RPGM - Completed - A Rift in the Crypt [FINAL] [chimaLABO]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed this one, if I had to give it a negative it'd be that it's a bit short
    and that I got stuck on chapter 5 for a bit.

    The game also has a couple of different endings and mind control which are two of my favorite tags.

    4.5/5 I feel that the game is too short but it does a pretty good job at conveying corruption, mind control and NTR.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like the art style, the general concept and the corruption... But it's like they fell a little short. As if a few more scenes and it would be just awesome. I would also like it to be a little more diverse as in Curse of Kabul. Which is full of optional scenes that show gradual corruption.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The game gets a lot wrong but at least the cuck gets some action and the love triangle (square?) aspect is a little more interesting then the played out, typical ntr plot.

    First off the gameplay is really bad - choices are too binary (do you want to see the sex scene or not), vanilla playthrough has no added difficulty and just as uninteresting as the ntr playthroughs. You just run around and talk to people, collect things. There is one puzzle to figure out in the second chapter which contains the only piece of real thinking and gameplay. There's a big amount of endings but most of them are based on actions in the last chapter which means 90% of the game is a waste of time to play. Positive or negative based on who you are.

    Story is okay - a lot of fluff but it may payoff in future games (apparently they are trying to make this a series). NTR in here is super generic and childish, there's nothing to really grip into here. At least there's status changes that you can enjoy after h stuff.

    No voice acting at all, big miss, and although there is no animation a lot of games are able to do at least Live2D enhanced CG scenes so combined with the lack of va, the h-content is a little empty. Good chunk of scenes, though.

    With the scene gallery being scuffed (the game directly tells you this on booting up), you are kind of forced to play the game at least once to get the context of the scenes. I recommend accepting every sex option until it's one of the last two chapters when the game tells you to start making multiple saves, and at that point you keep one master save and follow the steps to watch the endings. You will probably get bored after seeing two.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    great game, takes yet another new spin to the regular RPGM games. this was a surprising play for me and found myself playing it for hours on end. The progression and pacing is great for what it is. Looking forward to the next game!
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The story is enjoyable, and the art is good. But the problem with the game is the below average sex scenes... There are very few of them, are not animated, lack variation and sometimes do not even take the hole screen.

    There's nothing really new for Corruption or NTR fans. I think it's a pass, unless you really are into "demon/succubus" genre.

    Rating: 5/10
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The best corruption games are those which are able to convey a gradual increase in tension.

    This game excels with well-paced corruption.

    Additionally, the double-NTR of both main characters getting seduced into cheating at the same time by the succubus-incubus duo, is a very fresh take on the genre.

    The game is freeform insofar as it allows players to voluntarily choose how deeply they sink into corruption.

    The game could benefit from being a little bit longer, but that's purely because I have enjoyed it so much.

    The artystyle is great, I encountered zero bugs. The sound effects are generic RPGM.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I really like the concept and most of the execution but it had two fatal flaws that to me remove it from the realm of great.

    I cant take seriously a chubby Incubus/demon....sorry but it cant, it kills the vibes.

    The nipples. Sounds silly but both girls have a really sexy desing but those nipples are a joke and literally bring sexyness down with the demon that had one too many burgers
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Very nice NTR game. My type. Various NTR - type endings. Even "good NTR" ending when both MC found their "new partners" and they're happy.

    Short, you can finish in around 3 hours. Nice arts. Nice story.

    Cons: lack of proper recollecton room. You cant acces to it from the main screen, even after unlocking it. And you won't get all scenes.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Thank god 'cheating' became a popular kink. I swear it's like the only way you can get some juicy drama in japanese porn.

    What I really liked about this was how your love interest is almost like a resource you have to manage. If you do poorly or take too long, your locked up boy starts taking too many looks at the succubus.

    I feel like it would have been even better if we just didn't have any control over Hayato at all. Some of my favorite parts of this story were where he protects you and you don't have the option to become corrupted.

    You can kind of play the game like this. Roleplay that Hayato's being a good boy doing his best. Episode 5 really gives you a ton of options for this - there are so many branches from this point that it makes up for how short the final Episode is.

    If you're going the corrupt Celia and pure Hayato route you get some, in my opinion, extremely yummy choices. From here I'll spoil that arc because it's my fav.

