Well, thank you for your honesty. Not everyone likes Dr. Pepper either, but those who do, really like it… as for future content, not every update will follow the same pacing. This first offering just went for a little shock-n-awe. Feel free to check back in later and see if it has evolved to meet your expectations.very short, low quality renders, kinetic, gonzo
Sorry but I am all for bimbo, but i dont like kinetic "games" and I prefer some kind of progress and not from "oh its already 6 and 1 hour past my bedtime" to "gimme that fat cock!!!" in one night.
Few days huh...The intent was just to get the ball rolling, and get a page setup. We’re only a few days away from a “full” update…
The comment that you are referencing, was made in regard to the very first release prior to the currently posted update. And yeah, the people who follow me on my official pages are just days away from yet another release, which will eventually make it's way here...Few days huh...
Short answer: Yes.I must say that woman in the main menu pic is smoking hot, love a bit of breastfeeding expansion and bimbofication will this have animations of any kind in the sex scenes or at least have a few looping pics to show any movement? Would love to see that piece of art moving
Just an idea have you thought about one of your future stories based on corruption? So maybe partly forced or tricked/lied to to gradually become a bimbo because of a nasty male member (father,grandfather,son etc) of the families mind control or mind break to fulfill their twisted fantasy, or controlled/forced due to an addiction by a family member or drug boss?
Not sure how big you plan on making your stories so might not be very feasible lol
Well, you weren't wrongThen you should love the next update...