not being shared willingly). Tags are all out there, as well as Patreon page where it's clearly stated that author develops NTR games. Can't read or don't want to learn more about NTR in advance if unfamiliar - sorry, no one to blame. No court to appeal to, lol.

As for the last paragraph - good writing - yes it's solid and amazing. As far as I understand Cat is a native speaker and as it's stated on Patreon 'I am a writer AND a solo Visual Novels developer'. Not sure of exact meaning of this, but he might have actually a background of a writer, books or novels published online, adult or not, whatever. Or maybe he's just pointing to the fact that he's not only a game producer who hired a writer and an artist, but writes himself. In any case writing is astonishing, IMO.

Speaking about GF Tapes and The Promise - they both are amazing exemplars of western mystery NTR games. I can't even recall at the moment other western games of such stature at the moment. They are mystery all right - it's not that in one or both of the games you as a player don't really know whether your girl is cheating or not. Cmon, you sit and play an NTR game - and you know that this is bound to happen (unless there are vanilla or true routes, but it's not the case). I think as Cat mentioned in The Edge thread this is about guessing why and what exactly is happening behind protag back, and - that's my guess - being hurt as as player in that special way knowing that she's cheating but protagonist remaining oblivious. The games do it in different ways - GF Tapes witholds all the cheating scenes/info till pretty much the end of the current version (0.7, camera feed or finding smartphone in the trunk, if my memory serves), when both player and protag get struck by it, and different POV options for The Promise. Well they are different but they deliver, I'd say. It's interesting how they'll go about mystery element when protagonist knows what's going on in GF Tapes. Yes, the games are also different in NTR premise - it's A and B types as VNDB puts it, willing from the start in GF Tapes and blackmailing in The Promise. I guess it's a matter of taste and to each his own, as they say. With both games being amazing so far IMO I'm as player glad that they show different approaches cause I'll gladly play both of them and, again, as they say, variety is the space of life.

By the way I'm sure Cat is well aware of GF tapes as they cross-promoted in July as it seems from Patreon.

Comparing The Promise and The Edge - I was glad to see 3 things in The Promise:
- toned down amount of text (some complained about it I think recently - not being willing to read 20k words in between scenes).
- quicker jump to NTR action (both games start with vanilla scenes, but in The Edge abundance of text pushes real NTR action pretty much towards the end of the game. And I think the amount of scenes was increased in The Promise. It's early days for the game but is the amount of scenes already comparable to what The Edge had? Hm.)
- realistic and believable writing and story, except for maybe Aya's behaviour and how easy the flashdrive was given away. Anyway, a solid improvement over how unrealistically paranoid and jerky the protagonist ot The Edge was pretty much throughout all of the game. Some even asked in the game's thread is it NTR at all if you want the guy to be cucked? ))

Having said that, I have to say that I regard The Edge highly, not at the same level as GF Tapes and The Promise, but still. And it was amazing job so far on the game. The fact that The Promise feels better that The Edge IMO is logical in a sense because The Edge was a first NTR game of the author I think and, accordingly, he leverages now experience and feedback gained during its development.

Going forward I wanted to propose a thing for The Promise. So as I stated when you play from protagonist POV and the cheating is happening - might be spoilers ahead - e.g. when you wake up alone at home and hear screams from the next room - it's quite clear for a player - a real life person - that Laura is getting pounded there. Less so obvious with some strange noise in the hotel room, but still - you know that some NTR action is going nearby. You as a player just know that such scenes or things in dialogues wouldn't appear if not for NTR action that happens but this action remains hidden from you and protagonist for now. What if you (Cat) managed to add something that would serve as false flags and made NTR truly - or more of - a mystery even for a player. E.g. - and that might not be the plan now but just as an example - another scene with waking up at night without Laura and hearing fucking noises, but this time this wouldn't be Laura. Or protagonist duly and shortly noting some - even maybe just a couple or two times throughout the game - suspisious noises or things, that would turn to be something innocent, when you play from everyone's POV. Such things would be true master's touches and would leave the real player hanging and guessing was something sexual really happening or not in each exact case, helping to keep that mystery tension high throughout the game.

