How do you know HC posted the version ? he never said he did. It is possible to just report the op with link to the version and mods will update it.The Edge Of got posted here by HC up to 0.8 or 0.9, and the full version got released on Steam (subject to certain conditions - time, amount of support - patrons got keys or download link). Then it got leaked here. Not by HC but some hero or mod. Easy solution, isn't it? That's when a leak comes in handy.
Then again. If the plan is to have it everything - to milk patrons and then start selling the final version via different establishments like Steam and/or Asian publishers - maybe leaking is the way to go.
Do understand that there is difference between leaking the game silently and openly stating you will be posting the game for free. If you release your game for free then you lose on the copyrights and the game henceforth can be redistributed without your consent (or at least you won't be able to sue for damages ) and so it is unlikely any publisher would pick your game.
Also the most successful Patreon projects do just that they get founding from Patreon and then sell game on Steam.
Is this a serious question ? If you go to shop with 2$ and the product costs 5$ what do you get?I'm kind of curious about 1-4$ level patrons by the way - what do they get in return besides some moral satisfaction of supporting the game they like and access to posts/discord. The new versions appear monthly. Will they get the final version eventually like it was with The Edge Of? If so, I think it's not explicitly stated on Patreon. Making it clear might help attract some lower tier patrons. If not, when a new version appears, and those patrons fancy to try it, do they have to rely on piracy e.g. look for the game to be leaked here? Even if they invested already, say, a dozen or two bucks? I'm not big with Patreon but isn't it unusual that patrons, even small ones, don't get access to a game which development they finance as it fleshes out over time?
You seriously expect the dev to count every dollar he gets and see if someone should get some benefits?
If you can spend 2$ a month then you save till you have enough and pass tier. I don't think the dev decided how much total pledge is needed to get game when completed, i guess it depends how big it gets in the end.
Also Patreon got some static fees or its payment fees , anyway 5x1$ is far less for the dev then 1x5$.
Dunno if it unusual but it most certainly happens that there is no "accumulated" pledge reward.
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