Alright, I finally got around to playing this game again. It's been a while and I would say I liked how the story progressed from the previous update. So far it's pretty interesting and didn't disappoint. The relationships were kind of confusing at first though. But after Verona, it became somewhat clear. She's grandma, Angela is mom, Enzo is brother, Bianca is sister and the last one is dad. At least, that's what I gathered while playing.
I will say though, this game could definitely use a glossary or something. A lot of characters and lore was given in such a short span that it was a bit of a hassle to keep track of who's who. Or what certain special status mean for certain beings in the game. Other than that, I didn't have any other noteworthy issues or anything.
I won't beat the dead horse by mentioning the similarities to another game. So I'll end by saying I hope the game progresses at a moderate pace going forward. While I don't mind waiting a long time personally. I would like to see the game progress.