It is not in my mind, it is not pretend, I literally posted a dictionary post at you explaining that percent means, by definition, "out of 100".
That is literally what that word means.
You can be "done" all you want, it won't change the definition of the word percent.
You are also derailing this into a semantics argument about the definition of the word percent when it is frankly utterly irrelevant to my argument.
Whether it is called percent or called something else is irrelevant. You can call it gagawoowoo for all I care.
All that matters is the inconsistency about the cap.
Inconsistency suggests a bug. either going above the cap is the bug, or not going above the cap is the bug.
The following evidence supports the bug being going above the cap:
1. 50 is neutral, 0 to 49 is Pure. And 51 to 100 is corruption. these figures strongly suggest 100 is meant to be the cap.
2. only 2 methods were found to exceed a value of 100, while every other corruption gain caps at 100 without exceeding it.
The following evidence supports the bug being not going above the cap:
... nothing.
I don't know what kind of "out of 100" you are talking about here. First of all 100% can be anything from 500 /500 or 150/150 or 100/100 or 10000000/10000000, the answer of fraction that we get is 1 which is 100% value of that number of divisions. I don't know who told you out of 100 is percentage. Percentage is how much division of numbers range from being 0 which means no division or 1 that all is division completed or more than 1 meaning we are going above the divisions etc.
It's percentage not "out of 100" as you think it is. I seriously doubt who taught you math at this point. Clearly not a proper math book.
Secondly percentage is only effective it that measure is being taken as reference point. In this game we are taking about integers not a single fraction thing is there as far as my memory allows me to think. All values are integers and nowhere ever I saw percentage except on skill chart telling you about how much % your stats are. Corruption, love money, items, etc stuff never ever.
Now also the inconsistency of the cap, When 50 is the neutral and going down is pure and going above 50 is corruption. That inference show us that when you reach higher values above 50 we hit corruption range, and going below 50 we reach pure range.
When did anyone decided the cap in the game and told us discretely? Nowhere in the game developer let know us at all. We just see and understand that. The caps are not hard set. In my game I am at 200 corruption since in contract with the witch.
I game is not letting you gain more corruption above 100 after that contract. Then that should be bug. Otherwise none of us know what real cap will ever be for corruption as only Dev know what he is coding the limits to.