A realistic incest mother son game idea

Jan 29, 2018
Bonjour à tous.
je viens de tomber sur ce fil et je me permet d'y apporter mon grain de sel (ou de folie ?...). Avant de commencer réellement j'apporte à votre attention que beaucoup de psychologues font état de 3 grands tabou primordiaux et impardonnable : Le meurtre, le cannibalisme et l'inceste...
Si l'on fait abstraction des vielles civilisations, aucune de ces trois chose n'est plus pratiqué (normalement) aujourd'hui et c'est tant mieux !!!
Pour le cas de l'inceste, il y à une barrière mentale que nous acquérons enfant et qui empêche de voir nos parents comme des partenaires sexuelle. Œdipe n'ayant pas connu sa mère lorsqu'il était enfant, n'en ai donc pas pourvu, vous connaissez la suite.
Pour le coté réaliste, il me semble qu'il n'y à qu'une pathologie de l'un et/ou de l'autre pour expliquer comment une mère et son fils peuvent faire l'amour.

Hello to all.
I have just come across this thread and I would like to add my own thoughts (or madness?...). Before really starting I bring to your attention that many psychologists mention 3 great primordial and unforgivable taboos: Murder, cannibalism and incest...
If we disregard the old civilizations, none of these three things is practiced (normally) today and it is so much better!
For the case of incest, there is a mental barrier that we acquire as children and that prevents us from seeing our parents as sexual partners.
Oedipus did not know his mother when he was a child, so he did not have one, you know the rest.
For the realistic side, it seems to me that there is only a pathology of one and/or the other to explain how a mother and her son can make love.
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Jan 23, 2021
Here's an idea for you. It's a little more realistic in some manners but probably not so much in others. It also doesn't conform to the romantic ideals of a mother-son relationship implicit in this thread.

Our MC is the problem child and black sheep of a devout Christian family of 6 who lives in a small close-knit community of other devout Christians. Being a problem child, MC never experiences the love and care that his siblings do and it builds up a resentment in himself for his mother who he thinks favors everyone but himself. In his early teens, he found a comfort in porn that he never got from his mother. In a sense, he so subconsciously longs for a loving mother figure that it perverts his idea of what a mother figure is in the first place, that the only way he could get the nurturing love he desired was from a woman he could fuck. So begins his descent into depravity, or so it would have been. One day, he gets caught jerking by his mother. However, instead of the way the cliches go, instead of rubbing one out for her son, she is absolutely mortified. Keeping in mind that the family are devout Christians where fornication is a sin, Mom finally has enough of MC's shit and goes to the local pastor for help. The pastor, seeing the MC as an opportunity to keep his flock in line, sets up a public event without consulting Mom where he can make an example of the MC and publicly chastise him for all to see.

When Mom went to the pastor for help, she expected advice or a private scolding, not the public spectacle that it turned into. This builds up the initial regret she has, which will be important for later. While MC was being chastised, Mom sees a side of MC she thought he never had. Instead of the hard tempered demeanor he usually has when she scolds him, the MC breaks down in tears in front of everyone in attendance, terrified and belittled beyond belief. Mom, in utter shock and regret that she allowed something like this to happen to her son, turns away, unable to take the pain any longer. MC looks into the crowd and sees Mom, who he thinks at this moment hates him so much she can't even bear to look at him in the face out of embarrassment. And so hatred and resentment built up and steeled his heart, his tears subsided and what was once a frown slowly turned into a smile.

Seeing as he was no longer welcome at home and in that town, MC took his shit and left, allowing himself the ability to indulge in all his carnal desires and grow free from the influences of that devout Christian family and its morals. Years later, after a few casual murders and a couple of close-call bank heists, MC returns to the town where it all started, seeing as all the cheap whores he fucked could never replace the love and nurturing he wanted from his mother. Mom, left to wallow in her own dark thoughts about what she believed was a mistake she made that turned her son away, believed that her son and his unique situation was a test by God to see if she could make the right choice to save her son, but failed. She lived her life in the years following MC's disappearance, paranoid and terrified of the punishment God would bring down upon her. After a while, she decides if the time ever came that God would punish her, she would resign herself to her fate and take any punishment as he deemed fit.

