Not necessarily. It was understood that family education is responsible for the formation of a child's character, but this is not decisive. There are people who are very well educated in the moral field and are later corrupted, just as there are people who do not have any education and throughout life, only and from their character (which is born with them) they are able to have a high morality regardless of middle where they live. That is, you can even blame the family and the world, but in the end you were the one who made the mistake. Your choice.
I will gonna write this once, and thenif you keep with the topic I will not respond, I dont want the posts be deleted or being banned because of offtopic:
On what part of what I said, I talked about freedom choice in the unit as individual being?
I only told that your parents are responsibles of teaching you what is right and what is wrong, about good & Evil, responsability,morality and rules, that are some basics for the human being when you are a child. Because childs will not know from themselves what is good and what is wrong.
Your parents are responsible to give you enough education to make your own choices in the future(Having freedom).The next is up to you.
If you are asking people what is right and what is wrong, in the world. It means you lack the basics, and you cannot make your own choices, so you are condemned to follow the script of others, instead of being free.
I didnt talk about corruption of human being(but you talk about it because lolz). I didnt said about "If you make bad mistakes blame your family and the world"(and you said it) I didnt even digged depth about "What happens when you are an adult"? But you mention it (because lolz.)
That's it, I am done with the topic, moving on.
About ASWS on some girls I think there is enough information to know what is good and what is evil. I think is pretty clear:
-Do you want to Frisha get fucked by someone who doesn't give a shit, just for their body?You know what is right and what is wrong about this decision.
-Do you want to Bianca and Gavina being fucked by Goblins to breed even more goblins? You know what is the right and wrong about decisions.
-Do you want Ruman fall to murderer that doesnt give a shit about women and fear the orcs? You know what is right and wrong about decisions.
I could continue but it would be repetitive.
The best outcome is subjective and can only be appreciated by every player who makes their own decisions.