Lt. Aldo Raine

Sharing Is Caring
Former Staff
Mar 24, 2017
Maybe im asking about two different codes so correct me please if im being ignorant. Why is the passcode in op listed as
[B]Passworld[/B]: "druggopile"
put in the games program coding it listed as follows. code.PNG


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2017
Maybe im asking about two different codes so correct me please if im being ignorant. Why is the passcode in op listed as
[B]Passworld[/B]: "druggopile"
put in the games program coding it listed as follows. View attachment 98189
Yes - that is the new password. OP needs to be updated. This has already been pointed out several times now (previous page)

Lt. Aldo Raine

Sharing Is Caring
Former Staff
Mar 24, 2017
Yes - that is the new password. OP needs to be updated. This has already been pointed out several times now (previous page)
Done. changed the "passworld"

Edit: Wont even try to insult your intelligence by saying I tried reading all these posts. In fact i read the least amount possible...none. Just saw a issue and wanted to see if it needed fixing.
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Feb 7, 2018
I remain amazed of the people that are defending them...this is why there is no motivation and
seriousness from the creators.

Anyway are you you need some medications ?
Defending and accepting the same reality I have watched multiple times over and over again, from artist in fields ranging from music to game making, are not the same thing. Geeksi ain't the first to do this, and he damn sure ain't gonna be the last.

Motivation for what? Guys to jerk off more? How often does that motivate you every morning? Lord knows I've been closer to that than most, and the only thing I cared about was the pay checks.

No one is ever gonna take porn games seriously as long as porn has a taboo aspect to it. Thing could make a million plus dollars and at most it would get a blurb somewhere. Maybe a full page write up in AVN, but Time magazine ain't gonna cover this crap.

You're asking me if I'm ok and you're the one bitching about some guy making a game you jerk off to...when there is god know how much porn out there along with actual people to fuck. Doing just fine mate.


Active Member
Aug 6, 2017
Shitting on someone you think is being lazy because he isn't making your wank material good/fast enough is pretty much stupid and reeks of some idiotic jealousness.

While I believe negative opinions can be good, unlike Dark Cookie, Geeksi stopped taking money while he went on break. He doesn't seem to be milking it for all it's worth. Maybe he is, and if you think so, stop giving him money. End of story.

A flaw is not "I don't like the art it sucks," that is an opinion.

Do you know him? Then how do you know he's lazy. People have lives. Making art takes times. I said the exact same thing about SS. Sometimes you just don't want to do the shit other people want you to do because you ain't feeling it. It doesn't make you lazy, it makes you human. Not wanting to make a bunch of horny dudes fap more doesn't exactly inspire you to work harder or anything.

An artist not wanting help isn't selfish, it's called artistry. It's also good business in a profitable sense, but still. Some artist can't work with other people for whatever reasons. It's hard, it makes the process slower, but welcome to the real world where you can't dictate what people do or don't. Geeksi could be making this for himself and not putting it out. I am greateful he's willing to share even if I don't like every single little thing about what he's doing. I can appreciate the effort at minimum.

Ever consider Geeksi has a life, a disability, personal issues, that occupy his mind, more than working on a stupid fap game so random yahoos can jerk off to? God damn you people take fucking jerk off games far too serious. If you don't like his workrate, stop paying him money and steal his work like a normal person. No one is forcing you to pay him. No one is forcing you to play it or pay it any attention.

If he wants to quit, good for him. Being adored because you make shit that gets perverts off isn't exactly a major life accomplishment. Having 100 plus pages of people discussion how they are getting off to your product and still bitching about it doesn't exactly thrill your heart.

I remain amazed people give this much of a shit about "a game" that is nothing more than fap material.
Can I ask you something? Is Geekski an adult who is capable of handling his own life? If yes, then why does he need cheerleaders coming to his rescue?


Oct 22, 2017
Shitting on someone you think is being lazy because he isn't making your wank material good/fast enough is pretty much stupid and reeks of some idiotic jealousness.

While I believe negative opinions can be good, unlike Dark Cookie, Geeksi stopped taking money while he went on break. He doesn't seem to be milking it for all it's worth. Maybe he is, and if you think so, stop giving him money. End of story.

A flaw is not "I don't like the art it sucks," that is an opinion.