With that thought in mind, in comes MC, back home after years of being missing, to visit the one person who he despised and loved the most to reclaim the love and nurturing he thought he deserved in the only way he knew how to be loved: sex. And so, after a very brief moment to catch up, MC makes very assertive moves towards her sexually and, being a devout Christian woman and mother, she rebukes him, disgusted at his intention. But he continues despite her struggles and eventually he hits jackpot. Mom's eyes roll back and when they reorient themselves, whether by coincidence or a higher power, her eyes settle on her little shrine to God, and she takes this act to be her punishment. So, she resigns herself to her fate and allows her son to pump into her repeatedly, citing that she'd do anything for God's forgiveness. MC laughs and says, "There's no God here, only you and me Mother."

And it goes on from there, he continues fucking her until he convinces her that, as part of his own twisted joke, that God's punishment is that he has closed the pearly gates to her and she is to spend an eternity in the pits to be fucked by the same soul she doomed there. As the last part of his revenge, he fucks her in public, in full view of the same people who chastised him when he was young.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
I'm sorry but I think the concept is fatally flawed. A few games have attempted a "realistic" approach to incest and, IMO, they all fall apart. Since you plan on starting the game after their first hookup, technically you would avoid the problem of realistically building a relationship that results in sex, but instead you want to address the underlying trauma. At a very foundational level I don't think this sounds like a very fun game. I know that we all have kinks, and that we're here to explore our sexuality, but dealing with issues of trauma is a whole different thing.

Among many of the challenges you face, let me just address the age of the MC. I hate, hate, hate this insistence that male MC's must be 19 or 20 year's old. This causes all sorts of issues regarding realism. Let's put aside the fact that she's banging her 19 year old son, who is probably a virgin because that's how these games work. It's hard to craft a premise for why these two would have sex that doesn't require one or both of them to be monumentally troubled. For the mother, how does she get over the idea that she sees her child as a sexual partner without there being years of sexual tension between them? If there were years of tension, now you're treading dangerously close to a relationship that will get you shutdown. If there was no tension, and she just magically woke up one day and wanted to have sex with him, then that's just lazy writing. For the son, what does he have to offer a mature woman? I'll let you guys in on a secret that you don't want to hear, young men are bad at sex. Been there done that. Not good. When both partners are young it's ok, I mean I didn't know what I was doing either; but a mature woman is NOT going to wowed by a 19 year old kid. In fact, she's going to be turned off because she KNOWS he's going to be bad at sex.

What you're going to end up dealing with is a relationship that is fundamentally unbelievable. You're going to ask the audience to then follow you on a ride where the MC and his mom are upset by their relationship, struggling to process what they've done, and yet they keep doing it. All while they never had a good reason for it to happen in the first place. He wouldn't be interested in her without years of grooming, and she wouldn't be interested in him just because she's lonely. It's a complete dead end.

I could go on and on and on about the challenges this premise will face, but I don't want to totally shit on your idea.

Instead, I would retool it. Go with a stepmother situation, with an adult son that she has only ever known as an adult. Maybe the MC's father is roughly 60 years old, and he remarried a younger woman, say someone who was in her mid 30s when she got married (god forbid she be any older). Make the MC about 25 years old at the time of the marriage. Set the game 5 years after the marriage, so now the MC is 30, the step-mom is ~40 and the father is 65. These age gaps aren't so bad, and it puts the MC and the stepmother into a more believable relationship. Both could see one another as sexual creatures, but there's still the taboo of their relationship. In my mind, this allows for a lot more flexibility in your story while also avoiding difficult topics like trauma.
Jan 29, 2018
Il y a quelques mois j'ai eu l'idée d'une histoire.