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    Four stars - made my heart beat in excitement and anger.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    A game where I WISH there was a bit more resistance, instead of it handing things to you

    -REALLY good characters. The FMC is resistant to lewds and tries her hardest to not get corrupted, while the male love interest also tries his hardest to not get corrupted
    -FMC has her own desires to "let loose"
    -Pretty easy puzzles, but not so easy that it feels handed to you.
    -Writing is fairly good from what I can remember
    -CG room unlocks everything, so even if you miss something it doesn't matter

    -The whole premise of the game is "don't fall into lust/temptation of the succubi!", but there's not much reason to fall. Sure, if you fall, you can see the sex scenes...but that's it. There's no other incentive that would force the FMC to fall into temptation. No "I need money", no "I need that item", no "If I don't, he will die", etc. It's just "Do you wanna bone, yes or no?". When there's no wiggle room, it doesn't really feel rewarding to resist corruption, or to fall into it.
    -Because there's no reason to accept sexual advances, the game can kinda feel like a walking simulator. So, you're torn between "I will stay pure because the resistance is what makes it hot!" (but not ever have it pay off), and "I will slutify myself and feel no personal attachment to this FMC".

    Overall, its a really solid game that could do with a bit more polish
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, but it's pretty short in my opinion. Could use some more CGs and should help you in bits that would often get you stuck especially the puzzles. Sometimes you don't even know what to press anymore or you've tried everything and now you're lost as to what to do. But Overall, the art was great, decent sound effects, fitting music, just needs some more content to flesh things out.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Good thing this is trying to be NTR otherwise nobody would take any notice of it. As it stands, the game spends most of its time faffing about with contrived nonsense subplots rather than things that could be considered even remotely sexy and the "NTR" bits are just cutting to the guy spilling his spaghetti in front of a succubus for way too long to be any form of interesting. The art is almost good, but the artist can't draw nipples to save his life and there's not nearly enough of it. There's not even 10 proper scenes in the game and the cut-ins used to fill in the gaps wear out their welcome very quickly as most of the scenes are just showing the same handful of cut-ins over and over while some screen effect plays.

    Ultimately you can tell the dev at least tried, so 2 stars but don't waste your time on it.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    What was at first looked like a great idea turned out to be a load of crap.
    The game has 5 episodes and must say only the first two of them were somewhat decent, then the shit started.

    Considering how small the game is and tied into the various decisions made, it's simply unforgivable not to polish them to a high shine. For example, in episode 3 I found out that the game didn't give a shit that I didn't kiss the antagonist and they just stated it as fact that happened. In episode 4 they left the player no choice at all and forced the heroine to give a blowjob. Honestly, based on the first few episodes I really thought that I had finally stumbled upon a game where the depravity happens because of the player's actions and mistakes, but no, it's done as crappy as possible.

    Especially noteworthy are the level dialogues and the logic of the characters. Here is one example. An incubus locked a girl and her boyfriend against their will in a church dungeon and forced them to play a perverted game. Meanwhile, the girl is also a war veteran and clearly must realize what demons are capable of. In the third episode he tells us to talk to the doll, the doll sends us to another room where she is about to be attacked by a living armor, the girl is terrified of this(!) (she is a war veteran, I remind you) but incubus appears and destroys the armor. The girl feels grateful to him(!) and decides to thank him, and he tells her that he loves her and that he's really a nice guy who cares about her. And then he says that he used up a lot of mana and his regeneration is too low, that why the girl should help him replenish his mana by giving him a blowjob! What kind of retard he thinks this girl is? And for whom such situations with this logic designed for? Fortunately, we can reject this pathetic attempt at seduction by a good-for-nothing incubus, but in the next episode we are not given a choice at all. This is the level of dialogue logic in this game. You know, if I was interested in playing these games just for the artwork, I'd rather just watch animations on a site like rule 34, and would leave it to someone else to enjoy a game with dialogues on the level of the plumber came to the girl's house to "clean the pipes." By the way, the same incubus is not able to basically push the right buttons on a girl to seduce her in any way, apparently realising this, he basically uses demonic magic to charm her. That's why I hate mind control games, basically any kid can make a game like that, you don't have to think about anything, just make the characters fuck because it's magic. And that's the recipe for success, you don't have to think about characters personalities, their inner conflicts, their personality traits when you can skip all that and seduce them with magic. By the way, the succubus manages to seduce a guy just because he is a typical virgin who forgets about his beloved at the moment he sees naked tits. So no real intrigue here either. It's also worth noting that up until episode 4 we are still given the option of resisting their magic, and preventing corruption. But it's just a dialogue option, which again seems like a laziness and inability to come up with original solutions. There could have been mini-games where we as a player would have to perform some sort of in-game actions to avoid being seduced.

