Among Enemies
Good afternoon,
As another week draws to a close, it's time for a quick look back at what I've been up to over the last few days.
The week started with me taking up something that was originally planned as a fan scene. I'm not talking about the scene between Maui and Dasan that Soundflare has been working on (that scene is now by the way done and will be added in the update a big thank you for his swift work on this scene!) I'm talking about a scene between Tia & a mercenary at the camp that I've been working on in May last year in hope that the person who wanted to make that scene would write the dialog for it. Sadly even though pretty much everything else of the scene was done (script and images) the dialog was never finished... I had this lying around since then and wondered if it would ever get finished, but when I didn't hear back from the creator, I decided to finish it myself now. It didn't take that long and actually fits nicely into the new auto-hire option for mercenaries.
Another thing I worked on this week was the addition of Claire's anal animations for the Drunken fox at night. This was something I wanted to add for a while now, and now that it was requested again on the discord I finally decided to take the time to make the additional renders and add it in. So this together with her missionarry animation will be available for the scene in her bedroom when Kate is asleep/not in the room. I still haven't moved Claire's old animation to the dream section, so it will only be available if you catch Claire before she goes to bed.
And then of course I worked on Bianca's scene. For that I made some more transition images as well as an additional animation. The writing took a while but now it is finally done and I could move on to working on the goblin camp once more.
For that I had to create some fitting scenery in Daz3d, which you can now see in the titleimage of this post (Will be used for other animations at the camp).
I'm currently in the middle of working on the animations for the MC & Ugotha which will most likely take the rest of today.
Next week I'll be editing pictures, writing the story and realizing the scenes that are still on the to-do list for the release. I am aware that these to-do's are perhaps too many to do in one week, which endangers my planned release for the coming friday. I will of course still try to make it until then, but I don't want to raise any false hopes.
There's a bigger story section that I really want to include in this update to give it a good conclusion. So I hope you understand that it might take a little longer. I will definitely give it my all next week so that you don't have to wait too long.
For now I wish you all a nice weekend!