Un fils qui ne comprend pas pourquoi sa mère ne l'aime pas beaucoup. un jour, le fils apprend qu'il à une terrible maladie et qu'il va sans doute mourir. Il ne le dis pas à sa mère car il veut, avant de mourir, regagner son affection et il est prêt à tout pour cela... Enfin c'est ce qu'il pense !
De son coté, la mère n'est pas marié, elle n'a pas d'homme dans sa vie et voue une haine (intérieur mais farouche) à son propre père (le grand père du personnage principale) qui est milliardaire (il possède une multinationale de luxe).
Voyant qu'il veux se rapprocher d'elle, la mère va utiliser son fils pour corrompre les gros actionnaires (ou leur femme et leur filles) afin de récupérer leurs part dans la multinationale de son père.

A partir de ce moment, le fils va être formé à l'art du sexe par sa propre mère, afin de séduire les femmes et/ou les filles des actionnaires et les faire chanter ensuite.
il s'en suit des situations humiliantes pour le MC ainsi que des actes mauvais qu'il sera obligé de commettre afin de regagner l'affection de sa mère qu'il désir tant avant de mourir.
A la fin, alors que des actes aux conséquences terribles ont été commis et que la mère crois qu'elle est en train de réussir à prendre le contrôle de la multinationale, le fils tend un piège à sa mère et son grand-père (il pense qu'il est devenu malfaisant à cause de sa mère) et les enfermes dans une cave. sous la menace d'une arme, a mère et le grand-père avouent tout : Le grand père à violé sa fille quand elle avait 16 ans (pour la punir de vouloir sortir avec des garçons) et 9 mois plus tard elle a eu un enfant, le MC...

Toute la famille est dévasté et écœuré. De dégoût, le MC tue son grand-père (il lui met un sac sur la tête) et se suicide de la même manière sous le regard horrifié de sa mère.
La mère se rend alors compte de ce qu'elle a fait à son fils (la seule personne qui l'aime sincèrement). Poussée par l'énergie du désespoir, la mère crie, pleure et se débat tellement fort qu'elle réussi à se libérer et sauve son fils (mais pas son ordure de père) qui a sombré dans le comas.

Dans l'épilogue, la mère va utiliser sa nouvelle fortune pour sauver la vie de son fils. Plus tard, ils vont devoir se reconstruire personnellement et choisir qu'elle type de relation il vont entretenir désormais.
Ceci pourrait être le dénouent de l'histoire avec plusieurs fins possibles.
-Se mettre en couple avec sa mère (inceste).
-Quitter sa mère et ne jamais revenir.
-Faire payer à sa mère ce qu'elle lui a fais (chantage, humiliation, etc).
-Pardonner à sa mère et faire en sorte que tous deux reprennent une vie normal (trouver un homme pour la mère et une petite amie pour le MC).

A few months ago I had the idea for a story.

A son who doesn't understand why his mother doesn't love him very much. One day, the son learns that he has a terrible disease and that he will probably die. He doesn't tell his mother because he wants, before dying, to regain her affection and he is ready to do anything for that... At least that's what he thinks!
On her side, the mother is not married, she has no man in her life and she hates her own father (the main character's grandfather) who is a billionaire (he owns a luxury multinational).
Seeing that he wants to get closer to her, the mother will use her son to bribe the big shareholders (or their wives and daughters) in order to get back their shares in his father's multinational company.

From this moment on, the son will be trained in the art of sex by his own mother, in order to seduce the wives and/or daughters of the shareholders and then blackmail them.
This leads to humiliating situations for the MC as well as bad acts that he will be obliged to commit in order to regain the affection of his mother that he so desires before dying.
At the end, while acts with terrible consequences have been committed and the mother believes that she is succeeding in taking control of the multinational, the son sets a trap for his mother and grandfather (he thinks he has become evil because of his mother) and locks them in a cellar. At gunpoint, the mother and grandfather confess everything: The grandfather raped his daughter when she was 16 years old (to punish her for wanting to date boys) and 9 months later she had a child, the MC...