Or some of these things could make player (not protag) suspisious for a short while and turn to be nothing right there - playing from protagonist POV I mean, something alike to when in The Edge protagonist was looking for his wife at home through hidden cameras and she couldn't be found anywhere, only to appear all of a sudden and explain (over the phone?) that she was looking for (or changing) a light bulb, if my memory serves. That turned out to be true as far as I remember, but at that moment as a player I wasn't completely sure and it was superb thing for an NTR game.

All things said IMO, of course. Kudos to Cat for amazing job so far and keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
While i don't think anyone going into a NTR game is unaware of what that entails i also ask myself "is there a reason to not add a warning". And i don't find any so sure why not.

People enjoy ntr games in various ways that is why there are so many subcategories of ntr.

What you are requesting is precisely what Edge of had, but you complain about it having too much text.
You know adding false flags will inevitably increase amount of text that doesn't lead to action.
Also i believe making player perspective mystery requires a full dedication. In Promise we can tell when heroine has fallen into the trap, it's pretty clear for player. After that point false flags don't serve much purpose. We know she is cheating already, if we see a false positive we won't be "oh she is innocent after all" it will be closer to "whatever, she is cheating just not this time" .

That said there is another purpose for false flags here, to give player a false scare (excitement?). Let's say there are some strange noises coming from the shower, MC asks gf what she is up to which she tells MC not to enter. But MC doesn't listen and sneaks in about to discover everything and then it turns out gf is just shaving herself or masturbating.
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Jul 16, 2020
What you are requesting is precisely what Edge of had, but you complain about it having too much text.
You know adding false flags will inevitably increase amount of text that doesn't lead to action.

In Promise we can tell when heroine has fallen into the trap, it's pretty clear for player. After that point false flags don't serve much purpose. We know she is cheating already, if we see a false positive we won't be "oh she is innocent after all" it will be closer to "whatever, she is cheating just not this time".

That said there is another purpose for false flags here, to give player a false scare (excitement?).
Well I guess if you incorporate few of those things throughout the game, it will increase overall amount of words for a few hundred, maybe a thousand. Which is kind of going to be merely a couple percents of total or even just fractions. But it'll serve purpose of tickling one's nerve, as you call it 'false scare-excitement'. That false thing is exactly what I mean with my respective paragraph and example with lightbulb, where things get clarified after some suspension when you play from protagonist POV exclusively.

My previous paragraph in that long post proposes another type of... so called 'false flag'. It's when your protag sees or hears, say, some suspicious things that might be one of the girls cheating on you or not - you'll never learn till you see events from their POV. (Example provided if there are few instances of sounds of fucking and screams in that blonde guy's room that wake up protagonist, which might be Laura's or not). I don't get here 'whatever, she is cheating just not this time' phrase, cause you'll never learn was there cheating or not from protag POV alone.

Again. Player pretty much knows in advance that it's an NTR game and it's not avoidable. Given previous game, info on Patreon and this thread and so on. There isn't a lot of choice in the game. There is zero fucking mystery in regards whether Laura will cheat or not - she will. And me personally - I'm not interested in pinpointing when she starts to do so. Accordingly, to me mystery is not gone when she starts cause it was never there in the first place. Mystery is quite limited concept with unavoidable NTR gaming where you as a player know what is bound to happen. Maybe the best mystery you can get as Cat pinpointed it is why and how exactly cheating is happening. Answer to the question 'why?' can easily be pinpointed to that flash drive and gloomy chat with Laura next morning - it's a no brainer for a player that she gets blackmailed. That leaves only how exactly this is happening (cheating, can be broken down in where and when exactly questions.) So this another proposed 'flag' tries to play around that small mystery left to exist - never knowing for sure whether cheating was happening or not, until you see others' POV. I feel that if properly implemented it can scratch an itch of NTR lovers in a good way too, so this is why I proposed this. And - to help this 'flag' achieve it's purpose I'd rather see a disclaimer - or message - at the start about that not every time protagonist notices something suspicious, a girl is cheating on him, as opposed to 'beware, NTR games might hurt your feelings!'

It's just ideas for the author, which he might not find doable or important eventually.

I'd love to see a good novel where:
- you play from protagonist POV
- there is real mystery about your significant other cheating or not on you till pretty much the end or till you start playing others' POV - only clues to guess, so essentially it's optional NTR, you can fend off the other guy/s, but you can fail too.
- it all depends on your multiple choices that are not self-explanatory and don't kill the mystery, or stats that you develop

Sad but as far as I'm concerned there is none.
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Well I don't like patreon model but the game is really good so tried to pledge to the dev. But the payment wouldn't go through. Seems patreon is having payment issue in India for several months now. Tried debit/credit/paypal nothing worked.