    All in all, initially I wanted to give it two stars, at least for the idea of a couple being corrupted separately and for trying to tie gameplay to corruption, but after reaching the 4th episode and realizing how unoriginal everything is done, I realized that it's a complete failure, so only 1 star. The art is also unremarkable, by the way. Sometimes I really wonder how some Japanese studios manage to make genitalia look normal, even with censorship, so that it doesn't ruin the scene, while others make it as shitty as possible. This game is the latter case.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I think this game is an interesting one. It's not a new concept, but the execution is new with the hero literally trapped in a different room while the heroine overcomes puzzles. The art is awesome though I wish there was a bit more of it, the corruption isn't instant but doesn't take 2 hours to get anywhere.

    My big gripe is that some of the mechanics of the levels were fun, specifically the first one looking for hints and the traps on the floor, some were OK such as the doll investigation, but some parts were -incredible- tedious, such as the library walking back and forth. I found the plot and challenges for the player made less and less sense as the game went on.

    I wonder if the developers were trying different game design aspects, because it really felt like for each "chapter" they were learning a different part of design and just tried to use that. I didn't find it worked particularly well as the game dragged on, because some parts of it, specifically the first couple investigations, were a lot of fun, which made other ones just feel like a letdown.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game with a pretty nice story and great arts. Only complaints I have is that there is no animated scenes and no voice implemented. But since this is the first game made by this dev (according to the DLsite), it is very good. Definitely looking forward to more games from this dev.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    An actual interesting premise where the characters have legitimate goals that makes you want to try all the different endings both good and bad. This kind of story is rare and I haven't seen in a while in a genre thats getting more stale and the Chatgpt MTL is actually a solid translation

    EDIT: A bit short towards the end once you get to the parts with most of the content but still enough to satisfy before you find a new game to move on too
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Sword of Slaanesh

    Fun game if you like branching paths, the translation was okay, the main girl you control is hot, and the female succubus is not bad, although the main douche-evil guy was just generic, and the game would be better with free roam erotic scenes, but all in all, I am looking forward to the devs future games.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    A pretty little game with excellent machine translation, even if there is the occasional wrong pronoun that makes you go "WTF am I reading" for a moment here and there.

    The art is perfectly adequate in my opinion, but the game lacks in almost every other department. The characters are not really developed, relying more on their respective archetype to fill the void. The erotic scenes seem equally underdeveloped and they will probably make your erectile tissue somewhat sad and disappointed.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    For this to be the group's first game, its very good. With that in mind, many of the cons I have for this game can be fixed next time around.