Do you know him? Then how do you know he's lazy. People have lives. Making art takes times. I said the exact same thing about SS. Sometimes you just don't want to do the shit other people want you to do because you ain't feeling it. It doesn't make you lazy, it makes you human. Not wanting to make a bunch of horny dudes fap more doesn't exactly inspire you to work harder or anything.

An artist not wanting help isn't selfish, it's called artistry. It's also good business in a profitable sense, but still. Some artist can't work with other people for whatever reasons. It's hard, it makes the process slower, but welcome to the real world where you can't dictate what people do or don't. Geeksi could be making this for himself and not putting it out. I am greateful he's willing to share even if I don't like every single little thing about what he's doing. I can appreciate the effort at minimum.

Ever consider Geeksi has a life, a disability, personal issues, that occupy his mind, more than working on a stupid fap game so random yahoos can jerk off to? God damn you people take fucking jerk off games far too serious. If you don't like his workrate, stop paying him money and steal his work like a normal person. No one is forcing you to pay him. No one is forcing you to play it or pay it any attention.

If he wants to quit, good for him. Being adored because you make shit that gets perverts off isn't exactly a major life accomplishment. Having 100 plus pages of people discussion how they are getting off to your product and still bitching about it doesn't exactly thrill your heart.

I remain amazed people give this much of a shit about "a game" that is nothing more than fap material.
So you are cursing and complaining about porn games, and people who plays them in a porn games site?, really?, man the dude is not painting a mona lisa, he is making a porn game for people who wants to jerkoff, that's the reallity, if that fact turn his creativity off then he is taking the wrong direction for his "artist" career, don't you think?, and of course we know he have a life outside his "porn games creator job" (also dark cookie), actually i know he have a "real" job, netherless that doesn't hide the fact that he is getting a very good revenue considering that he is the only one working on the game, no matter if he decided to take a break and freezed the charging on his patreons (that should be a very good incentive), so is very simple, the man can't handle his own creation neither his own public. Do you really read my whole opinion?, i never claimed to know gee in person, i judged him based on his own work, also i never said that i don't like his work, i implied that i don't like his way to work, and about his personal problems, agenda etc, if he is not able to continue he should quit, very simple, i'm also a partidarian of "if you don't want to do something don't do it", but please don't use that fallacy to justify a mediocre performance and resource administration.
In the end is a shame that this game has a lot of potential (and luck) but it will never be finished due to its creator mediocre way to work and his poor mentality, i have seen games like this one in the past that failed because the man in charge couldn't handle or improve his work.
Pd: also working in a team doesn't slow down the way you work, of course talking about a good team with a good leader, a team improves the quality and speed of your work, also pardon me for comparing with dark cookie again, but DC started to develop bigger and faster updates since he hired extra help. so if you have personal experience with mediocre work teams i can understand your point, but in this case the extra help gets paid, so if they don't work good and fast they get fired, simple. man you excuse gee so much and give him the victim card here, also you bringed a lot of bullshit to the table, things that have nothing to do with his poor way to work (and i tried to respond to everything) and are just mere speculation to justify him, so again, if he is not comfortable (as you speculate) with people jerking off with his PORN GAME, he should be painting the horizon. and finally just to let you know that you are incapable of reading some criticism (just like geeski), i say this because of all the speculation and nonsense you bringed in, so again i'm not mad at you, don't take it personal, criticism is rough, but sometimes it has a lot of truth on it, if you think that i'm wrong you are free to prove it (with facts, not speculation).


Dec 22, 2017
a little helped, according to the phone I have to find the director of the school at the battle club, but my map is gone nowhere, or I have not yet left it I do not know someone will tell me how to find it?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2017
I didn't like the art at first, so only tried the game because of curiosity and high praises it's getting.

And started to like the game and its art, also good writing, good gameplay design increased my interest even more. Played for two hours.

But that parallel universe story killed the game for me, too ridiculous, total mess and pointless for me (yeah I know this is a porn game), also killed my every little bit attachment to any of the game characters.

Not the game for me, but good luck to the dev.