Anyone else faced such issues and know a work around?


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
Well I guess if you incorporate few of those things throughout the game, it will increase overall amount of words for a few hundred, maybe a thousand. Which is kind of going to be merely a couple percents of total or even just fractions. But it'll serve purpose of tickling one's nerve, as you call it 'false scare-excitement'. That false thing is exactly what I mean with my respective paragraph and example with lightbulb, where things get clarified after some suspension when you play from protagonist POV exclusively.

My previous paragraph in that long post proposes another type of... so called 'false flag'. It's when your protag sees or hears, say, some suspicious things that might be one of the girls cheating on you or not - you'll never learn till you see events from their POV. (Example provided if there are few instances of sounds of fucking and screams in that blonde guy's room that wake up protagonist, which might be Laura's or not). I don't get here 'whatever, she is cheating just not this time' phrase, cause you'll never learn was there cheating or not from protag POV alone.

Again. Player pretty much knows in advance that it's an NTR game and it's not avoidable. Given previous game, info on Patreon and this thread and so on. There isn't a lot of choice in the game. There is zero fucking mystery in regards whether Laura will cheat or not - she will. And me personally - I'm not interested in pinpointing when she starts to do so. Accordingly, to me mystery is not gone when she starts cause it was never there in the first place. Mystery is quite limited concept with unavoidable NTR gaming where you as a player know what is bound to happen. Maybe the best mystery you can get as Cat pinpointed it is why and how exactly cheating is happening. Answer to the question 'why?' can easily be pinpointed to that flash drive and gloomy chat with Laura next morning - it's a no brainer for a player that she gets blackmailed. That leaves only how exactly this is happening (cheating, can be broken down in where and when exactly questions.) So this another proposed 'flag' tries to play around that small mystery left to exist - never knowing for sure whether cheating was happening or not, until you see others' POV. I feel that if properly implemented it can scratch an itch of NTR lovers in a good way too, so this is why I proposed this. And - to help this 'flag' achieve it's purpose I'd rather see a disclaimer - or message - at the start about that not every time protagonist notices something suspicious, a girl is cheating on him, as opposed to 'beware, NTR games might hurt your feelings!'

It's just ideas for the author, which he might not find doable or important eventually.

I'd love to see a good novel where:
- you play from protagonist POV
- there is real mystery about your significant other cheating or not on you till pretty much the end or till you start playing others' POV - only clues to guess, so essentially it's optional NTR, you can fend off the other guy/s, but you can fail too.
- it all depends on your multiple choices that are not self-explanatory and don't kill the mystery, or stats that you develop

Sad but as far as I'm concerned there is none.
Got yea, so not so much about keeping up mystery from player perspective but delivering "hints" of sexual activity without making it obvious for player that its the gf cheating.
It works i guess but i think it's more fun when we know something is happening but don't know what exactly, how far are they going etc . Or when MC can find out any moment - what MC will see if he turns around ? what kind of lie will the girl come up with :3
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Reactions: dark.knight48


Jan 30, 2021
Can you tell me what those games are? For research purposes ofcourse. This game is really good so I want to check out those bangers.
Man ur really going to make me show my trash taste like that. To be fare I didn't say just games there's some hard core doujins out there but u asked for games so im just going to throw out 5 games u might like.

1.Boy Hero Ken ~Haunted House Investigation~ (not as hard hitting but probs the best ntr game of 2020)

2. Scars of Summer ( A pretty solid romp)

3. the Marina series and Gal Kano!! ( both by Atelier Sakura, marina is a 3 part vn series with a lot of focus on the main male mc point of view, its also delves into the impact of ntr and the third game has been know to kill the fetish for some people, Gal kano is here just because i think Hiyori is hot and the teasing is good)

4. NTRPG 1 and 2 ( the big ones that people say are too hardcore for them, well these 2 and dark hero party)

5.Adelaide Inn remake ( made by my man Ntrman im a bit of a shill when it comes to him but inn remake is one of the best ntr games in recent time. the dynamic between Mira and Gunther as they slip deeper into ntr play is just top tier and some of those ends can get pretty dark)

hope this is what u were looking for and u have a good time with them.
Man ur really going to make me show my trash taste like that. To be fare I didn't say just games there's some hard core doujins out there but u asked for games so im just going to throw out 5 games u might like.

