VN - Ren'Py - Completed - A Promise Best Left Unkept [Bonus Scenes S2 7-8] [Hangover Cat Purrroduction]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Only a couple of scenes thus far, but the writing is very well thought out and the drawings are very high quality. The story revolves around the player interacting with his girlfriend, a coworker, and his highschool bully. Unbeknownst to him his highschool bully is seducing those around him. There are two perspective playthroughs, the first is only the mc's view, and the second is the view of both the mc and the other characters. Great potential.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: V0.1.0 -- INITIAL RELEASE


    Wow - just wow. This is one of the best NTR games I have played in quite some time. The story is very well-thought and narrated in perfect english. The corruptive and manipulative schemes (something very important in every NTR game) are designed in a very intelligent way. The characters have great personalities and backgrounds and the CGs are very beautifully done. On the technical side of things everything runs fluently in this state of the art VN. Congrats to the devs, I am very eager to see this game develop and the story to unfold. I am totally hooked!

    Taking a closer look:

    The game uses the RENPY engine which is the perfect solution IMO for visual novels. This way there are absolutely no compatibility problems or technical errors. The game runs just absolutely fluently and you can enjoy the story without any interruptions.
    So far there is one choice at the beginning of the game. You can decide whether to play the mystery route (story unfolds only out of the POV of the protagonist) or whether you want to see all perspectives. This way you have two totally different game experiences. I persoanlly prefer less but meaningful choices, rather then lots of choices that dont have any impact at all. Whether there are going to be more choices implemented is something we have to see as the game grows. Though my personal opinion is that there are not going to be a lot of choices in this game, as this is a novel in the first place. But we will see.
    This section will be rated positively (+).

    Atm this game does not have a lot of content to offer. There is some verbal harassment, one groping and two H-scenes happening, but thats it for now. Still, for a first release this is quite something as action really starts to roll already and I am left behind with the feeling that I want more! Actually I rather hope that the corruption process wont be happening to fast, so that the game will stick around for quite some time and will be filled with loads and loas of content and we get to see a very nice corruption arc (one of the most important things in a NTR game IMO). The last scene somewhat proofed to me that we might be lucky and the devs really want to take their time to squeeze the fruit. And it also proofed that the devs are quite smart about the development process. A first release needs some H scenes, they delivered those but on the other hand showed that its not going to be that easy and fast. Wondering what I am talking about? Go have a look for yourself! ;)
    This section will be rated positively (+).

    The art in this game is absolutely stunning and beautiful. The CGs are done very well and I love the character design. Thats of course something rather subjective, but both female MCs are exactly what I want to see. They got beautiful curves, their CGs feature some nice physical properties and the lightening is done very well.
    Though I have to say that I really would like to see more CGs. Especially in scenes where the female MCs get verbally harassed by the antagonist (in the bar for example) or where they get groped or within the H scenes. I will give you an example: When the blue haired female MC gets her ass groped by the antagonist we only get to see her ass beeing fondled. I would really want to see a long shot/wide-angle of both characters as in such groping scenes it is very arousing and interesting to see the facial expressions of the characters. Also in general I would like to see one, two CGs more and one, two different shots/angles more. Otherwise its already perfect.
    This section will be rated positively (+).

    The story is exactly what I as a long time NTR fan waited for. It features an awesome base for a great corruption/NTR story. Of course the story is very much a subjective matter, so lets start with the more objective points of interest.
    Firstly, its very good english! I didnt find any repeating or greater mistakes, apart from some minor spelling errors. The devs are actually quite eloquent and the story progresses very fluently.
    Also the story is narrated with a very nice pace; you get introduced to the background of the different MCs, get some sweet bonding and relationship moments and story input. Then the antagonist appears and slowly crawls into the life of the MC and starts to unfold his schemes. The game doesnt fall to common mistakes many NTR games make, such as instant corruption, sex and so on and rather takes its time with a slow corruption (featuring harassment and groping) whitout beeing boring or too slow (not AWAM-style).
    Concerning the genre, this is a NTR Type B game (non-consensual at the beginning, but later on the heroines fall for pleasure and succumb, resulting in consensual affairs). Both female main characters are very strong-willed and intelligent and dont like the male antagonist at all. He tries to make them fall for him by plotting an evil scheme that he wants to use to blackmail and manipulate both female MCs into having sexual intercourse with him. His superior skills and phisiques in bed then arouse and slowly corrupt both female characters. At least this is somewhat the antagonists plan. See for yourself how he is going to put this off without using any magic, potions or mind control (like in 80% of all NTR games) and whether he will succeed.
    This aspect will be rated very positively (++).

    Adult and pornographical aspects
    The scenes are very hot from different perspectives. The dialogues are very hot, the build-up and setting of the scenes is very hot and the CGs are fucking hot. So every aspect is complementing each other with one minor downside beeing that there are a little too less CGs and camera angles for each scene. That said, I do hope that the devs improve the number of CGs and angles but nevertheless think that especially for lovers of the genre this game is higly fappable.
    This topic will be rated positive (+).

    Development progress
    Cant say a lot here. The game got released today here on f95zone. We will have to see. The dev seems to have an account here on f95zone, lets see whether he communicates with his community and whether they are reacting to feedback and critics or not..
    This section is rated neutral.

    Final conclusion:

    The size of the different sections represents its impact. The colors represent wether the impact is positive, negative or neutral.
    Gameplay (+)

    Content (+)
    Art (+)
    Story (++)
    Adult (+)
    Development (+/-)



    Fap you very much?

    Not a whole lot of content yet, but the content is good and if you are a connoisseur of the genre you might already be at fap-a-lot.

    Future sight:
    This game has huge potential. People are craving for good NTR games as there are far to few. I hope the corruption arc keeps a nice pace and there are going to be some unexpected turns twistes in the plot's future but apart from that I have high hopes for this game. Maybe a little more CGs, pretty, pretty please... ;)

    Last words:
    This game had a great start and set the bar very high. Lets hope the devs can keep the bar up there and this game will be bonkers. It might earn its seat next to the biggest titles of this genre, the potential is at hand!