The whole family is devastated and disgusted. In disgust, the MC kills his grandfather (he puts a bag over his head) and commits suicide in the same way under the horrified look of his mother.
The mother then realizes what she has done to her son (the only person who truly loves her). Driven by the energy of despair, the mother screams, cries and struggles so hard that she succeeds in freeing herself and saves her son (but not her scumbag father) who has fallen into a coma.

In the epilogue, the mother will use her newfound wealth to save her son's life. Later, they will have to rebuild themselves personally and choose what kind of relationship they will have from now on.
This could be the denouement of the story with several possible endings.
-To couple with his mother (incest).
-Leaving his mother and never coming back.
-Make his mother pay for what she did to him (blackmail, humiliation, etc).
-Forgive his mother and make sure that both of them resume a normal life (find a man for the mother and a girlfriend for the MC).


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
I like the idea and I've been making something similar for a couple of years, but more from the 'before' pov than your 'after'. in my story there is a separation too but it's before they develop sexual interest, caused by the son's violent father separating them. but I do also plan to include another separation after the initial falling, as the mother will try to reset the relationship back to platonic. but she will ultimately fail of course. that said, the latter separation is not gonna be high profile in my story but more like an interlude. my story focuses more on the internal denial than guilt.

but about the "what's realistic incest" part. over time I've tried to find real accounts of consensual adult incest to model plots after, and almost all of the stories I've found bear a striking resemblance to the exact type of plots people here routinely think are 'unrealistic'. all the usual cliches seem to exist in real world, from shower peeping to deliberately leaving door open while son/mom walks by, to mom pretending she's sleeping while son fucks her at night. often there's also components like an absent father and a lonely mom, which unlike some seem to think is not very uncommon in real world.

but the continuation in THIS specific category seems to be mostly guilt free, unlike in the abusive cases. often then incestuous couple seems to simply relocate to another area or country and live as a normal married couple there. but I guess this bit is pretty useless for our purposes as we'll want conflict in the story and even more importantly inner struggle with the issue.
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May 14, 2019
translate this story.... indian rural village incest sex story


Feb 12, 2020
Going post sex is the cleverest thing to do and might even make the story stand apart.
You can bring financial class into this. They were from small town and young, first time details doesn't matter but once he/she left town and become this wordly person the depression only deepened when he started having problems with college chicks.

son/mom had an unspoken falling out. Guy ashamed trying to forget making his living in the city and mom afraid back in small town now finds a job and after 5 years doesn't really talks to his son but moves out to city with his daughter.

People with horrible crimes in the past cope by doing benevolent things in the present.

She has long lasting anxiety whenever she looks at any young co-worker (not sexual) and thus did tries to go and help poor people tutoring. The guy could be extremely nice to girls now (because of trauma) which might show low confidence to his partners and is depressed.

But heart to any story is comedy.

I hate coincidences. So the guy moves to a really fine job (say public office because he poured himself into study) but needs background check from his real parents signature before handling any public office. (some govts do that) He has to seek her out now for this signature. She on the other hand should be involved somehow related to his job (NGO tutoring, Community hours lookout for the juvenile convicts, High profiles advocates assistant etc etc) that the guy can get in contact and because they both are reasonable person decides they both can advance their career by having a professional relationship and not talk about the taboo they did.

Now you have actual motive for two people to meet.
Actual motive for sexual tension as nobody in their separate work place knows they are related. A good writer can come up with funny moments because you HAVE to have it.
Sexual tension as both are dating separate people, sometime slips about their current bf/gf problems and finds out they are actually looking for qualities that they have in each other. (classic relationship scenarios, happens all the time with brother-sister duos).

Hope this helped.
Research is the key. Search and find out some Reddit threads, any documentaries related to incest. Move to Alabama and whatnot.

This is what we collectively are trying to avoid man
I remember an actual reddit AMA (you can google it) where the guy had his arms broken and his mom actually was releiving him 1-2 times a month with gloves. One day she just suddenly jumped his bones.