    • The game is mostly fair when it comes to not corrupting Celia. There are points where you are forced to raise your corruption because of the story, but most times, you can avoid h scenes without thinking how unfair it was. The only time I got mad was in EP 4 where Krone forced an h scene and Celia could have lost her virginity as a result and it's like, “I want the slow burn corruption, not the forced one.”
    • The game’s story is good. There is a double corruption going on so it's not just NTR, but cheating as well. Celia has a choice to commit the act, but Hayato doesn’t (which will be listed in the cons). Celia and Hayato can escape together so long as they play Sadi’s game where Celia can find all 4 numbers scattered around the basement and by completing certain tasks. Celia is pretty smart but she lacks the magic to avoid hypnosis spells. Hayato comes in with the protection spell to stop her from getting hit. Over the course of the six episodes, Hayato gets more corrupted thus is unable to protect Celia opening up more chances of corruption.
    • There are multiple endings depending on how much you caved into the double sex demon trap. Hayato can fall completely half-way through making the chance in the game rules more apparent that there is no longer a win condition. You both need to escape or you're doomed.
    • The humor in this game is pretty funny. It almost reminds me of Disgaea humor with how ridiculous the demons are and how casual they are in the library.
    • H scenes are sexy. The slow burn is on point for most scenes.
    • The Two Heart system is really well implemented. Depending on where you are in the game and how far the corruption is determines the current status of the two. Again, it's easier for Celia to maintain her determination while Hayato easily falters. You can see on the bottom left of the main screen if Hayato’s dialogue changes.
    • Sadi and Merril’s plan is rather smart. It tests how committed the two young lovers are and if they are willing to stay committed. Both play into their insecurities at a few points (Celia is allowed to see right through Sadi’s words though).
    • Sadi and Merril are also rather well-written for villains. At first, Sadi’s notes are all praising him and he won’t take negative comments as facts. Episode 3 and 4 give a different perspective of his character when trying to play mind games with Celia. He claims he’s not all that powerful and that he’s not even the main demon, so he feels insecure about his appearance and powers. Other demons (not humans being corrupted) mention how Sadi is a really strict guy but rewards those who do well. I wonder if the books in the library have truth in them. Merril also seems to have a backstory and takes offense to being called a demon without a heart. We know she has some virtue as shown in the true ending, but what happens will be based on the sequel.
    • The AP system is rather smart. In Episode 1, it’s used up quickly as a way to explain how the gameplay works, but AP determines how many times you can falter before you succumb to Sadi in that chapter.
    • There’s a really good plot twist in the middle of the game under the assumption Celia isn’t deeply corrupted. It makes the true ending worth it given how the foreshadowing is really good. (We do see a lot of it in episode 1 and how Hayato reacts to certain information).
    • Art is great
    • This is the company’s first game. That in itself is impressive because there are no bugs in the game. The magic circle is in every area in case the game bugs out, but I haven’t experienced any bugs except in the h-gallery after you beat the game.
    • The H gallery is bugged. Images don’t always show up and you think the game is frozen. The H gallery also isn’t clear what are CG pictures and what are replay scenes. The way the H Gallery is formatted is a mess. It should be grouped by the girl experiencing the sexual encounter and not CG. This means Celia should be listed first and Merrill second. Other characters are in their own section. I also think that CG and scene should be in the same image because the labeling is listed twice.
    • Not all the H scenes are in the gallery. The game tells you to save at certain points to get the scenes, but the problem with this is that there is no real indication on where you should save to get specific scenes not in the gallery.
    • A lot of plot points are left on a thread because this is only the first part of this series. I’m fine with this because it leaves me wanting to know more, but there is so much stuff going on that you just want to be given more to the lore.
    • Hayato is weak as fuck and would not survive the winter. I went for the best ending of avoiding every h scene and denying the chance to increase corruption unless forced. Hayato doesn’t seem to care until the very end where the option actually matters to protect Celia. It made me not believe in him because of how he just stopped trying to use his magic to protect her mid-way into the game and while it makes sense to believe he can’t use it all the time. It should be damn clear that he’s not doing a good job. In the true ending, the fact he can still get tempted is a nice touch and I appreciate how he apologized for getting tempted and he won’t mess up anymore, but of course, if there is a sequel, it means there will be more chances for him to fuck up his relationship with Celia.
    • Krone is such a wasted character. The sequel will probably give her more to do. We see a flashback dedicated to showing her lose her comrades in front of her because of the succubus, only to be kidnapped and mindbroken by Sadi. The thing that pissed me off the most was her pretending to still be upset about everything and not knowing the whole truth of the war, but then she just comes off as villainous using mind control to force more corruption when it wasn’t needed in this particular scene. I lost any sympathy for her at that point and hopefully the sequel can show how far gone she is.
    • Not much music. I think it would have done good with some of the sexy RPGMaker BGM.

    Overall, would recommend playing it because without context, the h gallery doesn't make much sense.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Feng Lengshun

    I like the branching paths. This being their first major game (or was it outright first game as a group), I think they did pretty well in creating a story that I can feel somewhat invested in.

    There's a lot of paths you can take. The ending is mainly divided between... six or so final outcomes, but due to the way the story is structured, the whole journey feels more personal and satisfying than it should be, despite its length.

    The art is pretty good. Not actually that much lewd scenes, but I find the build-up to be perfect. If you're looking for that hardcore action, this isn't your game, but I'm looking NTR games where I can feel invested, and being able to chart the path for both the girl and the guy (with an option for where the guy betrays but the girl doesn't, even!) just makes me invested in the scenes building up to the endings.

    It isn't the most hardcore stuff, but man did I enjoy it.