New Member
May 11, 2018
Can someone help me how you install the patch for Android? I downloaded it and extract, but don't know where to place.
Feb 7, 2018
So you are cursing and complaining about porn games, and people who plays them in a porn games site?, really?, man the dude is not painting a mona lisa, he is making a porn game for people who wants to jerkoff, that's the reallity, if that fact turn his creativity off then he is taking the wrong direction for his "artist" career, don't you think?, and of course we know he have a life outside his "porn games creator job" (also dark cookie), actually i know he have a "real" job, netherless that doesn't hide the fact that he is getting a very good revenue considering that he is the only one working on the game, no matter if he decided to take a break and freezed the charging on his patreons (that should be a very good incentive), so is very simple, the man can't handle his own creation neither his own public. Do you really read my whole opinion?, i never claimed to know gee in person, i judged him based on his own work, also i never said that i don't like his work, i implied that i don't like his way to work, and about his personal problems, agenda etc, if he is not able to continue he should quit, very simple, i'm also a partidarian of "if you don't want to do something don't do it", but please don't use that fallacy to justify a mediocre performance and resource administration.
In the end is a shame that this game has a lot of potential (and luck) but it will never be finished due to its creator mediocre way to work and his poor mentality, i have seen games like this one in the past that failed because the man in charge couldn't handle or improve his work.
Pd: also working in a team doesn't slow down the way you work, of course talking about a good team with a good leader, a team improves the quality and speed of your work, also pardon me for comparing with dark cookie again, but DC started to develop bigger and faster updates since he hired extra help. so if you have personal experience with mediocre work teams i can understand your point, but in this case the extra help gets paid, so if they don't work good and fast they get fired, simple. man you excuse gee so much and give him the victim card here, also you bringed a lot of bullshit to the table, things that have nothing to do with his poor way to work (and i tried to respond to everything) and are just mere speculation to justify him, so again, if he is not comfortable (as you speculate) with people jerking off with his PORN GAME, he should be painting the horizon. and finally just to let you know that you are incapable of reading some criticism (just like geeski), i say this because of all the speculation and nonsense you bringed in, so again i'm not mad at you, don't take it personal, criticism is rough, but sometimes it has a lot of truth on it, if you think that i'm wrong you are free to prove it (with facts, not speculation).
I'm not complaining about porn games, I'm complaining about people who think porn games need something more than what they are.

I think you are misunderstanding my point. Any artistic endeavour is an artistic endeavour, be it mona lisa or game making and sometimes, you just don't want to do it. At least with Mona Lisa's you can gain praise from the public. No one's gonna pat your back from making a game 100,000 spank it to. It's not motivating to you no matter how much money it might make you if you want to be known for something more. Don't get me wrong, it can be a great financial boon, but working for anything porn related really doesn't motivate your creativity and it can make you hate life.

I think he's more than capable of handling it, the question is, does he want to keep bothering with it. Besides money, there really is no motivation to make something you don't care about and won't stroke your ego, no matter how much money it makes you. If anything that should motivate you to hire someone to do the work, but people aren't always the most logical of creatures.

I know you don't know him, it's a point about we have no idea what's going through the guys life. And unless we do, all we can do is speculate.

The only reason he should quit is if he wants to. None of us should have any impact on that, but alas, we do. Nothing like finding a hundred pages of people talking about your work to fuck with your head and ego. Just one wrong comment and he could say fuck it all and disappear. That's sadly the reality of the situation. Still, he hasn't so why do you want him to just stop?

Mediocre performance suggest he knows how to do better. Do we have any proof he does? I get ragging SS on that because DC is apparently a game maker, but is GS?

Working as a team could work, but when you're a solo operation, bringing in another person doesn't always work and having it go bad can end everything. Some people simply aren't team players or don't work well in that environment. It sucks, but that's just the way it is sometimes.

You call it excuses, I call it an understanding of working with artist and creators. There is no formula. They aren't machines, they are people, and people don't always do the best or smartest of things. I get why GS does what he does because I've seen it before in other mediums. He's not special, he's just another person now dealing with demands from other people and he probably didn't expect what he's getting. Being a content creator in today's world is such a nightmare situation.
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Lt. Aldo Raine

Sharing Is Caring
Former Staff
Mar 24, 2017
That's a nifty little tool you got there, what is it exactly?
Not sure which tool you are referring to. I opened a game file with notepad++ then used a snipping tool for the screenshot.

No one's gonna pat your back from making a game 100,000 spank it to. It's not motivating to you no matter how much money it might make you if you want to be known for something more. Don't get me wrong, it can be a great financial boon, but working for anything porn related really doesn't motivate your creativity and it can make you hate life.
Please try to get back on game topic.​
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