1.Boy Hero Ken ~Haunted House Investigation~ (not as hard hitting but probs the best ntr game of 2020)

2. Scars of Summer ( A pretty solid romp)

3. the Marina series and Gal Kano!! ( both by Atelier Sakura, marina is a 3 part vn series with a lot of focus on the main male mc point of view, its also delves into the impact of ntr and the third game has been know to kill the fetish for some people, Gal kano is here just because i think Hiyori is hot and the teasing is good)

4. NTRPG 1 and 2 ( the big ones that people say are too hardcore for them, well these 2 and dark hero party)

5.Adelaide Inn remake ( made by my man Ntrman im a bit of a shill when it comes to him but inn remake is one of the best ntr games in recent time. the dynamic between Mira and Gunther as they slip deeper into ntr play is just top tier and some of those ends can get pretty dark)

hope this is what u were looking for and u have a good time with them.
Oh man seems I have played all or most of them. I don't know if I have played Ntrpg1. I think I went to 2 instead. Sadly I just used a save file for most of the Rpgm games so missed most of the context and meat of the story (don't like playing rpgm game they are unnecessarily grindy). I have heard Scars of Summers is not grindy. Are the other rpgm games on the list not grindy? I may actually try playing them when I have time.

I personally really liked Adelaide Inn 2. Thought it had great potential. It just progressed too fast. The premise was really great though. And she was one of the hottest milf. I really enjoyed the Atelier Sakura games too. I'm interested in most genres not just ntr. I just find vanilla really boring.

And if I may bother you again, can you tell me the names of those doujins? You piqued my interest. Again, for research purposes only ahem.


Jul 16, 2020
Got yea, so not so much about keeping up mystery from player perspective but delivering "hints" of sexual activity without making it obvious for player that its the gf cheating.

It works i guess but i think it's more fun when we know something is happening but don't know what exactly, how far are they going etc .
Latter is exactly what the game has now already - for instance, a suspicious sound in hotel tells a player that something is happening, but you don't know for sure - spoilers ahead! - turns out to be fingering. Bad thing here that she already got pounded in hotel few times at that moment and that's quite obvious. Otherwise one would be guessing - how far did all of this go, is she blowing/taking it, or she gets groped/fingered etc, but whaterver. So usually there are a couple of questions a player has here that contribute towards mystery - what exactly is happening and, accordingly, how far are they going, as you wrote.

Former - as far as I get you you got what I meant - as now each time it's obvious that something is happening when something is happening even from solely portagonist POV, you just don't know as a player what it is exactly (as described in previous paragrph). Idea is to mix it with some rather innocent things, which would render player ask himself one more question - is something (cheating) happening at all right now, in addition to those two questions in the previous paragraph, and tickle one's nerve some more. (Things will get clarified when playing everyone's POV).

Plus, as mentioned earlier by both of us, there might be some things that are suspricious, and you'll get some suspension and tension and so, but then they'll get clarified at the spot. Like the mentioned light bulb in The Edge of. The problem here is that in The Edge protaganist is paranoidally suspicious from the get-go, and those things fitted well. Here protagonist remains unsuspicious and trusting Laura. Though it's just the beginning, and he notes already some irregularities in her behaviour. I hope that he will be gradually and believably more suspicious towards the end, instead of staying typical dumb and oblivious protag of a generic NTR game. It's much better on it's own and what I propose in this paragraph will look good with this. Can't have absolute trust in Laura and then break in the bathroom hearing suspicious noises only to find here shaving, for instance, as you wrote.
May 19, 2017
Personal outlook on game rating (Please read seriously, fully and open minded)
2/10 You fail to insure any and every player be given a heads up that your game could cause some real damage on the psyche and trigger some horrible things to either resurface or develop. Your game comes far to close to real life issues and the game could seriously hurt people. YOU creator need to put a LGEITAMITE WARNING that game could trigger people in horrible ways and let them know if they have had any horrible experiences at all with blackmail or cheating to not play game. there are few creators who actually come so in touch with real life in their games most people will look at the labels and think it probably wont be that bad but your game is LEAUGES yes I mean whole entire LEAGUES above all the rest when it comes to psychological accuracy. The trauma a game like yours could cause to someone who would assume such and play it thinking it will be ok only to find themselves reliving something horrible or experiencing emotional devastation are more than you might believe or know. That is my hope at least, the hope that you do know know just how much pain this could cause someone both for their sake and yours as I hope this does not come from personal experience but instead from research or second hand knowledge. even still you NEED to put a TRIGGER POTENTIAL WARNING on your game stating following for both players safety and yours to prevent someone from trying to get you in any sort of trouble for not properly labeling game via lawsuit and I hope you take this seriously as again your game is dangerous and so psychologically accurate it is not laughable.
HAHAHAHA what a fucking clown. Stay away from NTR stories, mangas, and games then mate if your "psyche" is so weak that a fictional story can "trigger" you. Some people play or read NTR because they want to be cucked. Some want to see the FMC get corrupted. Some want to imagine what it's like to steal someone's woman/man. If this happened to you personally then I'm sorry for you but if a fictional story affects you this much then you might as well stay away from this genre. If you want a heads up then read the tags. They're there for a reason. What a fucking wuss.


Jul 16, 2020
It's ridiculous of course to threaten author with some sort of litigation because of the absence of disclaimer, but, well, it wouldn't be difficult to put one page disclaimer along the lines of 'This game revolves around NTR (netorare) so if you don't know what it is or don't like it please quit or proceed at your own risk'. So it up to the author, but -

I think NTR in not that extreme as some other things as guro and scat, or gay for heterosexual folks, and Hangover Cat works in the first place for his Patrons who know their kinks and know what they're paying the money for, so it'd be pointless for them. With public version it might end up scaring few dozen people away at the cost of the rest few thousand players, likely including Patrons, looking at this pointless for them disclaimer for a couple of seconds each time they launch the game. So it's kind of tradeoff here, up to the author as I wrote I guess. And I suppose if it gets released on Steam eventually all the necessary warnings will be in place there.
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New Member
Nov 27, 2017
Just for a sake of it, seen from the main menu picture I can assume that sooner or later Aya is also going to fall under his influence, even if I don't like Aya and how pushy she is for some weird reason, it would be interesting just to see the worst possible way, pushing Aya away, stay blind/refuse Laura. With choices further in the game, I imagine it'll be possible, but sooner or later our hero is going to find out, and if we don't follow the track as our protagonist it's very simple deduction just from his perspective, there are 2 options or both at once. 1. Luca just in order to torment you further wins over Laura and even pushy Aya (if you turn her down) just to spite you 2. Those two picked him at once over you. As I said it could be both from his perspective. I can imagine the guilt of those two girls later on if that happens and the anger of MC, since it doesn't seem MC is a kinda guy that would fall into grief but rather in fury, then again it would be interesting how he would get back at those three in worst outcome route since misunderstandings are most dangerous after all.

Another thing that interests me is that i... don't know if these girls realize but agreeing to Luka demands and having sex with him would just fuel more and more content for him to blackmail them further and further, it's a neverending machine of content for him and guilt for them, then again in extreme cases they would find to like him more then 'uncaring' MC. Luca could be even recording them, or what they say, then threat when they wish to back out when it's getting too far, there is really a lot of way for the game story that can go.

Regarding how Luka works ... surprisingly he cares to take away what he thinks MC cares about the most, so if MC became detached from both of them it would actually put him in a bit of loss, I doubt he loves them it's just a play for him and if he doesn't care anymore it's just an issue to deal with. MC should worry about his position at work then since it's what he's attached to him the most? hard to say what Luka would think of to torment MC further if girls weren't enough, then again it's to like he's not enjoying their 'company'

I am nearly sure that game is going to let us go with Aya when we in some way or another find out about Luka and Laura cheating, probably through an open door or some keyhole, as to put us on track with her instead, when we deny her second time it's prop when Luka is going to blackmail Aya in some way or another.

Doubtful there is going to be 3rd girl in the game but if so then it would be the preferable choice over those two, since there is always a choice, even if the outcome seems terrible or like no choice. Both of the girls are worthless, one for letting it happen since without Aya it wouldn't and she's stupid enough to only get dragged by double blackmail by him since he doesn't care if Harry finds out but she does, and she gives him videos, messengers, recordings on phone from both of them, plant of ammo to work with just time for him to gather so he would blackmail them both, so sooner or later it'll lead to threesomes, Laura thinks about Harry and what's best for him but if it was the case she wouldn't be such coward, because of what she's doing she's pushing everything further and further, giving more ammo to Luka, in the end both of girls falling for him, becoming corrupted, it's unavoidable if you refuse Aya but then again that's what you get for being cheating, there is no good or bad cheating it's just is how it is.

In the end very fun game so far, for someone who enjoys real-life drama and mystery. so keep up the good quality work.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
Any heroes ? :cry:
It wasn't released to 5$ yet so a leak would be quite ... undermining.

Just for a sake of it, seen from the main menu picture I can assume that sooner or later Aya is also going to fall under his influence, even if I don't like Aya and how pushy she is for some weird reason, it would be interesting just to see the worst possible way, pushing Aya away, stay blind/refuse Laura. With choices further in the game, I imagine it'll be possible, but sooner or later our hero is going to find out, and if we don't follow the track as our protagonist it's very simple deduction just from his perspective, there are 2 options or both at once. 1. Luca just in order to torment you further wins over Laura and even pushy Aya (if you turn her down) just to spite you 2. Those two picked him at once over you. As I said it could be both from his perspective. I can imagine the guilt of those two girls later on if that happens and the anger of MC, since it doesn't seem MC is a kinda guy that would fall into grief but rather in fury, then again it would be interesting how he would get back at those three in worst outcome route since misunderstandings are most dangerous after all.

Another thing that interests me is that i... don't know if these girls realize but agreeing to Luka demands and having sex with him would just fuel more and more content for him to blackmail them further and further, it's a neverending machine of content for him and guilt for them, then again in extreme cases they would find to like him more then 'uncaring' MC. Luca could be even recording them, or what they say, then threat when they wish to back out when it's getting too far, there is really a lot of way for the game story that can go.

Regarding how Luka works ... surprisingly he cares to take away what he thinks MC cares about the most, so if MC became detached from both of them it would actually put him in a bit of loss, I doubt he loves them it's just a play for him and if he doesn't care anymore it's just an issue to deal with. MC should worry about his position at work then since it's what he's attached to him the most? hard to say what Luka would think of to torment MC further if girls weren't enough, then again it's to like he's not enjoying their 'company'

I am nearly sure that game is going to let us go with Aya when we in some way or another find out about Luka and Laura cheating, probably through an open door or some keyhole, as to put us on track with her instead, when we deny her second time it's prop when Luka is going to blackmail Aya in some way or another.

Doubtful there is going to be 3rd girl in the game but if so then it would be the preferable choice over those two, since there is always a choice, even if the outcome seems terrible or like no choice. Both of the girls are worthless, one for letting it happen since without Aya it wouldn't and she's stupid enough to only get dragged by double blackmail by him since he doesn't care if Harry finds out but she does, and she gives him videos, messengers, recordings on phone from both of them, plant of ammo to work with just time for him to gather so he would blackmail them both, so sooner or later it'll lead to threesomes, Laura thinks about Harry and what's best for him but if it was the case she wouldn't be such coward, because of what she's doing she's pushing everything further and further, giving more ammo to Luka, in the end both of girls falling for him, becoming corrupted, it's unavoidable if you refuse Aya but then again that's what you get for being cheating, there is no good or bad cheating it's just is how it is.

In the end very fun game so far, for someone who enjoys real-life drama and mystery. so keep up the good quality work.
Luca aim's to take both girls that much is given, however his reasoning is unknown. We know MC had some traumatic past with him, does he simply enjoy tormenting MC? Or is there more to it. I also think MC is will fall to grief, the way he avoids remembering his past suggests that.
My guess is that if you want to go with Aya you will need to do it with the first choice avialable. If MC picks Aya as a rebound from losing Laura, Aya will be too involved with Luca at that point and will succumb to him as well.

Laura intends to come clean about the whole cheating situation as soon as the blackmail become invalid due to project moving to public phase. She knows it is the only way to break blackmail chain from Luca and hopes that MC will understand she did it for him.

There won't be third girl , if you think that MC should at given moment just forget about those girls and move his own way, then that is the moment you want to close the game and finish the story with your imagination.
4.10 star(s) 113 Votes